RCS0093 Information Processing

Review Questions

Computer and Digital Basics

  1. What is a computer?
  2. What is data representation and why it is needed in computer?
  3. Describe the characteristic of a digital device.
  4. Describe the difference between numeric data and character data. Give four codes that computers typically use for character data.
  5. What are the usages of Integrated Circuits?
  6. What are a motherboard and a processor?
  7. Describe how compliers and interpreters work with high-level programming languages, source code and object code.
  8. What are the two main parts inside a processor? Describe the functions and operations of these two parts.
  9. Describe how a processor executes instructions in the instruction cycle.
  10. Describe the difference between a computer program and an instruction set?

Computer Hardware

  1. List the important factors to be considered when shopping for a new computer.
  2. Suggest the computer upgrades that can be performed, instead of buying a new computer.
  3. List all the necessary components when you need to assemble a new desktop computer. For each component, point out the factors to be considered while purchasing.
  4. What are the performance factors of a processor?
  5. What are Computer Benchmarks?
  6. List four types of memory and briefly describe how each one works.
  7. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic storage, optical storage and solid state storage. Give two examples for each technology.
  8. What criteria should you use to compare storage devices?
  9. Describe the factors which are used to compare display devices’ image quality.
  10. Create a table to summarizedifferent types of printer and their applications.
  11. What features should you look for when buying a printer?
  12. Describe how sound card, graphic card andperipheral devices transfer data to processor.

Computer Software

  1. What are the categories of software? Give an example for each category.
  2. What is the function of utility software in general? Give two examples.
  3. What are desktop widgets? Give an example.
  4. What is a device driver?
  5. After installing software, what types of files it may consist of? What file extension it could be for each type of files?
  6. What types of security software are classified?
  7. What is malicious software?
  8. How does a computervirus spread?
  9. What are the differences between computer virus and computer worm?
  10. What are the differences between computer worm and Trojan horse?
  11. What are zombie and Botnet?
  12. What is spyware? How your computer would be getting infected?
  13. List three activities that done by Malware.
  14. How do you avoid security threats?

Operating System

  1. What is an operating system?
  2. Give an example to illustrate how an operating system coordinates the activities among the hardware and application software.
  3. Describe what important resources an operating system would manage in a computer system?
  4. How do operating systems manage computer’s resources?
  5. What is multitasking, multithreading and multiprocessing?
  6. If an operating system fails to manage memory RAM when the user runs more than one program at a time, what might happen?
  7. When starting a computer, how does operating system be loaded into RAM?
  8. List any four major events in the boot process.
  9. Give an example of handheld operating systems?


  1. What are the four classifications of networks?
  2. Give an example of each of the four classifications of networks.
  3. Briefly describe networked peripheral and network device. Provide an example of each.
  4. What are the clients and servers in a client-server network?
  5. Give two examples of servers in client-server networks.
  6. What is a peer-to-peer network?
  7. Give an example of an application used in peer-to-peer networks.
  8. Give three types of network topology and draw the corresponding diagrams.
  9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wired networks when compared to wireless networks?
  10. Draw a diagram of an (Ethernet) network that connects three computers, a printer and the other necessary devices to the Interne. Label each device.
  11. Describe two types of wireless network setups.
  12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using local area networks (LAN)?


  1. What are Internet backbones?
  2. What are Internet service providers (ISP)?
  3. What are Internet Protocols?
  4. Give three examples of Internet Protocols.
  5. What are IP addresses and domain names?
  6. Describe how domain names can be converted into IP addresses.
  7. Give four examples of top-level domains.
  8. Give three different ways of gaining fixed Internet access.
  9. Briefly describe three services that could be provided through the Internet.