Student Academic Adviser Application

for Fall Semester 2012

Application & Reference Letters Due: 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 2, 2012 ●

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that his/her application and reference letters

are submitted by the deadline. Applicants must submit their own application in person to the Academic Resource Center (Memorial 205).

Applicant Information

Name ID#

Campus Residence Phone

Home Address ______E-mail

______Class: First-year

Major (if declared) Sophomore

Cumulative GPA Junior

Last Semester GPA Senior

How many credits do you intend to enroll in for the Fall 2012 semester?


Please list the names of two people who will serve as references. At least one of your references should be a Whitman faculty member. The other might be a former employer, a coach, or someone from the community who can speak to your qualifications as a Student Academic Adviser:

Reference #1:

Reference #2:

Please note if you are a varsity athlete, debater, or participate extensively in music or theater productions, it is in your best interest to ask your coach, adviser, or director to provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf.

Applicants must include copies of their recommendation forms for letters they have requested from people who are not on campus, to be attached to the letter when it arrives via mail, email, or fax.

Short Answer

Please respond to the following:

1) Please list your academic interests and classes in which you feel comfortable assisting others.

2) What other commitments do you anticipate having in the fall, including employment, athletics, and other extracurricular activities? How many hours will you spend participating in each of these activities?

3) What is the role of a Student Academic Advisor (SA)? What skills are important?

4) What do you feel are the greatest challenges new students face in their first year at Whitman?

5) What practical tips would you like to share with new students about how to succeed at Whitman?

6) Which of your strengths would contribute to your success as an SA?

7) Which aspects of the SA position will create the greatest challenges for you?

8) Tell us about a job or assignment that you completed, about which you feel particularly proud.

9) Tell us about a project that you were involved in that did not turn out the way you anticipated, and what you learned from it.

10) Is there anything else we should know about you that would help us in this selection process (i.e. skills, prior experience, etc?)

Understanding of Job Requirements and Training Commitments

I have read the information sheet about the role and responsibilities of a Student Academic

I will be available for all of the spring training sessions (3/29, 4/12, 4/26, & 5/09).

I will be able to return to campus on Wednesday, August 15 for the required SA Training.

I will be available to attend weekly Thursday staff meetings (4-5:30pm) during the Fall 2012

Signature Date

Application & Reference Letters Due: 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 2, 2012 ●