Scholarship Grant Application Form

Applications should be forwarded with the original and six copies. Hand-written applications will not be accepted. An email of the application should also be sent to

Each grant recipient must reapply on an annual basis to receive new grants in subsequent years. Decisions as to whether to continue funding a Research Grant will be based on the performance report submitted by the grantee for the previous year(s), the comparative merit of other grant applications, the funds available and the consistency with which the research meets NFSA’s conservation goals.

No administration fees shall be taken from the grant by the applicant’s host institution.

Before completing the Application Form please refer to the Guidelines for Assessing Projects document.

POST TO:Nature Foundation SA, PO Box 448, Hindmarsh, SA, 5007

Phone: 1300 366 191 Fax: (08) 8340 2880



  1. Project Title -


  1. Applicant/s


(Supervisor: ……………………………)


Suburb:…………………………………………… Postcode: …………………..…..

Telephone: ………………………………….……… Fax: …………………………………………..


Applicant’s Signature…………………………………………..….Date:…………..……..………

  1. Payee

(The person or organisation to which the grant should be paid)


Suburb:…………………………………………… Postcode: …………………..…..

Contact Person:………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: …………………………………………..…..Fax:………………….……………………


Australian Business Number(ABN):……………………………………………..……..……………

GST Registered: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Name, qualifications and experience of person/s undertaking the work. Details of previously completed research or biodiversity conservation projects should be included and status of previous grants indicated (use attachment if necessary). It is essential to include references to previously published work on the topic



  1. Project Summary

In approx 100 words, in plain English for a general audience



  1. A detailed description of the project (attach additional sheets if required), addressing the headings below, which are provided as a guide to the type of information required.

5.1Identify which key NFSA outcomes your project addresses:

Support the objectives of our properties (see management plan summary (

Significantly advance or solve a major environmental issue in South Australia

5.2How the project addresses at least one of the above outcomes


5.3Location (A map may be included)

5.4Aims & Objectives




5.6References. Include appropriate key references to previously published work to support your application


  1. Date of Commencement/Completion

Date of Commencement:…./…../……..

Has the project commenced? Yes/No

If yes, when:…./…./……..

Date of Completion:…./…./……..

  1. Work Schedule & project duration

(Normally to be one year but longer projects may be approved subject to satisfactory progress & continued availability of funding.)


  1. Project Costs

(For each activity to be undertaken, please itemise the costs involved for salaries, materials, travel, accommodation, etc. Include also the value of donated resources. Supporting salary costs must be justified. (Use attachment if necessary.)

Activity and Items – Name each activity to be undertaken. Labour costs per hour.

Actual operating costs with quotations where appropriate.

$ Amount Funding


………………………………………………………………….. …………………. ………………

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………………………………………………………………….. …………………. ………………

Total$ .…………..

  1. Funding

Amount sought from Nature Foundation SA:$…………………..

Total value of contributions from other sources:$………………….

Total value of contributions sought from other sources:$………………….

List other sources and outline if funding is in addition to funds already obtained or if it will be used to attract additional funding or commitments:


  1. Other organisations applied to and/or involved

(Including any ongoing maintenance involved)


  1. Approvals and Permits

Indicate, citing appropriate reference numbers, that where applicable, animal ethics approvals (name the organisation involved), National Parks and Wildlife Permits and land owner permissions have been obtained or are being sought.

  1. Authorisation

(To be completed by the Chair, Organisation/Department Head or Chief Executive Officer)

‘This organisation applying fully supports this application. If Nature Foundation SA funding is awarded, work will be undertaken pursuant to grant conditions.’

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Position: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature: ……………………………….………………Date: …………………………………….

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