The Parish Community of Saint Agnes
Elyria, Ohio DECEMBER 8, 2013
Sunday, December 8 – Second Sunday of Advent
5:00PM (Vigil) People of Saint Agnes
8:30AM Jack & Margaret Yarsa
11:00AM People of Saint Agnes
Monday, December 9 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception
9:00AM Joseph Jurcak
Tuesday, December 10
9:00AM Walt Rybarcyk
Wednesday, December 11 – Saint Damasus I
9:00AM DeLaurice Carle
Thursday, December 12 – Our Lady of Guadalupe
8:30AM Mass at Saint Mary
Friday, December 13 – Saint Lucy
9:00AM Jerry Cole
Saturday, December 14 – Saint John of the Cross
5:00PM Donald Schuster
Sunday, December 15 – Third Sunday of Advent
8:30AM L/D of The Glowacki Family
11:00AM Jesse & Mark Miller
SCRIPTURE READINGS: The readings for next Sunday are from: Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11. Please read them to prepare for the Liturgy of the Word.
Jim & Cheryl Smith 26 years on December 12th.
Your parish family wishes you God’s continued blessings and joy!
WE NEED YOUR HELP: Mark your calendars and get your buckets and rags ready to make our church sparkle and shine for Christmas! Join your fellow parishioners next, Saturday, December 14th at 9AM in the Church to help out. Many hands make light work!!
November 24 $2,660.00
December 1 $3,376.00
Building & Property $205.00
291 household envelopes were mailed out and
117 households returned envelopes.
Thank you for your generous support
toward our weekly budget of $4,200.00!
Saturday, 5:00pm / Sunday, 8:30am /Sunday, 11:00am
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionCathie Fuchs------Regina Davies------Marilyn Rigg
need volunteer------Sylvia Peter------Ann Bittner
Kathy Cole------Sr. Marietta Starrie-----N/A
MaryAnn Schaefer / Lector
Steve Kaminski / Lector
Sheila Murry
Altar Servers
Maddie Wilson
Hunter Wilson / Altar Servers
Drake Brown
Mariah Brown
Freddie Brown / Altar Servers
Vincent Cataldo
Ryan Bean
Counters: D. Bauer, R. Culp, D. Knapp, J. Koviak
NEW BREAKING BREAD MISSALS: In the pews you will find the new Breaking Bread Missals. Please treat them kindly and make sure they are put away with no bent corners so they stay nice and neat for the entire Liturgical Year! Thank you!
DECEMBER 50 + CLUB: Greetings! Are you ready for some Christmas fun? Songs with Marie Toth and Co. Come with your voices ready to sing! Enjoy an afternoon with song, good food and fun! We will provide the main course just bring a side dish and dessert to share. See you on December 11th at 12Noon!
8:45AM Rosary
7:00PM Finance Council Mtg. (Rectory Parlor)
8:45AM Rosary
9:30AM Divine Mercy Chaplet
10:00AM Food Pantry
2:00PM Spiritual Dev. Committee (Rectory Parlor)
8:45AM Rosary
12Noon 50+ Club (Church Hall)
8:45AM Rosary
8:45AM Rosary
6:00PM 200 Club Dinner
9:00AM Church Cleaning
10:00AM Food Pantry Mtg. (School Bldg.)
2:00PM Choir Practice
4:00PM Confessions
4:40PM Rosary
Suzin L. Candy pick-up before/after Mass
Suzin L. Candy pick-up before/after Mass
8:10AM Rosary
9:30AM PSR Session
10:40AM Rosary
12Noon PSR Christmas Party (Church Hall)
MASS INTENTIONS: Call or visit Debbie in the parish office or drop your request in the collection basket and mark it “Mass intention”. Since we have a limited number of weekends, your requests will be limited to 2 to3 weekend Masses. But weekday Mass requests have no limit.
The drawings for our DECEMBER CALENDAR RAFFLE take place in the Rectory Parlor each day after Mass and at 10AM on Thursdays. Winners will be posted daily on the poster board in the front vestibule and on our website and Facebook page. This week’s winners were: 12/1 Jim Szeliga $100.00, 12/2 Larry Johnson $70.00, 12/3 Gheslane Raidl $80.00! Congrats!!
LORAIN COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE: is collecting signature ads that will be displayed in news media, print and internet for the 41st Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion. All signature ads are $5.00 each. Please see the display in the front vestibule for more information and to sign up.
YOU CAN HELP: keep our Parish Mass Times listing in the Elyria Chronicle Telegram each Saturday by sharing in this expense. The current cost is $11.20 for a 4-week month or $14 for a 5-week month. A few parishioners have been paying these expenses since August. With more parishioners offering to help, the cost will continue to be covered well into the future without being a burden for any family. For more details, or to make your personal commitment, please contact Larry Raidl at 327-5204 or by email to .
JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED: Need a place to exercise? West Rec offers FREE Senior exercise programs on Wednesdays at 10:00AM (chair exercises and volleyball) and Fridays at 9:30AM (light aerobic exercise and volleyball). Join in the fun!! It’s good for your health J
Our second annual SAINT AGNES GIVING TREE is now in progress! This is a special way in which each of us can bless a family or individual in our parish who is going through a tough time financially. Instead of purchasing gifts that may not fit or buying something not needed, if you want to secretly bless a parishioner in our parish, take a star from the tree and purchase a gift card and return it in an envelope dropped in the special box under the Giving Tree by December 15th. The Parish Staff will see to it that the gift cards are distributed where needed. What a beautiful way to give something to those in our parish who can use a little helping hand!
TABLE OF PLENTY~ FOOD PANTRY GRAND OPENING: If you know of anyone in need in our West Side neighborhood, please spread the word about the opening of our new St. Vincent de Paul/Saint Agnes Table of Plenty ~ Food Pantry on December 28th from 10AM to 1PM. There is a meeting of all volunteers on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 10AM, in the McCafferty Room. Even if you did not sign up as a volunteer but would like to participate in this ministry, please join us at the meeting!
*Our Bible Study and more (led by Vicki Gertz) will meet this morning in the school building at 9:30AM. You need not bring anything but yourself. We have plenty of bibles and hot coffee. Our sessions in January will be on the 5th and 12th.
*There will be an RCIA/Faith Formation Session this afternoon after the 11AM Mass in the school building. There will be no sessions on the 15th or the 22nd. We will resume our next RCIA/Faith Formation Session on December 29th at 12 Noon in the school building.
*The Beloved Daughters of God will have an Advent Christmas Gathering on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30PM at the home of Debby Johnson. Please bring a wrapped ornament for our gift exchange and a simple snack to share.
*Our PSR Session for December 15th will be in the Church Hall at 9:30AM. The Rock will perform a simple presentation of “The Christ-mas Story” and we will have more surprises! There will be no PSR on December 22 and 29. We will resume with classes starting on January 5, 2014.
*The Christmas Socks and Songs PSR Party will take place in the Church Hall after the 11AM Mass, on December 15th. Lunch will be available. Admission is one pair of new men’s or women’s warm socks. After lunch we will sing Christmas songs, wrap socks, sign Christmas cards, and The Rock will decorate cookies. At 1:15PM we will take our Christmas socks, songs and cookies to our neighbors at Harr Plaza. Everyone is invited to take part in our Community project. Sign up at the Religious Education Station in the front vestibule.
ADVENT REFLECTION: Watch and Prepare! In this week’s Gospel, we are introduced to Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, who is preaching in the wilderness. John announces that the kingdom of heaven is near. The “kingdom of God” refers to the fullness of God’s power and presence that will be acknowledged by all creation. What do I need to let go of this Advent season? What is one way I can help build the kingdom of God on earth? What would it mean for my loved ones if I lived the season with a changed heart?