Fall, 2006
Dr. Riley H. Venable
The College of Education at Texas Southern University will become the region’s leading source of informed thought regarding matters of urban education as well as the foremost producer of exemplary professionals who are prepared to provide effective service urban schools, agencies, and other entities.
The mission of the College of Education is to provide competent professionals for effective service in urban schools, agencies, and other entities using research and collaboration in seeking solutions to teaching, learning, and behavioral problems facing urban populations.
Department of Counseling
Texas Southern University
COUNSELING 951: Drugs and Addiction
R. Paige Ed. Bldg. Rm. 224
Ph. (713) 313-7806 direct
(713) 313-7018 dept. office
(713) 313-7481 fax
A course for advanced students in Counselor Education who wish to study of specific counseling techniques related to drugs and addiction in an urban population.
The purpose of this course is to present information to Doctoral Students in Counselor Education on several forms of counseling applicable to the treatment of substance abuse and addiction. Emphasis will be placed on the similarities and differences among these forms. Special emphasis will be paid to evolving forms of counseling and therapy for substance abuse and addiction. It is hoped that this course will aid the student in expanding his/her skills in facilitating change more effectively with substance abusing clients, especially those from minority or underserved populations.
Doweiko, H. E. (2006). Concepts of Chemical Dependency (6th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole
Miller, G.A. (2005). Learning the Language of Addiction Counseling (2nd ed.).Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
The site for this course is currently “under construction.” Please check back frequently
By the completion of this course the successful student will be able to:
1)Discuss the major concepts related to the counseling and treatment of substance abuse.
2)Discuss the major drugs of abuse within this society.
3)Discuss the strategies required for the provision of substance abuse counseling to specific special populations.
4)Discuss in written form current research articles related to trends in the effectiveness and delivery of Substance Abuse Counseling.
5)Develop a presentation ready for delivery at a professional meeting.
6)Develop a research-based article ready for publication in a professional journal.
1)Weekly quizzes: 10 quizzes @ 5 points each (50 points) - Each quiz will be on information related to that week’s reading.
2) Field Report: (10 points) - During the course of the semester you will be required to attend one Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. The location of these meetings can be found by calling AA as listed in the telephone book. One week after attendance, a 3-5-page paper is due. This paper should include where you went, what happened, and what you thought and felt about the experience.
3)Article critiques: 4 articles @ 15 points each (60 points) - each students will be provided with research articles selected by the facilitator. After reading each article, a two - three page critique should be completed and turned in. A format for the critiques is attached at the end of this document.
4)Abstract Submission: (20 points) - You will be provided with the "Call For Programs" information to submit an abstract for presentation at the 2007 Lamar University Education Research Conference in Beaumont, TX in March, 2007. You are to fill out the information, turn in a copy for grading, and submit a copy online. This submission should be based on some area of counseling that you are knowledgeable of, and need not be related to this class. It is strongly suggested that you work with the professor to develop your submission. Proposals need not be accepted for presentation by the conference to receive credit. The professor will provide more information for this assignment.
5)Final Paper: (30 points) - As a class we will research and write at least one research paper to send off for publication. Each class member will be assigned specific assignments as part of this research. At the completion of the semester this paper will be submitted to the Texas Counseling Journal. All class members will share authorship on this article.
6)Classroom Participation: (30 points) - As this course is offered in a seminar format, all students are expected to be ready to discuss the reading assignments each week as well as outside reading and research as related to the Final Paper.
N. B. Late papers will be fined one point for each business day late. If you know you will be unable to attend class, I suggest you submit your paper electronically. University and GraduateSchool rules related to plagiarism will be strictly enforced. Evidence of plagiarism will result in ZERO points on that classroom assignment.
Quizzes (5 points each) = 50
Field report = 10
Article critiques (15 points each) = 60
Abstact = 20
Final paper = 30
Classroom participation = 30
180 - 200 = A
160 - 179 = B
140 - 159 = C
120 - 139 = D
000 - 119 = F
Date / Topic / Assignment due9/2/06 / Introductions & Requirements, D Ch. 1-2 / None
9/9 / D Ch. 3-5 / Quiz 1
9/16 / D Ch. 6-10 / Quiz 2, Field report (AA)
9/23 / D Ch. 11-16 / Quiz 3, Critique #1
9/30 / D Ch. 21-25 / Quiz 4
10/7 / D Ch. 26-30 / Quiz 5, Critique #2
10/14 / D Ch. 31-35 / Quiz 6
10/21 / M Ch. 1-3 / Quiz 7, Critique #3
10/28 / M Ch. 4-6 / Quiz 8
11/4 / M Ch. 7-9 / Quiz 9, Critique #4
11/11 / M Ch. 10 / Quiz 10
11/18 / Rumination & processing / Abstract
*11/25 / Thanksgiving Holiday / Rest, Eat, give thanks
*12/2 / Texas Counseling Association Conference / Final Paper
12/9 / Final Class Meeting / TBA
* No class meeting
Texas Southern University maintains a policy for students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1971. Under these federal guidelines, the University is obligated to:
- Protect the civil rights of students with disabilities.
- Protect the confidentiality and privacy of students with disabilities.
- Provide reasonable accommodations and services to students with known disabilities, who are qualified to meet the requirements of the academic program, apart from the handicapping condition.
The burden of proof is on the student to demonstrate the need for requested accommodations. If you feel you are qualified to receive services, please contact the Office of Disabled Students Services at 713-313-4210 or visit the office in the FairchildBuilding, Room 147 between the hours of 8am -5pm, Monday through Friday.
Riley Venable, PhD
Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences, in paragraph form. What is expected is an article review, not a list of answers to the questions. The review should conform with APA style, including title page and references.
- What are the main research questions?
- What previous research findings guided the research questions?
- What sample was used?
- Is the sample representative of the population it is drawn from?
- What research design was used?
- What instruments were used?
- Were the instruments used appropriate for the sample?
- Were the instruments reliable and valid?
- What were the primary findings?
- Were there any ancillary finding, and if so, what were they?
- Given the research design, were the research questions answered adequately?
- Can the findings be generalized beyond the sample investigated?
- What did you learn from this article?