Database Assignment #1

Step I

1. Create a database. Save it to your Computer Tech I Access folder as Assignment #1.

2. Design the database table to contain the following fields and data type.

Field / Type
Name / Text
Birthdate / Date/Time (Short Date)
Gift / Text
Purchased / Yes/No
Cost / Currency
Wrapped / Yes/No

3. Save the table asGift List XX. In the place of XX put the initials of your first and last name.Do NOT create a primary key.

4. Enter the information in each field in datasheet view using the information below:

Name / Birthday / Gift / Purchased / Wrapped / Cost
Grandma Jones / 5/11/1958 / Willow Tree Gift Certificate / Y / Y / 100.00
Grandpa Jones / 1/16/1958 / Pro Spinning Rod and Reel / Y / Y / 89.00
Nanna / 1/16/1955 / Kindle Fire 7” HD / Y / Y / 114.00
Papa / 2/18/1955 / Dewalt 18 volt Cordless Drill / Y / Y / 89.00
Mom / 1/16/84 / Hamilton Beach Juice Extractor / Y / Y / 59.00
Dad / 3/22/82 / Samsonite Golf Trunk Organizer / Y / Y / 49.00
Char / 2/22/1985 / Ninja Master Prep / N / N / 31.00
Denise / 6/26/1998 / Best Friend Bracelet / Y / N / 15.00
Uncle Bob / 10/19/1975 / Theater Gift Certificate / N / N / 35.00
Aunt Hannah / 7/30/1976 / Plant / Y / N / 25.00
Penny / 01/01/96 / The Walking Dead—Season 5 / N / N / 41.00
Carlie / 4/24/96 / Wii Sports Resort / Y / N / 31.00
Mark / 6/12/96 / Halo 4 / Y / Y / 29.00

5. Modify the database based on the information listed below:

a. Your friend, Penny, moved to London, England. Your mom does not want you to ship a present overseas, and suggested that you give her a gift of your time by communicating frequently through Skype and FaceTime. Delete her record from your database.

b. You forgot to include your sister, Betsy, in your database. Add a record for her. Her birthday is 9/9/01; she always sent you a gift and card. You are giving her a bracelet that cost $67.00.

6. Adjust the column widths of your table to accommodate the longest line of text.

7. Change the setup of the database to Landscape AND Print your table.

Step II

CREATE THE FOLLOWING QUERIES LISTED IN QUESTIONS 8-13. After running each query, List the query results requested on the line next to each question below.

NOTE: You will not be printing these queries. Be sure to save each query – make sure you have 6 queries saved under the Queries Object when you finish.

  1. Show all fields for the gifts that cost you $90 or more. Sort by cost in descending order. Saveas Query8-90 XX.

Query Results – List Names: ______

  1. Show the name and birthdate field for people you still have to purchase a gift for. Save as Query9-Y XX.

Query Results – List Names: ______

  1. Show all fields for the gifts you still have to wrap. Sort by name in ascending order. Save as Query10-6 XX.

Query Results – List Number: ______

  1. Display the name and birthdate for those people who were born after January 1, 1997. Sort by birthdate in descending order. Save as Query11-2 XX.

Query Results – List Names: ______

  1. Display the name, cost, and gift sent topeoplewhose names begin with the letter “C”. Sort by gifts sent in ascending order. Save as Query12-2 XX.

Query Results – Names: ______

  1. Display the name and giftsand costfor those gifts that cost more than $35.00 and less than $50.00. Sort by cost in descending order. Save as Query13-3 XX.

Query Results – Name: ______