Transportation Jeopardy – Answer Sheet
On the Road…
100 This is a designated area on a street or highway where construction is taking place… (Work Zone)
200 The numbers shown on this sign indicate this… (What is the distance to those locations?)
300 DDThis is called a…(Variable Message Sign)
400 Theabove sign indicates this occurs ahead…(lane shifts)
500 HOV stands for…(High Occupancy Vehicle)
Traffic Signs
100 A stop sign has this many sides…(8)
200 Your car will be towed if you leave it in front of this sign…(No Parking)
300The sign above means you cannot do this…(Make a U-turn)
300The above sign warns of this ahead…(Intersection)
500This circular sign has an X with Two R’s on it…(Railroad Crossing)
100You can expect this person ahead when you see this sign…(Flagger)
200Formed in 1895 as the Connecticut Highway Commission – now called…(ConnDOT)
300The German automaker, Daimler, named a car for the daughter of one of his employees.
The girl’s name…(Mercedes)
400 DDThe percentage of American engineers that are women, is… 9%, 22%, or 50% (9%)
500One of the greatest transportation inventions by African-American inventor, Garrett A. Morgan, is this…
Clue: Used at intersections (traffic light)
Engineering Marvels
100The name of this vehicle came from saying aloud the Army’s name of “General Purpose" vehicle. (Jeep)
200Another term for a machine that uses gravity and inertia to send a train along a winding track is called a...
300This opened in 1908 as the largest stone-arch bridge in the world and still is today! (Buckley Bridge)
400This is the world’s tallest building, Petronas Towers, located where…(Malaysia)
500According to the National Academy of Engineering, the greatest engineering achievement
of the 20th Century is... (electricity)
100The above sign stands for ….(Hospital)
200The above sign is located on this type of road (Interstate)
300A mixture of water, sand, small stones, and cement is commonly referred to as…
400Truss, Arch, Beam, cable-stayed, and Suspension are all types of this…(Bridges)
500The Columbia Motor Car Company existed from 1909 to 1913, having its roots in the Pope Manufacturing Company, which began producing cars in 1897 from this Connecticut city.... (Hartford)
Final Jeopardy Question
FinalThe first time a President ever rode in a car was on August 22, 1902, when this President took a ride in Hartford… (Teddy Roosevelt)