High School Course Outline

Course Title/Grade: Culinary Arts I & II 10-12th grade Year Long Course 1 credit

Instructor: Mrs. Lisa Klein Fee: $30.00 +

Course Description: Culinary Arts I is designed to introduce the student to the workings of the Food Service Industry along with basic employment skills. Students will learn various components of professional cooking including food safety and sanitations, equipment handling, and basic food preparation and planning. Culinary Arts students run the TRHS Coffee House Coffee Cart as a work experience activity.

Culinary Arts courses focus on the following Family and Consumer Science National Comprehensive Standard:

FC 8.0 Integrate knowledge, skills, and practices required for careers in food production and services.

All Culinary Arts I students will work towards completing year 1 of the NRAEF Pro-Start Program. Students wishing to continue in the Pro-Start Program will need to take the year 1 exam (at their expense) and obtain a mentored work experience. Culinary Arts II is the continuation of the Pro-Start Program year 2 and is an independent study course under instructor supervision. To obtain the Pro-Start Certification students must take and pass both year one and two exams and complete a 400 hour mentored work experience. Students who obtain the Pro-Start Certification usually receive advanced standing into post-secondary institutions and have additional scholarship opportunities.

Primary Text/Resources: National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts, Levels One and Two, 1st edition, Boston, MA. Pearson Education, Inc. 2011. Supplemental Resources: Johnson & Wales University. Culinary Essentials, 2nd ed. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-hill, 2006. Ray, Mary and Lewis, Evelyn. Exploring Professional Cooking, 4th ed. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 1996. Various supplemental readings, handouts, video recordings, and notes.

Supplies Needed: Three ring binder with notebook, folder, pens (black/blue), pencils.

Academic Information

Grading Policy/Grading Scale: Grades will be based on a points system. The following are the components of grade: Tests, assessments, chapter assignments, worksheets, projects, food labs, and class participation. Grading scale: 100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59%-0=F.

Homework: Homework can include worksheets, text work, projects and reports.

Absences/Make Up Work:

·  Make up work must be in two days following an (short) absence.

·  Students will have two days for every one day absent for extended absences.

·  It is the responsibility of the student to obtain missing work from the teacher upon his/her return.

·  Students must make up missed food labs as well as assignments and tests.

Late Work: Work turned in late up to one week after the due date will be given 80% credit of the original point value. After one week up to 60% credit will be given for late work. Extra credit will not be used for missed or late assignments.

Extra Help: Students can receive additional help during the teacher’s preparation period or before or after school.

Teacher Expectations of ALL Students

·  Students will be in assigned seats when the bell rings.

·  Students will be responsible and prompt.

·  Students will respect the rights of others.

·  Students will complete and hand in all required work.

·  Students missing required work will NOT participate in corresponding food labs.

·  Students will actively participate in all required food labs.

·  Students will take an active role in class; volunteering in class, participating in small groups/being part of a team, helping others when possible, and being prepared for class.

Other information important for students and parents to know: Foods for Today is a pre-requisite class for this course. Ethnic Foods and Baking courses are highly recommended.

There is a fee for both Pro-Start Exams. This fee is charged by the NRAEF to cover the costs of the testing and is approximately $25.00.