Annual Board Retreat Minutes

Time: November 19, 2013, 20139:00 PM

Place: Harraseeket Freeport

Attendees: Bill Zuber, Tatum O’Sullivan, Cindy Bridgham, Lou Anne McLoud, Cheryl Peaslee,Beth.Dodge, Colleen Sinnon

Topic / Discussion / Recommendation/Action
Introductions / Welcome to Colleen Sinnon our new member to the board
Chapter leadership Overview
Tatum / Chapter Annual report was submitted by Bill. We meet the criteria for Level 2 designation. Bill suggested assigning the responsibility for monitoring this duty going forward to a specific board member.
Bill will submit an application for a chapter rebate for costs associated with maintaining the Chapter Affiliation agreement.
Cheryl will submit for the chapter member rebate by 12/15/13 also.
Other ideas from ASHRM meeting: consider a sponsorship committee to help pay for speakers.
Consider reaching out to all state hospital risk managers as a way of increasing membership.
Consider assigning co-chairs to committees to get more involvement. / Should be the responsibility of the President.
Due by 12/15/13
Review of Minutes 2/7/13 / Approved at a prior meeting and will be discussed for review of goals for the coming year.
Bylaws / Record retention policy / To be reviewed by Bill for 2014
Communications / Sue Boisvert is willing to continue to be the chair
‘Star Chapter’ will be our web site hosting company. Training is available by Web-ex for additional staff. Sue can give us an overview at the January board meeting. Will cost approximately $1000 for web site migration. Monthly charges range from $90-$150 depending on what level we choose. MAHQ recently migrated for a lesser fee with a different company. This will be pursued for further information.
Sue suggests the migration be done in January. This needs to be discussed during the January board meeting.
Sue has suggested the membership chair be the one who sends out ‘Flashmails’. / Beth Dodge will get the contact information for the host for MAHQ and we can discuss getting an additional quote
Sue and Lou Anne will be given the names of those who have expressed interest in the communications committee.
Cheryl Trowville (Vermont) and Beth Dodge are members who will be on the committee.
Lou Anne has volunteered to be the Co-Chair of the communications committee and will take on the responsibility for flashmails.
Tatum O’Sullivan and Board / Tatum will hand over the list of committee members to Cheryl.
The duties checklist will be forwarded to Cheryl.
A comprehensive hand-off will be done between Cheryl and Tatum / We have members who are interested in speaking in 2014.
June: Portsmouth NH, Sheraton (6/16/14 tentative).
  • Strong support for planning a full day educational meeting. Needs further discussion.
November: Kennebunk, The Colony Inn (11/18-19/14 tentative)
Susan Monteil and Board / Financial report on withdrawals:
Well within budget. Only mentioned the unexpected insurance expense for this year.
Proposed budget for 2014:
The one area where we continue to have less activity is within the scholarships expense, only $150 (plus a CPHRM due to be paid) was spent in 2013.
The board discussed several options for increasing the participation in scholarships.
2014 audit will be due ($150 placed under gifts as an expense to the volunteer)
The board had a vigorous discussion on asset planning and putting plans into place to spend down the assets of the society.
Decisions were made to increase the support of both board members and members in general for educational meetings.
Part of the discussion centered on allowing consideration for certifications for societies other thanASHRM/ CPHRM.
The subsidization committee/policy will need to be amended and ASHRM will be contacted for their opinion on and conflict of interest this may cause (chapter affiliations agreement). / Consider whether this is an ongoing expense.
New budget items of interest:
The board agreed to pay for the board members to attend the regional meeting and budget this as an expense as part of the regional profit share, back to the chapter.($5000)
The board approved to pay for the regional subsidization for up to 5 members to include the registration fee and $500 to pay for additional expenses .($3250)
ASHRM subsidy will now provide for up to 5 members to attend the national meeting by paying for the registration fee and up to $1000 in expenses.($8500)
Board members may stay overnight before and the annual meeting as well as the retreat due to the need to report out/
*See the details of the attached expense budget for 2014.
Cheryl Peaslee and Board / Chair maintains the excel spreadsheet etc as noted on the responsibilities grid.
Beth Dodge has volunteered to Chair the committee. Cheryl will do the hand off before the 2014 membership drive. / *Updated grid will be attached to these minutes.
Tatum will revise the president’s letter for 2014 to be done by 1/1/14.
Bill and the Board /
  1. Call for board nominations: 8/18/14 - 8/30/14
  2. Nominees contacted for interest and bio by committee.
  3. Ballot to members: September 15, 2014.
  4. Elections end on 10/3/14
  5. Voting must be completed by 10/15/14.
It was suggested that we draft a policy for the Polly Gagnon Award Process / On the ballot for the board nominations we will include a call for nominations for the Polly Gagnon Award. This will give the board enough time to prepare the plaque and arrange for the recipient to be at the annual meeting.
Cindy Bridgham / The applications for subsidization should be sent to members as early as possible.
Deadlines will be set to accept the subsidization requests from members as follows:
Regional Meeting:Deadline3/1/14 ( 60 days prior to early bird)
ASHRM:Deadline 5/1/14 (90 days prior to early bird) / Discussion was held to include additional educational offerings such as FASHRM,DFASHRM, Barton Certificate program.
Regional Planning Update
Bill / Sponsorship levels are going out soon with levels kept at the same levels. Conference naming contest is planned again this year. A conference planner will be hired. Registration fee will remain the same. Concerns over the actual # of risk managers who attend vs vendors etc. A call for speakers will go out in December. / Informational
Future Meeting Dates / Next Board Meeting will be at 12 noon. 12/13/13.
Meeting Adjournment / The meeting adjourned at 1:50 PM. Minutes will be typed and distributed.
Respectfully submitted / Cindy Bridgham, Secretary
Attachments * / 2014 Final Budget
Grid of board member duties and responsibilities

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