List of participants at the social dinner on Thursday May 24, 7pm, with Octave Landuyt

All people on this list, even those who might enjoy a sponsoring whatsoever, will be asked to pay 30 euro on Thursday morning 10am before entering the conference room. This is because I have to phone the restaurant and give them the exact number of reservations.

The drinks have to be paid individually in the restaurant.

So the meal is 30 euro, the drinks are NOT included.

If you want to be added to this list, tell me asap and check later on the web site that the addition has been done (I have a lot on my mind and thus can easily make mistakes). Otherwise you will not be able to enter the restaurant. It also is the reason why the name of the restaurant is not revealed.Let me just say it is a traditional ‘Belgian’ type of restaurant and that we will eat on the terrace.

Confirmed? / Paid before Thursday, 10am?
1 / Huylebrouck / Dirk / Yes / Paid cash
2 / Wuytack / Karel / Yes / Paid cash
3 / Leys / Jos / Yes / Yes (paid online but erroneously for the Daubechies dinner)
4 / Apéry / François / Yes / Yes (paid online)
5 / Banken / Roxane / Yes / Yes (paid online)
6 / Banken / Marko / Yes / Yes (paid online)
7 / Bruter / Claude / Yes / Yes (paid online)
8 / de Comité / Francesco / Yes / Yes (paid online)
9 / Dubois / Marc / Yes / Yes (paid online)
10 / Francavigli / Mauro / Yes / Yes (paid online)
11 / Giulia / Marcella / Yes / Yes (paid online)
12 / Heirman / Ronald / Yes / Yes (paid online)
13 / Heirman / Tim / Yes / Yes (paid online)
14 / Jablan / Slavik / Yes / Yes (paid online)
15 / Landuyt / Octave / Yes / Yes (paid online)
16 / Landuyt / Mona / Yes / Yes (paid online)
17 / Landuyt / Isabelle / Yes / Yes (paid online)
18 / Landuyt / Maryssa / Yes / Yes (paid online)
19 / Merchiers / Werner / Yes / Yes (paid online)
20 / Moens / Guy / Yes / Yes (paid online)
21 / Pranville / Denise / Yes / Yes (paid online)
22 / Radovic / Ljiljana / Yes / Yes (paid online)
23 / Roelofs / Rinus / Yes / Yes (paid online)
24 / Van de walle / Sonja / Yes / Yes (paid online)
25 / Van de walle / Sonja2 / Yes / Yes (paid online)
26 / Vandenoostende / Eric / Yes / Yes (paid online)
27 / Vandenoostende / Eric2 / Yes / Yes (paid online)
28 / Defoort / Frederik / Yes / Yes (paid online)
29 / Fraeye / Felix / Yes / Yes (paid online)
30 / Van hove / Kay / Yes (paid online)
31 / Hausman / James / Yes (paid online)
32 / Barrallo / Javier / Yes / Yes (paid online)
33 / Budin / Mateja / Yes
34 / Fenyvesi / Kristóf / Yes
35 / Marchetti / Elena / Yes
36 / Monera / Maria G. / Yes
37 / Polthier / Konrad / Yes
38 / Reyes / Encarnacion / Yes
39 / Rossi / Louisa / Yes
40 / Sazdanovic / Radmila / Yes
41 / Van Caneghem / Dieter / Yes / To be paid by Karel Wuytack
42 / Sanabria / Esther / yes
43 / de Casa / Francisco / yes