I.  Officer Reports

·  Mattie Carter – Chair

o  The KU Pow Wow and Indigenous Culture put on by the lead center on Saturday. Free event funded by the senate.

o  This is the last meeting, we will have another meeting for elections later in this semester.

·  Adam Steinhilber – Vice Chair

o  If you have questions about the Vice Chair position for if you want to run for it please let me know.

·  Nick Rose – Secretary

·  Martin Doherty – Student Rights Committee Associate Senator

o  Many of the bills we discussed at the last meeting have all passed in full senate. We passed bill for numerous amendment that were discussed in the last meeting. Failed the bill to fund fiscal year of 2018 and will go back to committee.

II.  Approval of Minutes

a.  Approved

III.  New Business


i.  Presented by Austin: This is organization that is for educating students on free market economics and fiscal responsibility. This general funding will help fund some future events we plan to put on.

1.  Question: What type of events are you planning?

a.  We are going to do an event where we educate people on the national debt.

ii.  Motion to call to question

1.  Seconded

iii.  Passed


i.  Presented by Brittney: Reasonfest is about having students using imperial evidence and rationality on the KU community in secular politics. It will be the 14th through 15th and is open to all student. This has various friendlies and are only asking $900 rather than the original asking price.

ii.  Motion to call to question

1.  Seconded

iii.  Passed


i.  Presented by Jacob: This bill directly address rule and regulations in relation to the job descriptions of the university inclusion director and policy development director. This would ensure that the people who will have these jobs will seek to follow out these certain tasks and events in the future.

1.  Question from Jonathan: Why not let these future positions have the choice to follow these rather than having it be forced?

a.  The administration feels these will be the platforms of these positions for their future.

2.  Question from Jonathan: Is this part of the greater comprise of MSG?

a.  No, this is a unique bill.

ii.  Motion to call to question

1.  Seconded

iii.  Passed


i.  Presented by Stephonn and Gabby: If a separate student government is off the table, then we hope that this bill will allow for a larger voice for the MSG students. Lines 176-188 was stricken. This would have one represented of MSG elected by MSG. A member would be required to sit in student senate. Line 114-116 are vague on purpose as it is intended for MSG to make their own laws on these points. On line 155 and on is where it was intended for MSG to make their own by laws and not editable by student senators. Lines 176-189 were taken off. Line 252 is about working with MSG to be sure on who their constituents are and is specific in areas it needs be specific in and vague in other areas. These students need more than what they are given and this bill will help the MSG get what they need. We are open to changing things about this bill so please give us as much feedback as possible.

1.  Question from Jonathan- The bill says it will facilitate all the legislation from all multicultural student organizations, what if students don’t want to go through this rather than something already established like Rights Committee?

a.  There would be a request that they can fill out and these students would still have free ability to go to the committee they desire.

2.  Question: On line 60, it says Student Senate and MSG should not contradict each other, what would enforce that?

a.  The same way all rules and regulations would be enforced, as it will be taken to the Court of Appeals.

3.  Question: Would you leave the representative on line 121 to be appointed by the multicultural board rather than by the student senate?

a.  We be opened to that being friendlied.

4.  Question: On line 273, it talks about a student fee for those enrolled in less than 6 hours, do you know how much that fee would be?

a.  That will be done through enroll and pay. It will break it down by credit hour. This many change with line item funding where there is another method proposed where they can get funding through a different method.

ii.  Negative Speech by Jonathan: I think that MSG is properly is committee and should get no funding extra than what a regular committee is and should actual just be brought into MA. I think MSG sees that other people have been privileged and that they should discriminate to make up for prior discrimination. I see this as an attempt to discriminate now to make up for the discrimination in the past. I think we should take an approach to eliminate discrimination rather than create more discrimination. I think that this is not a good idea and is untrue that they want to empower all students. This would privilege certain students and is purposeful discrimination as reverse racism. These practices are intentional discriminatory.

1.  Question: Would affirmative action be an example of reverse racism?

a.  I would have to research that, but at the moment, I would say that it is.

2.  Question: Would you propose marginalized students continued to be marginalized?

a.  I would propose them to make a new bill.

3.  Question: Where do you get definition for reverse discrimination and reverse racism?

a.  EEOC.com as well as google. My humanities definition of racism came from one of my professors. Discrimination definitions come from my personal study of constitutional law.

4.  Question: When you talk about this power and how it’s applied to students, how would you propose students fight against this if these powers for before they were fighting?

a.  We exist in a history of unfair actions, because of that I think the next logical step to say we should work against it. I would ask that the bill would do things in the most logical way in processing these facts.

iii.  Positive Speech from Trinity: There are operational definitions for everything, my definitions are in social work. We are not talking about discrimination, we are talking about systems and oppression and disenfranchisement. As a multicultural student government, we had the two-dollar fee that was vetoed but when we attempted it this year using another method senate shut it down. This is a comprise between marginalized students and the student government itself. This university has a history such as the woman and man separated student government as well as a history of Greek dominated student senate. Multicultural students have been asking for a stronger voice. To say that we are going to provide a space for multicultural students would discriminate against white males would be ludicrous. I wish you would appreciate the sacrifices made and would support this.

iv.  Motion to call to question

1.  Passed


IV.  Announcements.

a.  There is a pow wow at the Lead Center on Saturday that is free to go

b.  There will be a vote for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary at the next meeting.

V.  Adjournment

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