7th Grade
Business, Computer and Information Technology
Course Title: Emerging Technologies and Skills
Semester Course: 45 Sessions
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings:
- A variety of networked environments are public places that are governed by codes of behavior.
- Utilizing digital media comes with rights, responsibilities and requires digital citizenship etiquette.
- Collaboration is necessary in order to be an effective learner and member of society.
- Emerging technologies awareness is necessary to further your personal, lifelong learning and workplace needs.
- Creative computing supports the development of personal connections to computing, by drawing upon creativity, imagination and interests.
- Learning to set and work towards goals is an important life skill.
- A goal is something you are aiming to get or have or do, it is a desired destination or result. Technology can be used to organize goals.
- Digital fluency includes designing, creating and remixing—not just browsing, chatting and interacting.
- Effective use of technology to take notes leads to insight and understanding.
- Knowing appropriate software tools and their capabilities/limitations will prepare students to know which technology tool to use for each task.
Essential Questions:
- What will I learn in this course and why are the skills taught in this class important?
- How can I use information in an ethical and responsible manner?
- What are the influences of technology on modern culture?
- How do I create a program in Scratch?
- What is a computer bug and what is debugging?
- What are type of goals are there?
- What is a budget?
- How can I use Scratch for animation?
- How can I use OneNote to calculate information?
- What is desktop publishing?
Units Covered:
Unit: #1 – Course Introduction
Unit: #2 – Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety
Unit: #3 – Emerging Technologies Part I/MS OneNote for Digital Notebook
Unit: #4 – Computational Technologies (Scratch.mit.edu)
Unit: #5 – SmartArt for S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Unit: #6 – Responsible Money Choices (Everfi.com)
Unit: #7 – Computational Media (Scratch.mit.edu)
Unit: #8 –. Emerging Technologies II/OneNote for Calculations
Unit: #9 – Comparing Technology Features
Unit: #10 -- MS Publisher Brochure & Presentation Software