Conference Steering Group Meeting

Friday 11th December 2009 @ 13:30

Leicester Energy Agency, LCC


Paul Maplethorpe (PM) Conference Steering Group Chair

Brian Sexton (BS) Conference Steering Group Chair

Alison Hartley (AH) Vice Chair – North West

Erica Pretty (EP) Vice Chair – South West

Helen Atkins (HA) CAN Secretariat

Rob Leeson (RL) CAN Secretariat

Alison McCafferty (AMc) Vice Chair – East Midlands

Darsh Chauhan (DC) CAN Secretariat


Sue Rees (SR) GOSW

1. Welcome and Apologies

PM welcomed the group and conveyed apologies for SR.

2. Matters arising and previous minutes

The previous minutes were signed off as a true record and there was only one minor amendment, DC was missed off the attendance list on the previous minutes.

3. Conference theme

RL showed 3 different graphic design ideas for the conference literature. The group liked the ideas and after some discussion agreed to go with DC suggestion to use the penguin design but integrate the different stages of evolution with the background changing from ice caps to jungle scenes.

4. Finance/Sponsorship

DC provided an update on sponsorship for the event. Although there was initial interest, no one has committed and it’s apparent that the economy is affecting companies’ decisions not to sponsorship. DS also raised concern about public sector cuts and that councils are reducing budgets for travel and training, which was evident at the 2009 event when, for the first year, not all the two nights accommodation packages sold. Although the conferences are self-funding, HA was concerned that there weren’t sufficient funds in place nationally to cover any upfront costs or potential losses.
After much deliberating the group agreed that the most appropriate decision was to cancel the 2010 event, postponing it in until 2011 when it would be held at the Palace Hotel, Torquay.
HA looked at the contract and cancellation periods, whilst BS tried to contact the chair, Andy Stephenson. The period where cancellation was free (six-month prior to the event) ended on 10.12.09 - the day before the meeting. Andy Stephenson was not available at the time, so the decision to cancel was made by the steering group and BS advised the hotel and enquired about cancellation charges. Katy at the Palace thanked the group and said she would need to discuss it with her manager and call on Monday to advise of costs.
Post meeting note: The hotel agreed to waver the 10% charge (of the total amount, approx £5k) as the date has been postponed rather than cancelled.
PM will draft a press release for dissemination to members and for inclusion in the next magazine. HA will also send it out to previous sponsors, exhibitors and speakers. It was however, agreed that prior to this being published the people who had invited speakers (or site visits) should advise them of the changes imminently. HA to inform the AV company, Carolyn O’Sullivan and Conference Care.

As budgets for 2011 are being set now, it was felt this was best time to approach organisation and a new sponsorship presentation pack will be developed that is easier to understand and will be used to encourage companies to sponsor. It will include presentation, video clips, packages etc. HA will produce a tow tier sponsorship package with one main and up to eight associate sponsors. It was agreed that members of the group would personally approach and visit companies in their region to promote and negotiate deals.

Post meeting note: Three tier sponsorship packages are now being used with one main sponsor, up to four associate sponsors and a badge and lanyard sponsor. This is to limit the number of sponsors as not to affect the exhibition area and also because of the practicalities of multiple logos.

DC will devise a list of previous sponsors, exhibitors and partners to approach with the new presentation pack and request a meeting.

Provisional dates for the 2011 event are 9,10,11th May, however these may change to aid the change in programme structure originally planned for 2010.

Post meeting note: A final copy of the email, as agreed by the group and national chair:

Re: Carbon Action Network Conference 2010 - Cancelled

TheCAN Conference Steering Group met on December 11th 2009 to discuss planning of the 2010 conference; however it was reported that sufficient sponsorship couldn't be secured. Approaches were made to all utilities and major insulating contractors without success.

Given the current climate many organisations are rationalising their sponsorship of events. The group was also mindful of the restraints being put upon council officers and we know that many of you will be experiencing restrictions on your travel andattendanceattraining events.

The joint chairs of the Conference Steering Group, Brian Sexton and Paul Maplethorpe, in full agreement with the rest of the steering group therefore made the reluctant decision to cancel the 2010 conference.A great deal of effort has been done by the secretariat and the conference steering group andtherefore our decision as not been taken lightly. We can well understand the disappointment this will have for many of you.

Due to the constraints with sponsorship and the hotel's requirements for notification for cancellation this decision has to be taken now or wewouldhave incurred a cost, which we were keen to avoid.We did however assure the hotel that we would like to reservethe venue fora 2011conference and we are- as I know you all will be- hopeful that financial conditions will have improved by then.

The steering group will meet again in the summer to begin planning for 2011 and in the meantime will continue to secure funding to that end. A further update will be posted on the network at that time.

To recognise the continued work of local authority officerswe willproceed with the annual awards. Further news on this will be circulated soon.

Should you have any questions regarding this matteror would like to enquire about conference sponsorship for 2011, pleasefeel free to contact: Helen Atkins at the CANSecretariat (tel: 0116 2995133 or email: )

5 - 9. Programme, Seminars, Site Visits, Delegates and Exhibition

To reflect the decision to cancel the 2010 event further discussion about the programme, seminars, site visits, delegates and exhibition did not take place (agenda items 5–8).

These agenda items will be discussed at the first 2011 conference meeting in August 2010.

10. Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony

It was suggested that in keeping with the changes to HECA and the company name the Diana Maddock Life Time Achievement award be changed to The John Chesshire Life Time Achievement Award in memory of John and his contribution to the CAN and the conference. HA will seek approval from his family prior to any publication. It was decided that even though the conference was postponed for a year the awards would still go ahead to maintain morale. The secretariat will look at options and funding for awards and possible event.

Alan Jones, Leeds City Council was put forward for the 2009 lifetime achievement award, but as John Davies was retiring he was awarded in 2009 for his excellent services to the industry. Alan has however since announced his retirement which will have started before the 2011 conference. Alan will still receive the award in 2011 for his contribution to HECA, the national and regional fora Network and Leeds City Council. HA to maintain contact with Alan.

11. Any other business

No other business was raised at the meeting.

Date of next meetings: August 2010