Commonwealth Scholarship Commission funding for Distance Learning at the University of Manchester, UK, for students from Nigeria and Tanzania 2015

The University of Manchester is pleased to invite applications for scholarships for postgraduate study for the Master of Public Health starting in September 2015, through an online distance learning course. These scholarships are supported by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. The opening date for applications is Monday 16thFeb 2015, and the closing date is Friday 8thMay 2015.

The University of Manchester is the UK’s largest and most popular University and has a worldwide reputation for research, teaching and innovation. The Masters of Public Health (MPH) is only available through distance learning andscholarships will cover the cost of tuition fees and required text books. Students will also be invited to attend a study skills day in their home country each year. We assume that most students will work part time on the course and complete it within 3 – 5 years. Full details of the course can be found at:

Who is eligible to apply?

The scholarships are intended to support Nigerianor Tanzanian citizens, who would not otherwise be able to study for a UK qualification. Applicants should:

  • Be a resident citizen of Nigeriaor Tanzania and have not previously studied abroad, or undertaken a UK distance learning course.
  • Have at least 2 years work experience in their own country within the health care sector.
  • Have a clear idea how studying the MPH would benefit their country.
  • Hold a the equivalent of a first or 2.1 undergraduate degree classification in a relevant subject
  • Satisfy the MPH English language requirements
  • Have regular access to a PC and the internet - this is essential.

How to apply

Candidates are required to submit an application to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission through the Electronic Application System. More details can be found using the following link:

Your application should be accompanied by

  1. two signed references. One reference should be from your current employer, supporting your application to take on a part time degree
  1. Copies of your certificates

The deadline is Friday 8thMay2015 at 23:59 UK time.

If you have any enquiries concerning the application process please contact the admissions co-ordinator at or +44 (0)161 275 1648

School of Community Based Medicine,

The University of Manchester,

Simon Building,

Brunswick Street,

M13 9PL

Manchester, UK.

Combining the strengths of UMIST and

The Victoria University of Manchester