Stansbury Service Agency
Of Tooele County
1 Country Club, Suite #1, Stansbury Park, Utah, 84074
Phone: 435-882-6188 Fax: 435-843-5183
The regular meeting of the Stansbury Service Agency of Tooele County was held Wednesday, August 13th, 2014 at 7:00 pm, at the Stansbury Park Clubhouse, 1 Country Club, Stansbury Park, UT 84074. The agenda was published in the Transcript-Bulletin.
Business Meeting:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Rod Thompson.
Pledge of Allegiance: Gary Jensen led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Staff:
Jamie Lindsay-Excused Randall Jones-Present
Gary Jensen-Present Cindy Curtis-Present
Glenn Oscarson-Present
Neil Smart-Excused
Rod Thompson-Present
Mike Johnson-Present
Review and Adopt Minutes:
Mike motions to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2014 minutes. Glenn seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the minutes are approved.
Public Comment:
Wade Hadlock, 511 Waterwheel. Wade is concerned about the new collector road going through and asks what the plans are. He states that there has not been a lot of forethought on the road plan. Wade would like to see some greenbelt on the collector road. Rod states that the parking lot at the 28 acre park was not built to be a road. We want to keep it a parking lot. After seeing the intersection design, he was surprised by the complexity of it. He understood that the collector road is going to go behind the park. It is a good time to give input on this. Rod also likes the park look of Village Boulevard and Stansbury Parkway. Mike agrees that it looks nice. Wade requests that the whole board see the plans. Rod explains that the board chairman must sign off on the mylar for the developer to proceed
Probable Vote Items:
Work Session:
Possible Vote Items:
a. Approval of 2013 Financial Audit--Randall Jones. Randy reports that the auditor findings are the only two that he finds every year. Being a small entity, we cannot hire enough individuals to separate the functions as they would like. Since he has come on board, we have been able to separate some of the duties. Mike states that the most important part of the report is the opinion where they state that the financial statements present fairly in all material respects and it is here.
Glenn motions to adopt the 2013 audit as presented. Gary seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.
b. Invoicing the developer for maintenance costs of the 28 Acre Park. Randy has talked with the developer and let him know that this is something that he could be looking at if he can't get the deed turned over to the agency as soon as possible. The developer has no issues with getting it turned over to us. Mike suggests that if he does not comply by the next meeting, we can have the invoices ready to be approved. Randy will get those prepared.
c. Conflict of Interest policy approval--Randall Jones. Randy states that we need to have a Conflict of Interest policy. Cindy has researched on-line and found one that we have tweaked a little to fit our organization. It just states what is considered a conflict and how the board will proceed if there is. There is a disclosure form on the back that would be renewed every year. Mike states that we are already governed by State Law. State Law says that he or she needs to disclose it publicly and then cannot participate in the selection. Rod states that he is comfortable staying within the guidelines that the state mandates and this should help us in doing so. After much discussion, it was decided that Mike will look into this further.
Mike motions to table this item for further research before it is brought to the board for approval. Glenn seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.
d. Cemetery Gazebo selection--Glenn Oscarson. Glenn shows pictures of the gazebos that he has chosen and talks about his ideas. He is thinking a 12' gazebo will be big enough, he does not want it to be a picnic area. Gary and Glenn have looked at several gazebos and have decided that steel would be best. Glenn states that we have raised enough money and it is going to be a very nice touch.
Mike authorized Glenn and Randy to put in the gazebo as long as the cost does not exceed $25,000.00 Gary seconds the motion, all vote in favor and the motion passes.
3. Front entryway--Randall Jones. Randy states that there are some decisions that need to be made. We need to decide on the font for the lettering on the monolith. We will be putting cast aluminum (anodized) lettering.
Glenn motions to go with Futura Bold lettering. Mike seconds the motion and the vote is as follows: Mike-yes, Glenn-yes, Rod-yes, Gary-no. The motion is passed by majority vote.
A 10 minute recess was taken.
Randy discusses the UDOT boundaries. The board decides that it is okay to use the Maverik grass line as our boundary line.
Manager’s Report:
- The pro shop roof project is nearing completion. The internal wiring has been completed and the golf carts can now be stored inside the building. We have removed the temporary fencing at the pavilion and will be purchasing new tables to replace the ones that were moved to the Porter Way Park.
- We have maximized the amount of water that we are pumping into the sailing lake. The Gordon well is running 24/7 as is the wet well. The lake has been rising about one half inch a day and should be full by the end of next week. We have made a second application of blue dye which should help with the algae and weed growth.
- The lake weed mower has been repaired and is operating again. We hired a second operator and will be running the mower 12 hours a day from now until the end of the mowing season. The insurance determined that the mower was totaled and has issued a check in the amount of $37,500, minus our $1000 deductable, toward replacement costs. They are still determining the value of the trailer, which they intend to replace. They will also be covering the cost of recovery from the lake.
- The golf course lessee has hired a new night watering person and is increasing the amount of water he is putting on the course. Overall the course is looking better. I will continue to work closely with the lessee to make sure that the improvement continues.
- I have spoken with the developer that currently owns the Porter Way Park. He should have an initial draft of a Dedication Agreement to me by Tuesday, 08/12/14. Once we have had a chance to review the agreement and sign off on it, they will move forward with the transfer of the property.
- The front entry has been surveyed and we are currently in the permitting process with UDOT. Before we can proceed with construction we will need to present them with our design and construction plans. We are currently working to obtain concept drawings for the Board’s final approval. Once the concept has been approved and the permits are in hand, we can put the project out for bid.
- As a part of the front entry project, we will need to bore under the road so that we can run electrical wire to the middle island and the North side of the road. I have put the project out for bid and am awaiting a response.
- We have cut down and cleaned up 70 trees along Stansbury Parkway, as a part of the Parkway Rejuvenation Project. By doing the work we could safely do in house, we saved the Service agency approximately $20,000. The project to remove the remaining 160 trees and have all of the stumps ground went out to bid on 08/07/14. The bids will be opened on 08/25/14 and the contract awarded. Work on the project is to be completed no later than October 15th. Chad Ivestor and Gary Jensen both donated their time, resources, and skill, in helping to remove these trees and should be commended for their service to the community.
- We have completed another successful season of swimming lessons at the pool. The changes we made to the registration process streamlined things somewhat and had no negative impact on the number of lessons sold for the season. We will be working on further streamlining the registration process for next year. The pool will remain open after school and on weekends until Labor Day. We will then complete some necessary maintenance before putting it to bed for the winter.
- I have been obtaining bids from graphic designers to design a map and tee signs for the disc golf course. There is currently a map with the rules on our web page so people can use the course right now. We have seen quite a lot of use and patronage of the course is increasing daily.
- We have been working with SPID to find additional water for use in our golf course ponds and the sailing lake. The state has recently approved a change application which makes available additional 752 acre feet of water for year round use. This water should allow us to maintain the sailing lake and golf course ponds at optimal levels.
- The Fire Marshall conducted an inspection of the club house on Monday. For the most part, we are in compliance. We will need to have our fire sprinkler system inspected and there are several sprinkler heads that will need to be replaced because they have been painted over. I will get bids for that work once we receive the Inspectors official report.
- I am currently seeking bids to paint the outside trim, doors and deck of the club house. We will try to do the painting in September, after the busy wedding season.
- The front entry of the clubhouse has been recoated and the water leaks in the basement storage room have abated.
- Porta-potties have been installed at the Village Boulevard fields. We will be sharing the cost of the units with the youth football league.
- The fireworks, Stansbury Cup Regatta, and free swimming, that the Service Agency sponsors each year, are organized and ready to go for Stansbury Days.
- The state approved an application from SPID giving us access to 752 acre feet of year round water. We can pump anytime that we want and keep both the ponds and the lake full.
Board Member’s Reports and Requests:
Glenn Oscarson- Glenn thanks Randy for getting the sidewalks cleaned up by the tennis courts. It looks really nice and suggests doing the same by the golf course. Glenn asks Randy to put together the invoices for the grants. He asks what is going on with the pond by Bob Shields home. Randy explains about the outlet and the drainage. He is going to get it fixed with a concrete outflow.
Glenn suggests to Randy to put in some astro-turf around the clubhouse fountain, it would look really nice. He does not want to put rocks there. Randy states that the board will need to decide on this, but the plan is to put river rocks around the fountain and all of the areas around the clubhouse where there is currently bark. Glenn asks if any of the board members have looked at astro-turf. It doesn't need water and gives it a nice green look. He does not like the rocks and would like to see some green not more rocks. Randy states that we don't have water there so we can't have grass. The pipe under the road is broken and we don't want to dig up the asphalt to repair it. We have to fill the fountain with a hose every day. .
Rod Thompson--Rod reports that he has met with Jeff Green about the watering question that was brought up at the last meeting. If we are going to put money towards something, Jeff would rather have sprinkler heads and suggested a $10,000 match. We have up to $10,000.00 to spend. Rod would like to see more of the rough watered.
Gary Jensen--Gary states that where the trees were taken out by the ball field the grass is yellow and asks why. Randy comments that those areas are getting too much water.
Gary has talked with Jamie regarding putting rocks from the gazebo over to the boat dock. He asks what we need to do to get going on this. Randy states that we can't do it this year but we can budget for it next year. Rod comments that we did at one time have a bid on this. Gary comments that Neil mentioned that we had a bid from Broken Arrow for about $20,000. Randy insists that we have never had a bid and the board has never agreed on what we want. Rod tells Gary to get with Jamie between now and the next meeting. This is work than can be done during the fall.
Rod states that we have three 48" culverts that go under the road between the 2 lakes. It serves the interest of the county that if anything happened and one of them should fail, they are cut off on the island. There has been a company that has a state contract come out and discussed HDPE pipe. They will get us a proposal. This is an conflict of interest for Rod as he works for the county. He suggests that the county would do the work if the service agency would provide the culverts. He will bring it to Randy and the board can make a determination.
Cindy has given each board member a copy of 2 letters that have been received. One from the Tooele County Attorney's office thanking the board for their cooperation and efforts to help in recovering evidence in the State vs. Larry Beach case. The other letter is from the Pastor of the Baptist Church that meets in the clubhouse thanking the board for allowing them to use the clubhouse for Bible school. Mr. Lynch also points out the hard work and professionalism of Kimberly Zollinger in assisting scheduling and supporting their needs. She is an instrumental part in their being able to be a presence within the community.
Cindy also requests that we choose a name for the 28 Acre Park and the Boyer (or Bayshore) Park.
Financials and Bills:
The checks were signed and the bills taken care of. Each board member received a copy of the budget overview.
Gary motions to adjourn, Glenn seconds the motion and the meeting was adjourned.