Enrollment Confirmation

FCA Coed Motocross Camp

Thunder Valley/Cedar Lake Camp

Livingston, TN

June 27 – July 1, 2016

We are so excited to see you at the FCA Motocross Camp in Blountville,, TN this summer. This letter is to let you know that you are officially enrolled in the FCA Motocross Camp at Cedar Lake Camp, Livingston, TN from June 27 – July 1, 2016. FCA Camp will be an unforgettable week full of competition, training, spiritual growth and fun.

PARENTS: Registration will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at Cedar Lake Camp. You will be able to drop your trailer/bikes at Thunder Valley starting at 8am on Monday, June 27th


On this sheet (front and back), you will find the answers to many questions you may have concerning camp, so please take some time and read through all of the information. We hope this will answer most of your questions, but if not, feel free to call Donita, FCA Motocross Director at 612-718-9000. For questions about registration please contact the FCA National Support Center at 866-ANY-CAMP. Check out the camp page on our website for more specific information. We will be posting instructors as they commit and any other new information. www.FCAMX.com

FCA Mission

"To present to athletes and coaches, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church."


10:00 a.m. - Check-in

11:00 – Lunch & mandatory Parent Meeting in the chapel, lunch is available for parents/families for a $5 donation/person. We will be introducing instructors, leaders, the week’s events, visitation policy and pick up on Friday. Parents may leave after the meeting.

12:00 p.m. – Huddle Time and leave for the track!


All unpaid fees are due before the check-in day of Camp.

Cancellations can be made as late as two weeks before camp starts by calling National FCA Camp Office at 1-866-269-2267. All fees, EXCEPT A $50 SERVICE FEE, will be refunded.

If you cancel within two weeks of the start of camp, no fees will be refunded. There are no refunds for failure to cancel or show up at camp.

Camp Give-Aways

As a 2016 CAMP ENROLLEE, you will receive a camp tee-shirt, lanyard, and Bible.

Shopping FCA

Enrollment fees cover all essentials, but you will want spending money for incidentals and extras such as FCA Motocross merchandise. We will be selling great FCA tee-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, etc. You will not want to miss out on all the great merchandise!

Daily Activities

Each day will be filled with fun, food and fellowship. After breakfast training begins, with a break for lunch and then more training. After dinner there will be a chapel service and a fun activity.

Staying Parents/Grandparents

We do not require parents to stay. However, we usually have a handful of parents that either want to see the program or want to bond with their kids by staying. FCA will only provide secondary insurance coverage for the camper during the stay at Camp.

Parents will not be allowed to ride a dirt bike and learn the training. If you are interested in learning and riding, please sign up as a camper. We do have adult campers.

Camp/Track Addresses

Cedar Lake Camp

235 Conatser Lane

Livingston, TN 38570

Thunder Valley MX

250 Eckles Cemetery Rd

Livingston, TN 38570

What to Wear and Bring

Motocross Related Items

Motorcycle full of fuel, 2 sets of motocross gear, helmet, chest protector, boots, gloves, goggles, additional 5-10 gallons of fuel, fresh oil and air filter in the bike. Suggested wear will also include knee pads and a neck brace.

If you have extra of these, then you will be exceptionally prepared: spark plugs, air filters/cleaning supplies, chain lube, tire tubes (front and rear), clutch and brake levers and a set of handlebars.

No need to bring any pit bikes, ATV’s or other pit vehicle for campers to use. They will not be allowed except by staying parents and camp leadership.

Dress Code

Modest and appropriate dress is required at all times. No two piece bathing suits, very low neck lines or bare midriffs. Please no short shorts/skirts. Females cannot have spaghetti straps. Males must wear a shirt at all time. Workout clothes and tennis shoes will be needed for morning exercise.

Bring your own bug spray, sun block, camera, flashlight, notebook and pen.


Visitors are very welcome. We simply ask that you check in with the staff first and obtain the proper credentials before coming to the track. Visitors may also join us for any of the meals for $5 donation.

Track Guidelines

While on the track the Lead Instructor and staff have full authority. Safety is the key priority. Specific instructions on riding order, where the pro’s go, flaggers, where to ride, when to begin and stop will all be at the discretion of the Lead Instructor. It takes much team work to complete a safe and rewarding training day so we ask everyone to be team players and follow instructions.

Medical Personnel

There will be two medical personnel on site at all times. All medicines will be held by the camp nurse, including aspirin and other over the counter meds, no exceptions. A nurse will be at registration.

Camp Security

We will have security at the track overnight. The track will be closed for the week to anyone not associated with this camp. No camper can leave the camp or track without the Dean’s permission.

Departing Camp

Camp officially ends at 2:00pm after the group lunch/ awards ceremony on Friday, July 1st. Pick up will be at Thunder Valley. Parents please join us for the awards ceremony.

Camp Reunion

There will be a Camp Reunion at Muddy Creek on Saturday October 10th, this is the weekend of the Top Gun Showdown. We hope this will create a way for you to see friends you met and practice what you just learned at camp!


If you are interested in being on the FCA MX TN Team please contact Mark Jackson at for more details.


Find us on Facebook: The Tennessee Fellowship of Christian Athletes Motocross Team


FCA Motocross – the National FB page

Special Notes

Emergency phone calls can be made to the FCA Motocross Staff: Donita Povolny (612) 718-9000. When you call please identify that you are calling for an FCA camper.