Table e-2: Features of meningitis patients from current and prior series

Risk Factors
(%) / Signs and Symptoms (%) / Cocci-specific tests
(% of those performed) / Imaging/
Complications (%)
Ref / Incl Dates / # Pts / Patient selection / % male / Prior Dissem / Imm-comp / Head-ache / MS change / N and V / Fever / Nuchal Rig / Seizure / Serum
Ab / CSF
Ab / Positive CSF Cx / Hydro-cephalus / Infarct
1 / 1955-1958 / 25 / VA, military / 100 / 52 / na / 76 / 8 / 32 / na / 32 / na / 72 / 64 / 32 / na / na
2 / Prior to 1961 / 11 / Cty / 90 / na / 9 / na / na / na / na / na / na / 100 / 91 / na / na / na
3 / Prior to 1964 / 25 / Cty / 76 / na / na / na / na / na / na / na / na / na / 88 / na / na / na
4 / 1964-1976 / 31 / VA / 87 / 52 / 191 / 74 / 45 / 48 / 77 / 32 / na / 97 / 81 / 32 / 32 / na
5 / Prior to 1984 / 32 / Univ, VA / 91 / 63 / na / 44 / 75 / 9 / na / 44 / 31 / na / na / na / 63 / 28
6 / 1975-1981 / 22 / Priv / 68 / 45 / na / na / 36 / na / na / na / na / na / na / na / 68 / 9
7 / Prior to 1988 / 10 / Cty, Univ / 80 / 10 / none / na / na / na / na / na / na / na / 75 / 38 / 50 / na
8 / Prior to 1995 / 11 / Cty / 64 / na / 9 / na / na / na / na / na / na / na / 64 / na / 100 / na
9 / 1988-1990 / 50 / Univ, VA / 82 / na / 24 / 80 / 40 / na / 38 / 30 / na / na / 48 / 20 / 24 / na
Current / 1996-2007 / 71 / Univ / 68 / 23 / 42 / 77 / 39 / 48 / 28 / 23 / 13 / 86 / 34 / 27 / 49 / 10

Series with at least 10 meningitis patients are listed

Incl=Inclusion; Pts=Patients; Dissem=Dissemination; Imm-comp=Immunocompromised; MS=Mental Status; N & V=Nausea & Vomitting; Ab=Antibody; CSF=Cerebrospinal Fluid; Cx=Culture; VA=Veterans Administration Hospital; Cty=County Hospital; Univ=University Hospital; na=not available


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