Redeveloped Monthly Management Report (MMR)

- A Guide for Senators and Members

January 2013

Monthly Management Report
2012–2013 Entitlements
August 2012

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Redeveloped Monthly Management Report (MMR)

- A Guide for Senators and Members

Explanatory Notes

Persons Covered By Report

Parliamentarian, Spouse/Nominee, Dependants, Designated Persons

Personal Employee

Electorate Employee

Office Budget Management 2012–13

Parliamentarian's Budgets Usage

Office Expenditure Budgets Usage

Employee Budgets Usage

Part A Parliamentarian's Expenditure Summary

Parliamentarian's Domestic Travel

Parliamentarian's Overseas Travel

Family Domestic Travel

Part A Parliamentarian's Expenditure Transaction Details

Parliamentarian's Domestic Travel

Travelling Allowance

Domestic Scheduled Fares

Car Costs

Parliamentarian's Overseas Travel

Overseas Study Entitlement

Family Domestic Travel

Domestic Scheduled Fares

Part A Parliamentarian's Additional Information

LeasePlan Fuel Transaction Report

Part B Office Expenditure Summary

Office Facilities

Telecommunications Costs

Office Administrative Costs

Office Employee Costs

Part B Office Expenditure Transaction Details

Office Facilities

Property Operating Expenses

Office Telecommunications Costs

Parliamentarian's Usage

Residential – Official Usage

Office Administrative Costs

Office Consumables and Services

Printing and Communications


Office Employee Costs

Office Expenses

Part B Office Expenditure Additional Information

OfficeMax Product Details

Part C Employee Travel Expenditure Summary

Personal Employee

Electorate Employee

Personal Employees Travelling Allowance - Nights In Canberra Usage

Part C Employee Travel Expenditure Transaction Details

Employee Travel Expenditure Summary

EMPLOYEE-ONE, Personal – Personal Employee

Travelling Allowance

Overseas Travel - Ministerial Visits

Domestic Scheduled Fares

Car Costs

Part C Employee Expenditure Additional Information

Employee Salaries

Relief Staffing Budget Usage

Additional Relief Staffing for Employee Bargaining Representatives Usage


Other Transactions Relating To Previous Financial Years

Financial Year – 1 Jul 11 to 30 Jun 12

Debt Reporting

Invoices Raised This Month

Invoices Paid This Month

Invoices Paid in Current Financial Year

Unpaid Invoices

Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Explanatory Notes

Explanatory Notes

2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Persons Covered By Report

Persons Covered By Report

Parliamentarian, Spouse/Nominee, Dependants, Designated Persons

Name / Classification / Period Covered / Home Base
SENATOR-MEMBER, Name / Cabinet Minister - Member / Canberra
SPOUSE, Name / Spouse / Canberra
DEPENDENT-ONE, Name / Dependant / Canberra
DEPENDENT-TWO, Name / Dependant / Canberra
DESIGNATED-PERSON, Name / Designated Person / Canberra

Personal Employee

Name / Classification / Period Covered / Work Base
EMPLOYEE-ONE, Personal / Secretary/Administrative Assistant / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-TWO, Personal / Adviser / Ceased 5 Jul 12
EMPLOYEE-THREE, Personal / Assistant Adviser / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-FOUR, Personal / Assistant Adviser / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-FIVE, Personal / Adviser / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-SIX, Personal / Executive Assistant/ Office Manager / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal / Adviser / Ceased 31 Jul 12
EMPLOYEE-EIGHT, Personal / Adviser / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-NINE, Personal / Assistant Adviser / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-TEN, Personal / Adviser / Ceased 15 Aug 12
EMPLOYEE-ELEVEN, Personal / Chief of Staff 1 / Canberra

Electorate Employee

Name / Classification / Period Covered / Work Base
EMPLOYEE-ONE, Electorate / Relief Budget Electorate Officer / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-TWO, Electorate / Relief Budget Electorate Officer / Ceased 1 Aug 12
EMPLOYEE-THREE, Electorate / Electorate Officer A / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-FOUR, Electorate / Relief Budget Electorate Officer / Ceased 1 Aug 12
EMPLOYEE-FIVE, Electorate / Electorate Officer B / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-SIX, Electorate / Electorate Officer B / Canberra
EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Electorate / Electorate Officer B / Canberra
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Office Budget Management 2012–13

Office Budget Management 2012–13

Parliamentarian's Budgets Usage

Budget Name / Budget / This Month / Year to Date / Balance / % Used
Family Reunion Interstate Travel / 3.0 trips / 1.0 trip / 1.0 trip / 2.0 trips / 33.33%
Family Reunion Pooling Budget / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 4.20%
Overseas Study Entitlement / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 31.11%
Travelling Allowance – Party Meeting / 10.0 nights / 0.0 nights / 0.0 nights / 10.0 nights / 0.00%

Office Expenditure Budgets Usage

Budget Name / Budget / This Month / Year to Date / Balance / % Used
Desktop and Handwaver Flags / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 0.00%
Office Requisites and Stationery / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 0.88%
Printing and Communications / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 1.96%
Publications / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 6.69%
Software Allowance / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 0.00%

Employee Budgets Usage

Budget Name / Budget / This Month / Year to Date / Balance / % Used
Electorate Staff Travel Budget / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 2.43%
Relief Staffing Budget / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / 97.47%

Please Note: The figure shown for the amount remaining in a budget is a guide only and may not be up–to–date if purchases have been made or expenditure incurred where Department of Finance and Deregulation has not received and/or paid accounts and invoices during the period which the MMR covers. In order to manage budgeted (‘capped’) entitlements, it is the responsibility of each Senator and Member to maintain records of all purchases against this entitlement, to ensure that the relevant budget is not exceeded. The amount of any overspend is a debt repayable to the Commonwealth. Where a Senator or Member is unsure about the amount remaining in their budget for a particular entitlement, budget usage detail reports are available from Department of Finance and Deregulation on request and should be used in preference to the information contained in the MMR.
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part A Parliamentarian's Expenditure Summary

Part A Parliamentarian's Expenditure Summary

Parliamentarian's Domestic Travel

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Travelling Allowance
General Travelling Allowance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Domestic Scheduled Fares
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Car Costs
Private-Plated Vehicle – Electorate
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Hire Car
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Parliamentarian's Overseas Travel

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Overseas Study Entitlement
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Ground Transport
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Family Domestic Travel

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Domestic Scheduled Fares
Interstate Fares
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Pooling Budget
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Spouse of Office Holder Fares
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part A Parliamentarian's Expenditure Transaction Details

Part A Parliamentarian's Expenditure Transaction Details

Parliamentarian's Domestic Travel

Travelling Allowance

Reference / Supplier / Description / Number of Nights / Clause / Amount
General Travelling Allowance
123456 / Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Canberra 13 Aug 12 / 3 / 8a / $1.00
123456 / Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Canberra 19 Aug 12 / 4 / 8a / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Domestic Scheduled Fares

Reference / Supplier / Description / Class / Notes / Amount
123456 / Supplier Name / AB123 – Perth to Canberra 22 Jul 12 / Business / 1 / $1.00
AB123 – Canberra to Sydney 23 Jul 12 / Business / 1
123456 / Supplier Name / AB123 – Canberra to Hobart 16 Aug 12 / Business / 1 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / AB123 – Hobart to Canberra 19 Aug 12 / Business / 1 / $1.00
AB123 – Canberra to Sydney 23 Aug 12 / Business / 9
Total / $1.00
1 / Sector flown.
9 / Flight details being confirmed.

Car Costs

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
Private–Plated Vehicle – Electorate
123456 / Supplier Name / ABC123 Lease 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / Deduction of Personal Contribution for Private-Plated Vehicle 31 Aug 12 / $1.00
123456 / COMCAR / Canberra – Suburb (6:56am) to Airport (7:41am) 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
123456 / COMCAR / Canberra – Suburb (9:25am) to Airport (11:41am) 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
123456 / COMCAR / Canberra – Suburb (4:04pm) to Airport (6:37pm) 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
123456 / COMCAR / Canberra – Suburb (10:56pm) to Airport (11:05pm) 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Parliamentarian's Overseas Travel

Overseas Study Entitlement

S1234 / United States / 1 Jul to 30Jul 12
Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
123456 / Supplier Name / AIR AB123 - Canberra to Sydney 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
AIR AB123 - Sydney to New York 1 Jul 12
AIR AB123 - New York to Sydney 30 Jul 12
AIR AB123 - Sydney to Canberra30 Jul 12
Ground Transport
123456 / Supplier Name / TRA RA -New York to New York 27 Jul 12 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / TRA RA - New York to New York 28 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Family Domestic Travel

Domestic Scheduled Fares
Spouse – SPOUSE, Name
Reference / Supplier / Description / Class / Trip
Count / Notes / Amount
Interstate Fares
123456 / Supplier Name / AB123 - Melbourne to Cairns 29 Jul 12 / Business / 0.50 / 1 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / AB123 - Cairns to Melbourne 3 Aug 12 / Business / 2 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / AB123 - Cairns to Melbourne 3 Aug 12 / Discount Econ / 0.50 / 1 / $1.00
Spouse of Office Holder Fares
123456789 / Supplier Name / AB123 – Sydney to Canberra 26 Jul 12 / Business / 1 / $1.00
AB123 – Canberra to Sydney 28 Jul 12 / Business / 1
AB123 – Sydney to Melbourne 28 Jul 12 / Business / 1
AB123 – Melbourne to Canberra 28 Jul 12 / Business / 1
Total / 1.00 / $1.00
1 / Sector flown.
2 / Sector not flown. Credit received in this/a subsequent reporting period.
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part A Parliamentarian's Additional Information

Part A Parliamentarian's Additional Information

LeasePlan Fuel Transaction Report

Reference / Driver Name / Supplier / Description / Odometer Reading / Fuel Litres / Amount
123456789 / Name Senator-Member / Supplier Name / ABC123 Unleaded (12:24pm) 3 Jul 12 / 1,234 / 1.00 / $1.00
123456789 / Name Senator-Member / Supplier Name / ABC123 Unleaded (9:46am) 6 Jul 12 / 1,234 / 1.00 / $1.00
ABC123 Transaction Fees (9:46am) 6 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part B Office Expenditure Summary

Part B Office Expenditure Summary

Office Facilities

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Property Operating Expenses
General Expenses
/ $1.00 / $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Telecommunications Costs

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Parliamentarian's Usage
General Expenses
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Residential – Official Usage
General Expenses
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Office Administrative Costs

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Office Consumables and Services
Office Expenses
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Office Requisites and Stationery
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Printing and Communications
Printing and Communications
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Office Employee Costs

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Office Expenses
Relocation Expenses
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part B Office Expenditure Transaction Details

Part B Office Expenditure Transaction Details

Office Facilities

Property Operating Expenses

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
General Expenses
123456 / Supplier Name / Electrical repair 30 Jul 12 / $1.00
Repairs and maintenance general 20 Jul 12 / $1.00
Window cleaning 17 Jul 12 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / Cleaning 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 / $1.00
Cleaning 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 / $1.00
Rent charges 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 / $1.00
Rent charges 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Office Telecommunications Costs

Parliamentarian's Usage

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
General Expenses
123456 / Supplier Name / Office fax 1 Aug 12 / $1.00
Office phones 1 Aug 12 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / Online SMS business 7 Aug 12 / $1.00
123456 / Supplier Name / Mobile phone 8 Aug 12 / $1.00
Supplementary mobile phone 8 Aug 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Residential – Official Usage

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
General Expenses
123456 / Supplier Name / Residential phones 11 Aug 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Office Administrative Costs

Office Consumables and Services

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
Office Expenses
123456 / Supplier Name / Occupational health and safety 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Office Requisites and Stationery
123456 / Supplier Name / General office consumables 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Printing and Communications

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
Printing and Communications
123456 / Supplier Name / Distribution 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Distribution credit 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Distribution late payment fee Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00


Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
123456 / Supplier Name / 22 The Australian 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
22 The Australian Financial Review 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
22 The Canberra Times 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
4 The Sunday Weekly 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
4 The Weekend Australian 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
4 The Weekend Financial Review 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
4 The Canberra Weekly 2 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Office Employee Costs

Office Expenses

Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
Relocation Expenses
123456 / Supplier Name / EMPLOYEE-ONE, Personal - Payment of temporary accommodation allowance / $1.00
Total / $1.00
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part B Office Expenditure Additional Information

Part B Office Expenditure Additional Information

OfficeMax Product Details

Delivery Docket / Customer Reference / Description / Amount
Occupational health and safety
12345678 / A11/1234 / 10 GLOVE NITRILE ## POWDER FREE / $1.00
General office consumables*
12345678 / A11/1234 / 2 PEN FINE LINE STABILO SENSOR / $1.00
12345678 / A11/1234 / 2 MARKER W/BOARD ARTLINE 579 / $1.00
12345678 / A11/1234 / 14 LABELS SHIP/NAME BROTHER / $1.00
Total / $1.00
*The marked categories form part of the Office Requisites Budget data. For further information and/or transaction please refer to the Office Budget Management Table.
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part C Employee Travel Expenditure Summary

Part C Employee Travel Expenditure Summary

Personal Employee

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Travelling Allowance
Travelling Allowance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Domestic Scheduled Fares
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Car Costs
Motor Vehicle Allowance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Hire Car
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Electorate Employee

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Travelling Allowance
Travelling Allowance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Domestic Scheduled Fares
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Personal Employees Travelling Allowance - Nights In Canberra Usage

Person Name / Limit / This Month / Year to Date / Balance
EMPLOYEE-ONE, Personal / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00
EMPLOYEE-TWO, Personal / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part C Employee Travel Expenditure Transaction Details

Part C Employee Travel Expenditure Transaction Details

Employee Travel Expenditure Summary

Name / Travelling Allowance / Overseas Travel / Domestic Scheduled Fares / Car Costs / Employee
This Month / Employee
Year to Date
EMPLOYEE-ONE, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-TWO, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-FOUR, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-SIX, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-EIGHT, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-NINE, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Electorate / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE-ELEVEN, Personal / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00
Total / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00 / $1.00

EMPLOYEE-ONE, Personal – Personal Employee

Entitlement / This Month / Year To Date
Travelling Allowance
Travelling Allowance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Overseas Travel - Ministerial Visits
Medical Costs
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Travel Advance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Domestic Scheduled Fares
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Car Costs
Private-Plated Vehicle
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Motor Vehicle Allowance
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
Hire Car
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
/ $1.00

Travelling Allowance
Reference / Supplier / Description / Canberra Nights / Amount
Travelling Allowance
123456 / Personal EMPLOYEE-TWO / Sydney to Canberra 12 Aug 12 / 4 / $1.00
Canberra to Sydney 16 Aug 12
Total / $1.00

Overseas Travel - Ministerial Visits

S1234 / United States / 1 Jul to 30 Jul 12
Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
Medical Costs
123456 / Supplier Name / S1234: Reimbursement of Medical Expenses. / $1.00
Travel Advance
123456 / Supplier Name / Overseas Travel Allowance / $1.00
Total / $1.00
Domestic Scheduled Fares
Reference / Supplier / Description / Class / Notes / Amount
123456789 / Supplier Name / AB123 – Canberra to Melbourne 3 Jul 12 / Economy / 1 / $1.00
AB123 – Melbourne to Sydney 6 Jul 12 / Economy / 2
Total / $1.00
1 / Sector flown.
2 / Sector not flown. Credit received in this/a subsequent reporting period.
Car Costs
Reference / Supplier / Description / Amount
Private-Plated Vehicle - SES Employees
123456 / LeasePlan Australia / XYZ456 Lease 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Motor Vehicle Allowance
123456 / Personal Employee-One / XYZ456 Sydney to Canberra 13 Jul 12 (1 km) / $1.00
XYZ456 Canberra to Sydney 16 Jul 12
123456 / COMCAR / Canberra - Airport (12:43pm) to Office (12:59pm) 24 Jul 12 / $1.00
123456789 / Cabcharge / Office to Airport 3 Jul 12 / $1.00
Cabcharge Service Fee 3 Jul 12 / $1.00
Hire Car
123456 / Personal Employee-One / Taxi service fee 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Taxi 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Part C Employee Expenditure Additional Information

Part C Employee Expenditure Additional Information

Employee Salaries

This Month / Year To Date
/ $1.00
/ $1.00
The salaries shown above are the gross amounts (including allowances and employee superannuation) paid during this month and since 1 July, respectively for all Electorate and/or Personal employees.

Relief Staffing Budget Usage

Name / Salary / Hours / Days / From / To / Amount
EMPLOYEE A / $1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1 Jul 12 / 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE B / $1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1 Jul 12 / 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
EMPLOYEE C / $1.00 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1 Jul 12 / 1 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Additional Relief Staffing for Employee Bargaining Representatives Usage

No transactions in this reporting period.
2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1

Monthly Management Report

Name SENATOR-MEMBER / Appendices


Other Transactions Relating To Previous Financial Years

Financial Year – 1 Jul 11 to 30 Jun 12

Reference / Supplier / Entitlement Date / Description / Amount
Parliamentarian's Domestic Travel – Car Costs
123456 / Supplier Name / 7 Jun 12 / SENATOR-MEMBER, Name – ABC123 Fuel 7 Jun to 15 Jul 12 / $1.00
Family Domestic Travel – Domestic Scheduled Fares
123456 / Supplier Name / 12 Jul 11 / DEPENDENT-ONE, Name – Sydney to Hobart / $1.00
Office Facilities – Property Operating Expenses
123456 / Supplier Name / 1 Jun 12 / SENATOR-MEMBER, Name – Rubbish removal 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 / $1.00
Office Administrative Costs – Office Consumables and Services
123456 / Supplier Name / 24 Jun 12 / SENATOR-MEMBER, Name – Photocopier usage 24 Jun to 23 Jul 12 / $1.00
Office Administrative Costs – Printing and Communications
123456 / Supplier Name / 20 Jun 12 / SENATOR-MEMBER, Name – 1 Printed item / $1.00
27 Jun 12 / SENATOR-MEMBER, Name – 1 Printed item / $1.00
Employee Domestic Travel – Travelling Allowance
123456 / Personal Employee-Eleven / 6 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-ELEVEN, Personal – Melbourne to Canberra / -$1.00
6 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-ELEVEN, Personal – Melbourne to Canberra / $1.00
Employee Domestic Travel – Car Costs
123456 / Cabcharge / 17 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal – Cabcharge Service Fee / $1.00
17 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal – Voucher / $1.00
123456 / Personal Employee-Seven / 22 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal – XYZ456Canberra to Perth (48 km) / $1.00
123456 / Personal Employee-Seven / 22 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal – Parking / $1.00
22 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal – Parking / $1.00
29 Jun 12 / EMPLOYEE-SEVEN, Personal – Parking / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Debt Reporting

Invoices Raised This Month

Reference / Invoice Date / Vendor / Entitlee / Description / Invoice Amount
123456 / 29 Aug 12 / Supplier Name / SENATOR-MEMBER, N / Deduction of Personal Contribution for Private–Plated Vehicle / $1.00
Total / $1.00

Invoices Paid This Month

No transactions in this reporting period

Invoices Paid in Current Financial Year

Reference / Invoice Date / Vendor / Entitlee / Description / Invoice Amount / Payment Date / Amount Paid
123456 / 27 Jul 12 / Supplier Name / SENATOR-MEMBER, N / Deduction of Personal Contribution for Private–Plated Vehicle / $1.00 / 31 Jul 12 / $1.00
Total / $1.00 / $1.00

Unpaid Invoices

No transactions in this reporting period
Please note: the details in the above reports are as at the last day of the current month’s report. Any payments received since that date will appear in a subsequent management report.
Invoice payment details are listed below.
1.Payment by Credit card/Mastercard/VISA card
Phone the Entitlements Management Branch Help Desk (details below) with your credit card details
2.Payment by Direct Debit
DOFD Official M&PS Receipts Account
Bank Account: 062900 10139733
Reference: Invoice number
3.Mailing your payment
All cheques and money orders are made payable to Ministerial and Parliamentary Services.
Mail payment together with the stub on your invoice to:
Department of Finance and Deregulation
Ministerial and Parliamentary Services
John Gorton Building
King Edward Terrace
For further information contact the Entitlements Management Branch on (02) 6215 3542.

Notes on Sections Contained Within the Report

2012–13 – August 2012 / Page 1