Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)

2018/19-2020/21Venue Partnership Scheme Proposal Form

(A)Information on the Proponent

1. / This is a * single / joint proposal
2. / Name of Proponent :
3. / Proposed art form :
4. / Objectives :
5. / Year of establishment [Note 1] :
6. / Legal status [Note 1] :
7. / Members’ list [Note 1] :
(including Board of Directors/Advisers, Artistic Director, Chief Executive Officer and other key administrative staff)
8. / Background and qualifications of key artistic and administrative staff member(s) [Note 1] :
(B) / Choice of the Partnering Venue for this Proposal (limited to the venues as specified at Appendix I) :
If Proponents submit Proposals on more than one venue, a separate Proposal should be submitted for each venue. Please also indicate the order of priority on choice of venues :
1st priority : / 2nd priority: / 3rd priority:
(C) / Amount of Programme Fee(only applicable to Proposals requesting for programme fee from LCSD):
The applied amount should not be more than HK$1,200,000 per year. The major performing arts groups/organisations receiving annual subvention from the Home Affairs Bureau shall make separate funding arrangements with the Home Affairs Bureau on the fees relating to the Scheme.
(2018/19) / (2019/20) / (2020/21)

[Note 1]:For joint proposal, detailed information of each participating performing arts group/organisation should be included.
Existing venue partners (2015/16– 2017/18) are not required to submit relevant information should there be no change to such details.

* Please delete where inappropriate


(D) Past Activities Report of the Proponent and Participating Performing Arts Groups/Organisations(Details of the activities held in 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 should be included)[Notes 2 and 3]

1. Stage productions

Year / Programme/Event / Venue / No. of performances / Attendance / Overall income and expenditure account
[Note 4]
Income / Expenditure

2. Arts education and audience building activities

Year / Programme/Event / Venue / No. of performances / Paid/Free / Target audience / Attendance / Overall income and expenditure account
[Note 4]
Income / Expenditure

[Note 2] : Existing Venue Partners are required to submit the past activities report only on programmes not related to the Venue Partnership Scheme.

[Note 3] : For joint proposal, all past activities report of each participating performing arts group/organisation should be provided.

[Note 4] : Please submit an audited account report certified by an auditor approved by the Government (if any).

(E) Evaluation(only applicable to existing venue partners)

Please assess the effectiveness of your proposal under the 3rd round Venue Partnership Scheme and statehow this proposal would bring about furtherachievement of the Scheme objectives.

3rd Round / 4th Round
(i) / Enhancing the artistic image and character of the venue and its partner
(ii) / Enlarging the audience base
(iii) / Optimising usage of facilities
(iv) / Developing venue-based marketing strategies
(v) / Encouraging community involvement in the development of the arts
(vi) / Promoting the arts in the community

(Please provide details in supplementary sheets, if necessary.)

(F)Strategic Development Plan for the Venue Partnership Scheme

1. Overall PartnershipPlan

(i)Artistic vision of the Proponent

(ii)Artistic plan and programme direction

(iii)Reasons for choosing the venue

(iv)Vision for becoming the Venue Partner of the specific venue

(v)Strategies on arts education (applicable toProposals focused on arts education)

2. Development Plan

(i)Number of days to be used

Venue facilities / Proposed no. of days to be used
2018/19 / 2019/20 / 2020/21

(ii)Promotion of the relevant art form

(iii)Arts education and audience building

3. Aspects which Merit Special Consideration

(i)Exploring and synergising with the special characteristics of the community, including the strategies on using remote venues

(ii)Optimising the use of booking quota for effective use of venue facilities to promote arts education and audience building activities,such as stagingstudent performances and/or matinee programmes during weekdays

(iii)A detailed plan on collaborations with the community/district organisations/schools

(iv)Formulating effective marketing and promotion strategies

(G)Business Plan for the Venue Partnership Scheme in 2018/19

1. Stage productions

1.(a) Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

1.(b) Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

1.(c)Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

(Please provide details in supplementary sheets, if necessary.)

2. Arts education and audience building activities

2.(a) Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

2.(b)Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

2.(c)Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

(Please provide details in supplementary sheets, if necessary.)

3.Ticketed stage performances and activities presented by venue partners of the Hong Kong City Hall or the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at LCSD venues in the New Territories (specifically at the Yuen Long Theatre and the Tuen Mun Town Hall) (only applicable to proposals relating to the Hong Kong City Hall or the Hong Kong Cultural Centre)

3.(a) Stage productions

Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

3.(b)Arts education and audience building activities

Programme/Event: Venue: No. of performances:

(including set-up and move-out) / Key production team members/ Main cast / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated remuneration fee(a) / Estimated production cost(b) / Estimated publicity cost (c) / Estimated administrative cost(d) / Total
(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship)

(Please provide details in supplementary sheets, if necessary.)

(H) Brief Programme Plan for the Venue Partnership Schemein 2019/20 and 2020/21


  1. Stage productions

Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes
  1. Arts education and audience building activities

Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes
  1. Ticketed stage performances and activities presented by venue partners of the Hong Kong City Hall or the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at LCSD venues in the New Territories (specifically at the Yuen Long Theatre and the Tuen Mun Town Hall) (only applicable toproposalsrelating to the Hong Kong City Hall or the Hong Kong Cultural Centre)

3.(a) Stage productions

Venue / Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes

3.(b) Arts education and audience building activities

Venue / Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes

(Please provide details in supplementary sheets, if necessary.)


  1. Stage productions

Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes
  1. Arts education and audience building activities

Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes
  1. Ticketed stage performances and activities presented by venue partners of the Hong Kong City Hall or the Hong Kong Cultural Centre at LCSD venues in the New Territories (specifically at the Yuen Long Theatre and the Tuen Mun Town Hall) (only applicable to proposals relating to the Hong Kong City Hall or the Hong Kong Cultural Centre)

3.(a) Stage productions

Venue / Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes

3.(b) Arts education and audience building activities

Venue / Total no. of performances / Estimated attendance / Target audience / Estimated box office income (including sponsorship) / Estimated total expenditure / Special features of programmes

(Please provide details in supplementary sheets, if necessary.)

Contact person and the position held:
Registered address:
Contact telephone no.:
Fax no.:
E-mail address:


1.We have read and fully understand the content and the conditions of the “Invitation for Proposals for the Venue Partnership Scheme” and agree as if set out therein.

2.We hereby declare and guarantee that all information providedin this Proposal and attached documents are true and correct to the best of knowledge. [Note 5]

/ Signature / :
Name in block letters / :
Position held / : / (Chairman / ChiefExecutive Officer / )
Contact telephone no. / :
Fax no. / :
Date / :

[Note 5]: Proponents, with intent to submit false documents or information, will have their proposals revoked and might be subject to criminal liability.

(J)For joint proposal, this part should be completedby all the participating performing arts groups/organisations

We hereby submit a joint proposal for the Venue Partnership Scheme and agree to nominate ______(name of Principal Proponent) as the Principal Proponent to submit the joint proposal on our behalf and to act as the sole official representative responsible for all matters related to the Scheme, including but not limited to its execution and all co-ordination work, the negotiation on the programme fees and usage of the venue facilities, the management and the use of programme fees received, as well as the submission of all required reports and the signing of all agreements as required under the Scheme.
Name of participating performing arts group/ organisation / :
Signature / :
Name in block letters / :
Position held / : / (Chairman / Chief Executive Officer / )
Contact telephone no. / :
Fax no. / :
E-mail address / :
Date / :