
Novel---mini unit

The BIG questions: How do culture, time, and place influence the development of identity?

How does war impact children?


  • Increase awareness of water’s significance to human survival
  • Increase awareness of the consumption of water—personally, nationally, and globally
  • Learn some general geographical info about Sudan
  • Read independently
  • Complete a multiple choice Check for Understanding
  • Complete a text dependent analysis writing assignment using the PPP strategy
  • Complete the AR test for the novel
  • Participate in discussions related to the novel and assignments
  • Complete a “3 – 2 – 1” sheet

Tentative schedule…

Day 1 Water Web Quest

-complete the pre reading activity

Day 2 What if…

-complete for HW if not completed in class

Day 3 Brief introduction to the novel

Students begin reading in class Today I read pp ______to ______.

Day 4 Students continue reading in class Today I read pp ______to ______.

Information on the PPP assignment will be handed out/discussed.

Day 5 Students continue reading in class Today I read pp ______to ______.

Day 6 Students continue reading in class Today I read pp ______to ______.

Day 78 Studentswork on novel unit assignments.

If novel work is completed, class time is to be used for work on novel unit extra

credit opportunities (optional), AR, and/or Study Island.

100 pts AR test(can take in class 2/10)

50 pts PPP writing assignment

-typed using MLA formatting and printed *final due date 2/10*

40 pts Completion of pre reading activity sheets (must be handed in by 1/27)

25 pts Check for Understanding multiple choice (will be completed in class)

10 pts Completion of “3 – 2 – 1” reflection sheet(will be completed in class)

*Additional assignments may be added at the teacher’s discretion.


EXTENSION topics: What is the history of the United Nations?

What are basic human rights?

What is it like to have to live in a refugee camp?

Grading for response to text dependent analysis question.

POINT / 15 / -attention to task, audience and
-response begins with a topic
sentence—a statement that answers
the question
-sufficient story details are given to
provide the reader with the context of
the quote
-effective lead in is given and
punctuated properly
PROOF / 15 / -quote from selection is represented
-punctuation is used properly
-quote is cited properly
PURPOSE / 15 / -effective explanation is given to
explain the significance of the quote
and to relate it back to the topic
MLA format / 5 / -correct heading, spacing, and font