Supplementary materials

Table S1 Concentrations of fluorine in environmental materials from endemic fluorosis areas caused by coal burning in China

References / Locations / Environmental materials
Coal / Food / Drinking water / Indoor air / Soil / Others
Zheng and Huang (1985) / Southwestern China / nd/205/138 / Fresh corn: <1
Unwashed corn: nd/33.6/23
Washed corn: nd/23.9/23 / nd / nd / nd / nd
An et al. (1995) / Zhijin County, Guizhou / nd/114.0/4 / Fresh rice: nd/0.68/13
Stored rice: nd/1.15/15
Fresh corn: nd/0.65/15
Stored corn: nd/22.63/17
Fresh chili: nd/1.70/14
Stored chili: nd/589.1/15 / nd/0.17/5 / nd/0.025/12 / nd / nd
Li et al. (1999) / Zhijin County, Guizhou / nd / Polluted corn: (2.89-30.95)/15.29/14
Polluted chili: (70.4-673.93)/324.38/14 / nd / 0.002-0.017/0.007/14 / nd / Urine: (1.02-5.03)/2.72/14
Zheng et al. (1999) / Zhijin County, Guizhou / (15-598)/143/34 / Fresh corn: (0.1-0.96)/0.41/102
Polluted corn: (1.1-80.4)/13.9/101 / (0.06-0.64)/0.21/204 / nd / (168-2576)/903/102 / Rock: (22-10736)/363/119
Ando et al. (2001) / Longli County, Guizhou / nd/212/nd / Crop: nd/3.68/nd
Chili: nd/129/nd / nd/0.10/nd / nd/0.076/nd / nd/4807/nd / nd
Dai et al. (2004) / Western Guizhou / (16.6-500)/83.1/50 / nd / (0.09-0.42)/0.19/5 / nd / nd / Clay: (100.8-2455.7)/1027.6/11
Wu et al. (2004a, b) / Hualuo, Zhijin
Majiazhuang, Zhijin
Pianpo, Weining
Whole Guizhou / nd/107.8/11
(0-521.0)/115.5/616 / Polluted corn: nd/30.6/10
Polluted chili: nd/513.1/9
Polluted corn: nd/33.4/7
Polluted chili: nd/342.6/6
Polluted corn: nd/49.8/13
Polluted chili: nd/281.0/9 / nd/0.12/7
nd/0.05/3 / nd / nd / Clay: nd/6103.7/10
Urine: (2.33-18.5)/6.98/8
Li et al. (2005) / Guizhou / (24.1-2750.5)/359.9/163 / Polluted corn: nd/17.8/1164
Polluted chili: nd/273.9/1134 / nd / nd / nd / Clay: (29.1-5768.9)/1947.2/133
Dai et al. (2007) / Zhijin County, Guizhou / (79.5-599)/237/nd / Polluted chili: (249-4671)/1419/nd
Polluted corn: (34.6-300)/110/nd / nd / nd / nd / Clay: (452-4955)/2262/nd
Luo et al. (2007) / Zhaotong, Yunnan / (22.79-189.67)/77.2/10 / nd / (0.102-0.353)/0.216/11 / nd / nd / Clay: (367.2-2435.2)/1162.8/11
An et al. (2009) / Guizhou / (23.6-4269.2)/322.3/382 / Polluted rice: nd/0.72/242
Polluted corn: nd/11.44/354
Polluted chili: nd/250.8/360 / (0.01-0.50)/0.11/189 / nd / nd / Clay: (53.9-4268.4)/1134.0/385
Luo et al. (2011) / Zhaotong, eastern Yunan; Weining, western Guizhou / (57-311)/98/19 / Fresh corn: (0.07-2.73)/1.22/28
Polluted corn: (3.18-89.06)/20.26/43
Fresh chili: (0.56-5.23)/2.73/10
Polluted chili: (12.33-1274.39)/247.27/19
Rice: (0.69-3.67)/1.93/10 / nd / nd / nd / Clay: (269-2537)/1116/19
Luo et al. (1996) / Ziyang County, Shaanxi / Stone coal: (510-3800)/1735/12 / Corn: (4-10)/6.33/9 / Spring: (0.24-0.45)/0.32/8 / nd/0.0148/nd / (450-510)/478.9/9 / nd
Hu et al. (1998) / Wushan County, Chongqing / nd/719.98/6 / Food: nd/8.10/13 / nd/0.25/10 / nd / nd / Urine: nd/2.71/30
Hair: nd/14.37/29
Ando et al. (2001) / Pengsui County, Sichuan / nd/656/nd / Crop: nd/70.2/nd
Chili: nd/195/nd / nd/0.19/nd / nd/0.074/nd / nd/620/nd / nd
Wu et al. (2004c) / Xuanen, Hubei / Stone coal: nd/1447/3 / Polluted corn: nd/4.3/3
Polluted chili: nd/295/3 / Well water: nd/0.09/1
Tank water: nd/0.15/3
Boiled water: nd/2.2/3 / nd / nd / Dust: nd/33580/3

nd: no data or not available;

The units for coal, food, soil, and other materials are mg/kg, mg/L for water, and mg/m3 for air.

The ranges, means, and numbers of samples were noted in the parentheses, and separated by the diagonals, respectively.


Table S2 Concentrations of arsenic in environmental materials from endemic arsenism areas caused by coal burning in China

References / Locations / Environmental materials
Coal / Food / Drinking water / Indoor air / Soil / Others
Ke et al. (1980) / Kaiyang, central Guizhou / (39.8-100)/68.7/8 / nd / Well water: bdl / nd / nd / Dust in kitchen: (240.8-1050)/598.5/8
Hair: (2.0-21.0)/8.69/22
An et al. (1994) / Zhijin County, Guizhou / nd/1096.6/8 / Fresh rice: nd/0.26/9
Stored rice: nd/2.47/11
Fresh corn: nd/0.44/9
Stored corn: nd/2.27/10
Fresh chili: nd/1.62/9
Stored chili: nd/5.10/11 / nd/0.0052/nd / nd/0.0568/24 / nd/27.17/10 / Urine: nd/0.124/38
Washed hair: nd/2.27/27
Unwashed hair: nd/5.99/29
Zhou et al. (1994a) / Xingyi, Southwestern Guizhou / (211-352)/264.5/6 / Polluted corn: nd/7.04/nd
Polluted chili: nd/693.6/nd / nd / nd / nd / Urine: nd/0.708/31
Hair: nd/58.6/31
Zhou et al. (1994b) / Xingren, Southwestern Guizhou / (41.5-8300)/840.6/97 / Polluted corn: (1.52-11.3)/3.89/70
Polluted chili: (52.7-1090)/391.2/71 / nd / (0.008-0.946)/0.267/71 / nd / Urine: nd/0.62/233
Hair: nd/18.0/273
An et al. (1995) / Zhijin County, Guizhou / nd/2166.67/4 / Fresh rice: nd/0.26/9
Stored rice: nd/7.43/10
Fresh corn: nd/0.44/9
Stored corn: nd/43.58/12
Fresh chili: nd/1.62/9
Stored chili: nd/610.33/12 / nd/0.026/6 / nd/0.11/12 / nd / nd
Zhou et al. (1998) / Southwestern Guizhou / nd/662.1/48 / Polluted corn: nd/4.94/19
Polluted chili: nd/153.4/16 / nd / nd/0.116/16 / nd / Urine: nd/0.37/70
Hair: nd/16.67/26
Zhu et al. (1999) / Wushan County, Chongqing / (nd-7.99)/6.00/6 / (nd-0.63)/0.34/12 / (nd-0.04)/0.013/10 / nd / nd / Urine: (nd-183.0)/36.2/29
Hair: (nd-6.89)/1.60/32
Shraim et al. (2003) / Changqing, Guizhou / (6.6-108.1)/56.3/9 / nd / (0.0001-0.0044)/0.0023/6 / nd / nd / Hair: (0.9-34.8)/7.99/36
Urine: (25.5-200.3)/71.4/38 a
Zheng et al. (2005a) / Xingren County, Guizhou / Gold mineralized area: nd/876.3/64
Household coal: nd/523.8/22 / Fresh corn: (0.32-0.64)/0.46/14
Polluted corn: (1.52-11.3)/4.13/32
Chili dried by low-As coal: (0.05-0.57)/0.37/14
Fresh chili in arsenism families: (0.82-4.1)/2.32/14 / Spring: nd/0.014/12
Reservoir: nd/0.028/9
Well water: nd/0.013/15 / Kitchen: nd/0.46/18
Living room: nd/0.26/11
Bed room: nd/0.072/8
Outdoor, 5m from kitchen: nd/0.044/4 / Polluted by water: nd/65.2/31
Polluted by coal-ash: nd/70.4/48 / Dust in kitchen: nd/3800/15
Dust in living room: nd/280/15
Dust in bed room: nd/78/15
Outdoor, dust 5m from kitchen: nd/212/15
Luo et al. (2008) / Zhaotong City, eastern Yunnan / (0.60-89.09)/13.32/12 / Polluted corn: (0.91-1.21)/1.20/16
Polluted wheat: nd/1.1/1
Polluted chili: (1.17-13.87)/3.90/15 / (0-0.0082)/0.0028/11 / nd / nd / Clay: (5.71-36.3)/23.3/11
Luo et al. (2011) / Zhaotong, eastern Yunan; Weining, western Guizhou / (0.80-41.18)/5.83/19 / Fresh corn: (bdl-0.034)/0.007/19
Polluted corn: (0.046-0.813)/0.249/27
Fresh chili: (bdl-0.151)/0.049/10
Polluted chili: (0.02-3.58)/0.836/10
Rice: (0.08-0.19)/0.13/10 / nd / nd / nd / Clay: (1.66-66.59)/20.94/19
Xiao et al. (2011) / Xingren County, Guizhou / nd/4.89/9 / Rice: nd/0.31/10
Corn: nd/0.52/8
Chili: nd/1.44/9 / nd / nd / nd/146.55/8 / Hair: nd/1.98/119
Urine: nd/149.59/110 a
Blood: nd/311.56/114
Zheng et al. (2005b) / Qinling-Bashan mountainous area, southern Shaanxi / Stone coal: nd/131.1/159 / Polluted corn: nd/0.44/43
Polluted chili: nd/0.92/24 / nd/0.0017/69 / nd/0.005/149 / nd / nd
Zhou et al. (2007) / Guizhou
Shaanxi / nd/8300/nd
nd/488/nd / Polluted corn: nd/4.13/nd
Polluted chili: nd/512/nd
nd/0.66/nd / nd/0.062/nd
nd/0.002/nd / nd/0.455/nd
nd/0.005/nd / nd/65.2/nd
nd/4.87/nd / nd
Zhou and Liu (2009) / Langao County, southern Shaanxi / Stone coal: nd/324.3/50 / Polluted corn: nd/0.62/30
Polluted chili: nd/0.69/30 / nd / nd / nd / Hair: nd/0.87/70

a: unit is μg arsenic/g creatinine;

bdl: below detection limit;

nd: no data or not available;

The units for coal, food, soil, and other materials are mg/kg, mg/L for water, and mg/m3 for air.

The ranges, means, and numbers of samples were noted in the parentheses, and separated by the diagonals, respectively.


Table S3 Concentrations of selenium in environmental materials from endemic selenosis areas caused by stone coal in China

References / Locations / Environmental materials
Coal / Food / Drinking water / Indoor air / Soil / Others
Yang et al. (1981) / Enshi, Huibei province / (13.2-1332.4)/329.0/19
Super-high selenium coal: 3632, 66100, 84123 / Corn: (0.5-44.0)/8.66/45
Rice: (0.3-20.2)/3.96/22
Bean: (5.0-22.2)/11.86/17 / (bdl-158)/56/9 / nd / (0.08-45.5)/9.68/18 / Hair: (4.1-100)/32.2/65
Blood: (1.3-7.5)/3.18/72
Urine: (0.88-6.63)/2.68/17
Mao et al. (1990) / Exi Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei / Stone coal: (26-1150)/143.9/129 / Corn in little stone-coal blocks: (0.19-1.16)/0.54/55
Corn in more stone-coal blocks: (0.37-4.41)/1.92/48
Corn in stone-coal mining area: (1.50-15.11)/7.56/85 / Water in limestone layer: (0.45-7.97)/0.81/46
Phreatic water in soil: (10.82-64.59)/22.55/44
Water flowed through stone-coal layer: (12.59-223.67)/104.59/38 / nd / Little stone-coal blocks: (0.92-6.48)/3.07/55
More stone-coal blocks: (2.0-26.0)/9.46/37
Stone-coal mining area: (4.31-87.2)/31.38/50 / Dust: nd/5036/nd
Su et al. (1990) / Exi Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei / Stone coal: (6-1150)/143.9/233 / Corn in stone coal area: (0.08-12.75)/4.17/219 / (0.27-342.86)/nd/136 / nd/87.84/nd / Soil in stone coal outcrop area: (1.00-37.25)/10.67/186 / Nail: (11.94-23.7)/16.2/165
Zheng et al. (1992) / Enshi, Hubei / Limestone: (0.01-8.86)/2.74/12
Shale: (2.36-63.42)/60.12/13
Silicate: (0.29-127.4)/47.04/25 / Fresh corn: nd/4.17/219 / Soil: (0.132-354)/25.57/37 / nd / nd / nd
Yan and Wu (1992, 1993) / Enshi, Hubei province / Stone coal: nd/309.89/10 / Corn grain: nd/1.35/18
Corn powder: nd/1.51/31
Rice: nd/1.07/89
Unhusked rice: nd/1.20/18
Noodle: nd/0.82/38 / Drinking water in spring: nd/14.94/13
Drinking water in winter: nd/8.41/9 / nd / nd/9.54/6 / nd
Mao et al. (1999) / Southwestern Hubei / Household stone coal: (73.55-1681)/234.22/15
Outcrop of stone coal: nd/39.92/10 / nd / nd / nd / Soil in stone coal outcrop area: nd/19.63/21
Soil in eluvial landscape: nd/33.88/7
Soil in slope landscape: nd/11.98/7
Soil in accumulating landscape: nd/4.94/7 / nd
Fordyce et al. (2000) a / Enshi, Hubei / nd / Corn grain: (0.182-5.6)/1.8/25 / (7.3-275)/32.6/5 / nd / Total: (2.74-27.5)/9.46/25
Water-soluble: (0.005-0.107)/0.022/25 / Hair: (1.83-141)/26.4/23
Zhu et al. (2000) / Yutangba, Enshi, Hubei / nd / Corn: (0.30-16.88)/8.07/33 / nd / nd / (1.40-6.91)/4.06/28 / Corn root: (0.14-16.26)/4.36/31
Corn stem: (0.08-7.42)/3.06/33
Corn leaf: (1.07-32.41)/9.79/33
Zhu et al. (2005) / Yutangba, Enshi, Hubei / nd / Corn: nd/2.28/10 / Stream water: nd/51.9/10 / nd / (0.10-39.04)/3.38/157 / Plant: (0.053-11.61)/0.94/150
Zhu et al. (2008) / Yutangba, Enshi, Hubei / nd / Corn seeds: (0.17-4.82)/1.48/20 / Stream water: (40.0-94.1)/58.4/12 / nd / (0.10-42.3)/4.75/150
Extreme samples: (346-2018)/899/11 / nd
Gu et al. (1996) / Wushan County, eastern Chongqing / (2.42-164.69)/54.98/6 / nd/2.375/13 / nd/1.282/8 / nd / nd / Blood: nd/0.606/25
Urine: nd/0.185/30
Hair: nd/6.063/30
Fang et al. (2003a, b) / Pingli County, Shaanxi / Badao bone coal: (41-75)/57.2/5
Shanliya: nd/48/nd
Dragon Village: nd/96/nd / Shanliya wheat: nd/0.24/nd
Shanliya corn: nd/0.02/nd
Badao corn: nd/2.29/nd / Badao stream water: nd/0.3/1
Badao mine water: nd/1.1/1 / nd / Badao: (6.5-7.6)/7.1/2
Shanliya: (0.85-7.10)/nd/nd
Dragon Village: (27-29.5)/nd/nd / nd

a: geometric means;

nd: no data or not available;

The units for coal, food, soil, and other materials are mg/kg, μg/L for water, and μg/m3 for air.

The ranges, means, and numbers of samples were noted in the parentheses, and separated by the diagonals, respectively.



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