AIRS 2011 Work Plan
This document contains the goals and objectives of AIRS for 2011 as approved by the AIRS Board. Over the course of the year, additional projects may emerge and be added to the work plan.
Responsibility / Objectives/Deliverables and StatusBoard/Executive Committee
Chair: Tim Sylvia
Georgia Sales, Roberto Armijo, Faed Hendry, Joan Phelps, John Thompson / Overall objective
To exercise the powers of the Board when the Board is not in session, except those powers that the bylaws of the Board require to be exercised by the Board itself. To oversee the strategic planning process, responsibility for which is delegated to the Vice President/President Elect. To coordinate activities of AIRS Committees
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To conduct ongoing review of the performance of AIRS contractual staff and organizations against contractual responsibilities (including conducting annual membership customer service survey around March)
To develop/confirm any new contracts with vendors in time for 2012 budget and activities
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To encourage and facilitate the continued development of 211 US in partnership with the United Way Worldwide, the 2-1-1 state directors group and all 2-1-1 providers.
To continue partnership with United Way Worldwide in relation to 2-1-1 and other initiatives.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To address any issues that emerge relating to AIRS name, logo, trademark, copyright.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To ensure that all legal requirements for non-profit corporate registration are undertaken:
· D&O Insurance (February)
· General Liability Insurance (February)
· Corporate Tax Filing (May without extension, November with extension)
· Annual Incorporation Report to Arizona Corporate Commission (October)
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To work with Integer Communications on the development of a ‘prospectus’ to make a funding case for an academic study that will engage in an evidence-based analysis of the IR Process.
Staff support: Clive Jones / To complete the membership information details (e.g. total contacts, total staff, types of I&R programs, etc.) that are requested during the renewal process
Staff support: Clive Jones / To implement the Higher Logic I&R social media application with goal of having 500 participants and 10 ‘interest communities’ by end of year.
Board Development Committee
Chair: Faed Hendry
Members: Trisha Steiniger, Mona Freels, Angela Fisher / Overall objective
To select and place for nomination at the annual business meeting of the membership or by previous correspondence to the membership, a slate of candidates to fill vacancies occurring on the Board.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To enhance Board and Committee recruitment through the implementation of recommendations from AIRS Executive Committee and Board.
Human Resources Committee
(The Executive Committee will absorb the functions of the Human Resources Committee) / Overall objective
To oversee implementation of recommendations on current personnel issues and to address issues related to staff recruitment, training, evaluation and support, and contract employees.
Resource Development Committee
(The Executive Committee will continue to absorb the functions of the Resource Development Committee) / Overall objective
A standing Resource Development Committee shall be appointed by the president. It shall have the responsibility for identifying potential sources of revenue for AIRS and training other members of the board in fund development.
Public Policy Committee
Chair: John Thompson
Members: Bob McKown, Phelps, Linda Daily, Lucinda Nord, Roberto Armijo, Shelly DiGiacomo, Joan Phelps, Jamie Moore, Micki Thompson, Tracy Hays, Steve Nagel, Richard Stahl / Overall objective
To develop a national presence for AIRS that develops Federal relationships and enhances the potential to secure major funding on behalf of AIRS members.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council, 211 US and the aging/disability sector
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To implement terms of 2011 contract with consultants to include deliverables/initiatives and timeframes.
To identify key legislation and departments relevant to I&R and to develop relationships with staff, politicians and other national organizations (with input from other AIRS Committees where required)
To identify key areas on which position statements need to be created and to develop processes on how to create those policies and quickly make those decisions when required.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To assist in the passage of the I&R Resolution and plan related activities for at the national and local level.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes, Clive Jones / To maintain or develop relationships with national associations (e.g. AAS, ALA, CAN, Contact USA, FEMA, NACCRRA, n4a, NENA, NVOAD) whose members provide specialized I&R or related work (with communication to other AIRS Committees). To attend n4a conference …
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To monitor the Older Americans Act Reauthorization. We will work to involve AIRS in any activities of the Administration or Congress related to the 2011 reauthorization process. Assist in the development of an AIRS agenda for this legislation, such as the inclusion of the AIRS Standards.
Membership Committee
Chair: Nancy Findeisen
Members: Angela Fisher, Cathleen Kelly, Gayle DiMasi, Hannah Newton, John Plonski, Mona Freels, Tim Sylvia / Overall objective
To provide input to the Board of Directors and guidance to the staff on internal and external communications, organizational image, and marketing of products and services.
Staff support: Clive Jones / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
To complete the final implementation of the contract with public relations consultant to change the AIRS logo and introduce the option of a new I&R logo to the field
Staff support: Clive Jones, Moayad Zahralddin / To generate gross membership revenue of $302,000 with an approximate breakdown of 100 members at $50; 390 at $100; 100 at $250; 140 at $350 and 300 at $575 for a total of 1,030 members
To conduct 2 mailings or contacts (via email, fax and/or mail) to AIRS members each month in addition to the receipt of the AIRS Newsletter
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To conduct I&R salary survey update for members (April).
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To market accreditation to non-accredited 211 agencies and to other possible organizations
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To promote Affiliate conferences and to share their content/programs; and when requested by the Affiliate, ensure that Board members or staff are able to attend.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To approach Language Line to discuss the current contract that provides discounted service to AIRS members
To explore any national corporate discounts that might be secured for AIRS members
Staff support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To complete Annual Report (July)
Staff support: Clive Jones / To maintain new AIRS website with view to having “News” feature change minimum of twice monthly via Twitter feed.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To ensure that best practices information is secured from the Accreditation review process and to update the I&R Toolkit appropriately
To maintain ancillary documents in 211 Toolkit
To update national Problem/Needs document in line with recent Taxonomy changes
To explore development of national categories for unmet needs and I&R satisfaction
Staff Support: Clive Jones, Moayad Zahralddin /
To promote ABCs to non-members and to those members who are outside of the higher membership tiers at a base price of $450 for an electronic/print version, for a total value of $3,000.Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Hannah Newton, Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / AIRS Newsletter
To produce and distribute 11 editions of the AIRS newsletter and advise on content (focus on news, membership information and human interest stories)
To secure newsletter advertising to the value of $1,500
Standards Committee
Chair: Faed HendryMembers: Beth Wick, Cathleen Kelly, Anne Forgoros, Fred Koss, Georgia Sales, Linda Daily, Randy Nicklaus, Bob McKown, Charlotte McHenry / Overall objective
The Standards Committee shall establish Standards which define the expected practices within the field of I&R and provide guidelines that communities or other jurisdictions can utilize in developing an I&R program. This is an umbrella committee as the Accreditation and Certification Committees are essentially sub-Committees of Standards. The Standards Committee is a “closed” Committee as per the recommendations of the Hamm Report.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/ Clive Jones / To examine whether a 6.1 version of the Standards is required taking into account the accreditation criteria, once ready to implement is complete, and also considering other sources for possible adjustments
Accreditation Commission
Chair: Bob McKownMembers: Bridget Wolf, Debby Thornton, Georgia Sales, Lynne Engel, Micki Thompson, Pam Hillier, Nathan Cook, Don McPherson, Sherry Miller, Fred Koss, Vicki Mize / Overall objective
The Accreditation Commission shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to develop and implement a formal detailed accreditation process. The Accreditation Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for the accreditation program. The Accreditation Commission shall establish standards at a quality level that is appropriate for supporting broad improvements in I&R programs without presenting unrealistic barriers for future potential applicants in terms of compliance issues.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council who are with Accredited agencies
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To implement the new criteria and establish the new processes for the database review and the mystery calling
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To complete 20 accreditation applications
To acquire 25 new/renewing applications with a revenue target of $78,000
To recruit and train 4 new onsite review team members
Certification Commission
Chair: Cathleen KellyMembers: Bill Brackin, Chuck Martin, Dana Long, Debbie Fagin, Georgia Sales, Jacky Roddy, Jan Hanson, John Thompson, Maurine Strickland / Overall objective
The Certification Commission shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to design, implement and maintain a formal detailed Certification process. The Certification Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for each Certification program. The Certification Commission shall utilize national benchmarks for professional certification programs as well as quality benchmarks desirable for certification programs relied upon by external stakeholders.
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Staff Support: Clive Jones /Maria LeDoux / To review and implement marketing plan in order to acquire 1,000 new applicants and 1,125 applicants for re-certification
To administer 90 examinations
To administer the Certification Program according to the documented processes and principles
To assess on an ongoing basis evaluation comments, exam performance and Scantron question history
To update the online list of Certificate holders on the AIRS website on a quarterly basis
To complete a psychometric-led process to create 3 new CRS examinations with psychometrically-approved cut scores.
To explore options for Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
To work with NASUAD, as required, to explore feasibility and options for credentialing practitioners who work with people with disabilities
To review our progress against the Hamm Report of 2 years ago
To repeat a survey on attitudes to certification completed about 3 years ago
To review our marketing plan
Status/Activities: Complete
Affiliates Council
Chairs: David Jobe, Joan Phelps
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes, Moayad Zalhraddin / Overall objective
To work with the AIRS Affiliates to help shape, inform and carry out the AIRS mission at the local level in order to support and build excellence in the profession of I&R/A. AIRS Affiliates (Affiliates) are membership organizations representing comprehensive and specialized information and referral providers within a defined geographic area.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To support the efforts for the creation of new Affiliates and support of existing ones
To hold monthly Affiliate meetings in order to provide effective two-way communication within I&R movement
To assist Affiliates in the development of portal options from the Higher Logic application
To research technology options to enhance remote access to Affiliate and Board meetings for those that cannot attend.
Taxonomy Committee
Chair: Richard LaPratt
Members: Anne Fogoros, Cathleen Kelly, Corinne Gallois, Dayann Shepherd, Dick Manikowski, Georgia Sales, John Allec, Jennie Pollak, Jennifer Jones, Karen Brandt, Vicki Carlson, Maria Williams, Nancy Berg, Noreen Stackpole, Steve Eastwood / Overall objective
To ensure that the Taxonomy meets the needs of users by managing thepartnership with 211 LA County for the Taxonomy of Human Services, providing coordinated support to the Taxonomy Editor on issues relating to thedevelopment of the content and structure of the Taxonomy, developing training and support for Taxonomy users, educating AIRS members on the importance of the Taxonomy as a standard for field and exploring related technical issues regarding I&R resource databases.
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
To implement terms and conditions of MOU between AIRS and 211 LA County and implement its terms and conditions.
To review (towards the end of 2011) the recommendations from the 2010 report by consultant Alison King on identifying potential enhancements for the Taxonomy and then working on their implementation.
To explore with users and vendors whether changes are required to the AIRS XSD to develop a 3.1 version
Status/Activities:To work with Taxonomy editor on enhancing the structure and content of the Taxonomy to benefit users
To better understand the training and other needs of Taxonomy users