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Turlock Crush Volleyball

November 14, 2016

Dear Parents:

We are looking forward to a very productive 2016-17 season for the Turlock Crush Volleyball Club. To make this a successful season, we need the help of both players and parents.

All parents and athletes must sign and abide by this contract, which identifies the parent and athlete “code of conduct” and “financial responsibility.”

Athlete Code of Conduct

1. I will abide by all team rules, including good attendance, respect for teammates and adults and maintain a positive attitude on and off the court. _____

2. I will respect all decisions made by my coach. _____

3. I will not attend other club’s clinics or practices during our season. _____

4. I will not drive myself or other teammates to tournaments. I will not leave a tournament unless I have permission from my coach. _____

Parent Code of Conduct

1. I will respect the entire coaching staff and the decisions they make. _____

2. I will not verbally or physically abuse, confront, taunt, harass or demean a coach, athlete, or referee at any time. _____

3. I will not coach my child or any other athlete from the sideline or anywhere else during scrimmages, practices or games. _____

4. I will not conspire or speak negatively with other parents to undermine the authority of any coach or the club. _____

5. I will make every effort to allow my child to attend all practices, games, tournaments and team functions. _____

6. I will not smoke or drink alcohol at any scheduled Crush event.

We hope that our season will be issue free, but if you or your daughter has any concerns, please follow the proper protocol. _____

1. Athletes should initiate contact with their coach regarding any issue or complaint.

2. If the athlete is still unhappy with the result, you may schedule a meeting with your daughter and her coach.

3. If you are still unsatisfied, you may fill out a complaint form (available on the Crush club website) and email it to the Club Director. A meeting may be scheduled to resolve the issue.

Playing time is at the discretion of your daughter’s coach. You are paying for instruction and practice time, not tournament playing time. Our goal is to build a competitive volleyball club, so playing time is never guaranteed. We will enforce the ‘Rule of 24’ this season. There will be no exceptions unless there is a medical or safety issue. If you have a concern during a tournament, please do NOT talk to your daughter’s coach at the tournament, but instead allow a full24 hours to pass. Tournaments can be very emotional for all involved. Before getting into heated confrontations, take time to sort things out. We are all on the same team/club with the same goals.

We look for players to show a lot of class both on and off the volleyball court and to be good teammates and opponents. We ask that all parents strive to be positive role models during games as the team strives for success. Parents and players should treat other teams, coaches and referees with respect.Please refer to the NCVA Code of Conduct. Remember, we are ALL representing Turlock Crush Volleyball Club.

Lastly, a few guidelines that we ask all to be aware of:

Players are not to be late to practices or tournaments. Always refer to the club website for updated practices dates and times.

Practices are 2-3 times a week and vary in length and time. Please plan appointments, trips, etc. around practice times. Players are expected to give 100% to their team. Players that are absent from practices or tournaments need to notify their coach ahead of time (the same day is not ahead of time).

If you cannot attend your daughter’s tournament, please make the necessary arrangements ahead of time in order to get your daughter there on time. It is NOT the responsibility of Turlock Crush to provide your daughter’s transportation or hotel stay for a 2-3 day tournament.

Financial Responsibility

1. I understand that I’m obligated to paySeason Fees in full according to the payment schedule. There will be NO reimbursement of fees at anytime during the season. If any player quits mid-season, they will not be welcomed back to play for Crush again. _____

2. I understand that late payments will result in a $25 late charge fee per day. _____

3. I understand that if my daughter’s account is late, my child will not be allowed to participate in practices or tournaments until the account is current and paid. _____

4. Any checks returned from the bank as “Insufficient Funds” are subject to a $25 additional fee and that payment (and future payments) must be made in cash or money order ONLY. ______

5. I understand that if my daughter’s team makes the Junior National’s tournament, there will be an extra fee to cover the cost of the tournament, coach, gym fee and travel expense.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to another great club season. Like our Turlock Crush Volleyball Facebook page for updated information throughout the club season.

Kristen Pontes-Christian

Turlock Crush Volleyball Club

Club Director

I have read and understand the terms of this letter. I will abide by all decisions made by the Turlock Crush staff.

I give permission to Turlock Crush to post a team picture or any tournament pictures of my daughter on the club website.

Player’s signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s signature: ______Date: ______