Protection of Young People & Vulnerable Adults Policy

  1. Introduction

1.1.Vulnerable people include: (under 18), People (18-25), Adults.

1.2.Nith Valley LEAF Trust aims to ensure that any vulnerable people are protected and kept safe from harm whilst they are with staff and volunteers.

1.3.Anyone working with vulnerable people will be carefully selected, screened, trained and supervised to ensure that the vulnerable person gets the best care possible.

1.4.Nith Valley LEAF Trust believes that anyone involved with Nith Valley LEAF Trust has the right to feel safe and protected from anything that could cause them harm.

1.5.Nith Valley LEAF Trust also aims to prevent abuse which can be broken down into: Injury Abuse Abuse Neglect Organic Failure to Thrive

  1. Aims of the Policy

2.1.To ensure that the people working with vulnerable people are suitable for the job.

2.2.To ensure that anyone convicted of any crimes related to abuse of vulnerable people are not allowed to work with vulnerable people.

2.3.To ensure that NithValley LEAF Trust)follows any current legislation, including:

2.3.1.The Children (Scotland) Act 1995

2.3.2.The CRBS code of conduct.

2.4.To ensure that the proper checks are carried out on employees.

2.5.To provide training for employees so that the know how to care for vulnerable people and so that the can reactive in a sensitive manner to their problems.

2.6.To provide access to the local Social Work Department for employees needing advice.

  1. Application of the Policy

3.1.All employees will be provided with a copy of this policy along with subsequent amendments

3.2.NithValley LEAF Trust Committee should elect a member to act as monitor for these issues; this person should preferably have some experience in this area.

3.3.All employees that may come into contact with children should be aware of child protection issues.

3.4.Anyone suspecting any abuse of vulnerable must report it to the local Social Services department and the nominated monitor for investigation.

3.5.The local Social Services department is:01387 260000

  1. Selection process

4.1.Anyone who is likely to have dealings with vulnerable people must be made aware of this and its implications.

4.2.All applicants must complete an application form for the post and follow the recruitment procedure. All people that will be working with vulnerable people must inform Nith Valley LEAF Trust of any previous work they have done with vulnerable people.

4.3.Short listed applicants will be invited to interview where the work with vulnerable people must be emphasised.

4.4.All applicants will be required to provide 2 references which will be taken up before appointments are confirmed.

4.5.Where relevant the applicant will be asked to agree to appropriate disclosure and police checks. Disclosures will be requested prior to the start of the post.

4.6.The successful candidate shall then receive the appropriate training including specific training relating to vulnerable people before working with them.

4.7.All people working with vulnerable people will have a designated supervisor to provide them with regular feedback and support.

  1. Child protection

5.1.When working with children all employees will be required to undergo a police check to ensure that they do not have a history of any type of child abuse.

5.2.Anyone who will be required to have substantial access to children is required to have a full Central Registered Body for Scotland (CRB) check. Substantial access can include: on one contact with children contact with children isolated with a child, i.e. away from their family regular contact with children involving over night care

5.3.Nith Valley LEAF Trust accepts that they must carry out checks to ensure that adults with substantial access to children have been properly vetted. To ensure that this is carried out correctly Nith Valley LEAF Trust shall also ask employees to provide them with a list of all their previous addresses and names where appropriate.

5.4.All referees should be prepared to discuss any work carried out involving children and may be asked to comment on the applicants suitability for this type of work.

5.5.All employees working with children shall be closely supervised and should undergo a probationary period following which they can be removed from working with children if this seems appropriate.

5.6.Nith Valley LEAF Trust will: a register of all the children involved along with the contact details for their next of kin and any medical notes required. that the confidentiality policy is upheld and respect a child’s privacy and example of good practice. that all activities involving children have other adult within visual and auditory range. aware that any actions can be misinterpreted. time for children to talk to us. action to prevent inappropriate actions. a policy for the collection of children after meetings.

  1. Updating and amending

6.1.This policy shall be reviewed annually

6.2.This policy was last updated – Feb 2010

NithValley LEAF Trust Protection of Young People & Vulnerable Adults Policy