ValleyKarateSchool and Kumite Fight Gear
Quest of Champions
IOGKF Regional open Tournament
September 29th, 2012
Competition Begins @ 10:00 A.M. Sharp!!
*Kata Competition
*Point Sparring (Sanbon Kumite)
*Continuous Sparring (Iri-Kumi)
*Special Grappling Division
(Youth only)
*Over 65 Divisions!
*1st, 2nd, & 3rd, Place Trophies in Kata and Sanbon Kumite divisions. Medals for Iri-Kumi and Grappling divisions.
Early Bird Registration: September 14th, 2012(must be postmarked by this date)
Location:LincolnMiddle School
1945 4th Ave.Mail completed forms to:
Clarkston, WA99403Steven Smith
1517 Hemlock Ave
Time:10:00 A.M. SharpLewiston, ID83501
All Junior Divisions will compete
first. Adult competition should begin.
begin around 1:00-1:30.
Cost Early Reg:Cost after September 8th and at the door:
1 Event- $35.001 Event- $45.00Spectator Fee: $5
2 Events-$40.002 Events-$50.00Senior $3/Under 6 Free
3 Events-$45.003 Events-$55.00One parent will be
4 Events-$50.004 Events-$60.00admitted free with
5 Events-$50.005 Events-$65.00a competitor.
Special guest in attendance at the tournament:
Well known Goju-Ryu and BJJ Black Belt Eric Shingu of LODI, CA
Quest of Champions
The objective of having a tournament is to promote the friendship among fellow karate students and to work toward the implementation of our main goals. It is of great importance that all participants adhere to the rules and excel not only in the technical aspects of martial arts, but also in manners and etiquette. Any competitor, or parent, who is impolite or disrespectful in any way may be disqualified from the competition and/or asked to leave. The purpose of getting together is to develop friendships and display all aspects of traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do and other styles competing.
Contestants must wear a clean WHITEuniform with their current belt. Without a uniform andbelt, no contestant will be able to participate.
Rules Continued:
The order in which participants will show their kata will be determined by the order the registration forms are received. Example: The very first registration form received will compete with their kata last. The last registration received will go first.
Beginning divisions (White-Orange) will be given a score of 6.0 – 7.0. An average score would be 6.5. These scores will be added together to determine the final score. Awards will be given at the end of each division. Intermediate divisions (Green-Purple) will be given a score of 7.0 – 8.0. An average score will be 7.5. Advanced divisions (brown-black) will be given a score of 8.0 -9.0 average score of 8.5.
ALL competitors must have headgear, hand gear, footgear, and mouthpiecein order to compete. Males must wear an athletic supporter.
Sanbon Kumite matches will be 2 minutes or whoever scores 3 points first to determine the winner. In the event of a tie and the time runs out, the match will go into overtime. The first person to score will win the match.
Iri-kumi matches will be 2 minutes continuous sparring. The opponent who demonstrates the best technique, control, and scores the most points will be awarded the match.
In the event of a fowl, you will be given a formal warning, second time your opponent will be awarded a point a third time you will be disqualified. A fowl may be but not limited to hitting to hard, running out of the ring, attacking joints, or any of the prohibited techniques. Please note: Any of the above penalties may be given at any time. Example: If you hit your opponent excessively hard you may be disqualified from competition immediately.
Sparring competition will be single elimination. However if you lose the first match you need to stay with your group until the division has finished. DO not argue with the judges, their decision is final!
No attacks to the eyes, throat, groin, instep and joints. Any and all attacks that exhibit a lack of control are prohibited. Techniques which are delivered blindly, that is without seeing the target, are prohibited.
ALL competitors must have a mouthpiece in order to participate in Grappling. Males must have an athletic supporterWITHOUT THE CUP IN PLACE. Matches will be a full 2 minutes or submission ends the match. Scorekeeper will keep a total of points scored during the 2-minute match. At the end of the match,whoever has scored the most points will move on to the next round. Points are as follows: 2 points for a take down. 2 points for a mounted position held for at least 5 seconds. 1 point for side mount or guard position held for at least 5 seconds. Submission at any time will end the match. Note: Absolutely no heel hooks, guillotines, or ankle locks will be permitted
Quest of Champions
September 29th, 2012
10:00 A.M.
ADDRESS:______SEX: M / F
TELEPHONE: (____) ______-______
Early Registration by 9/8/2012After September 8th, 2012
$35.00 1 EVENT$45.00 1 EVENT
$40.00 2 EVENTS$50.00 2 EVENTS
$45.00 3 EVENTS$55.00 3 EVENTS
$50.00 4 EVENTS$60.00 4 EVENTS
$50.00 5 EVENTS$65.00 5 EVENTS
I the undersigned, do hereby voluntarily submit my application for attendance and/or participation in the Quest of Champions Tournament, held at Jenifer Jr. High, Lewiston, ID83501, and do hereby assume full responsibility for any and all damages, injuries, or losses that I may sustain or incur, if and when attending or participating. I hereby waive all claims against ValleyKarateSchool, Kumite Fight Gear, Steven Smith, Tami Smith, their heirs and assignees, its officers, directors, management, and all volunteer staff, for damages, injuries or losses that I may sustain. I acknowledge that all entries are final and no refunds will be given. I state and affirm that I have no existing medical ailment which would impair or limit my participation including, but not limited to heart disease, epilepsy, hernias, etc. I understand that all medical treatment given will be of a first aid type only and I waive any and all claims for and consent that any photographs or video recordings furnished by me or taken of me in connection with this even can be used for any publicity promotion or television showing and I waive any compensation in regard thereto. I understand that tournament approved equipment is mandatory. I have read and fully understand the preceding statements and acknowledge the complete acceptance of the same. If I am signing for my child or children, I acknowledge and accept all of the above conditions in their and my behalf.
Signature of Participant/Attendee Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian (if under 18)
Print NamePrint Name
Early Bird Registration Deadline: September 8th , 2012
Mail completed forms to: Steven Smith 1517 Hemlock Ave.Lewiston, ID83501 or
hand directly to Sensei Steven by deadline
(Please check appropriate boxes)
K-1______6 & Under all RanksS-1______6 & Under Beginning
K-2______7 & 8 BeginningS-2______6 & Under Over 1 Year
K-3______7 & 8 Intermediate S-3______7 & 8 Beginning
K-4______9 & 10 Beginning S-4______7 & 8 Intermediate
K-5______9 & 10 Intermediate S-5______9 & 10 Beginning
K-6______9 & 10 AdvancedS-6______9 & 10 Intermediate
K-7______11-13 Beginning S-7______9 & 10 Advanced
K-8______11-13 IntermediateS-8______11-13 Beginning
K-9______11-13 AdvancedS-9______11-13 Intermediate
K-10_____14-17 Beginning S-10_____11-13 Advanced
K-11_____14-17 IntermediateS-11_____14-17 Beginning (Boys)
K-11_____14-17 AdvancedS-12_____14-17 Beginning (Girls)
K-12_____Men BeginningS-13_____14-17 Intermediate (Boys)
K-13_____Women BeginningS-14_____14-17 Intermediate (Girls)
K-14_____Men IntermediateS-15_____14-17 Advanced (Boys)
K-15_____Women IntermediateS-16_____14-17 Advanced (Girls)
K-16_____Men Brown/BlackS-17_____Men Beginning
K-17_____Women Brown/BlackS-18_____Women Beginning
W-1_____Weapons 17 & under IntermediateS-19_____Men Intermediate
W-2_____Weapons 17 & Under AdvancedS-20_____Women Intermediate
W-3_____Weapons Adult IntermediateS-21_____Men Brown
W-4_____Weapons Adult AdvancedS-22_____Men Black
S-23_____Women Brown & Black
I-1______7 & 8 Intermediate G-1______6 & Under Beginning
I-2______9-10 IntermediateG-2______6 & Under Over 1 Year
I-3______9-10 AdvancedG-3______7-9 Beginning
I-4______11-13 IntermediateG-4______7-9 Over 1 Year
I-5______11-13 AdvancedG-5______10-12 Beginning
I-6______14-17 Intermediate (Boys)G-6______10-12 Over 1 Year
I-7______14-17 Intermediate (Girls)G-7______13-15 Beginning
I-8______14-17 Advanced (Boys)G-8______13-15 Over 1 Year
I-9______14-17 Advanced (Girls)
I-10_____Men Intermediate*Beginning Divisions: White-Orange
I-11_____Women Intermediate*Intermediate: Green-Purple
I-12_____Men Brown*Advanced: Brown/Balck
I-13_____Men Black*NO Jumping divisions. (you may not enter a youth
I-14_____Women Brown/Blackdivision and an adult division)
If you are the only participant in your division, you will have the opportunity to “move up” to the next division or take the 1st place award.
Please check the appropriate spaces and total.
1 Event______$35.00*Please circle the size of shirt that you would like.
2 Events______$40.00*Discount for more than one shirt.
3 Events______$45.00If past September 8th, please adjust amount due for
4 Events______$50.00divisions.
5 Events______$50.00
Spectator Fee_____$5Adult/$3 SeniorChild: S M
Tournament T-Shirt____$20.00Adult:S M L XL XXL
2 T-Shirts (discount)____$35.00 Shirts will be $25.00 at the Tournament
(Design will be specific to tournament)
Number of Shirts ordered:______Number of Spectators______
Total $ enclosed with registration:______