Dear Parents,

Are you wondering what the Speech “Mail for Bucks” packet of worksheets is (that your child has come home with this week)?

Your child has been given a packet with worksheets that target articulation (specific target sounds) and/or language skills that we have worked on in speech. The purpose of these worksheets is for practice/review primarily at home, and at school if time ever permits. This is for the carryover of skills, to get students thinking about their target sounds and language skills taught, not just with me but outside of speech. I am encouraging students to complete these at home, but some may utilize any FREE time in class to work. They'll be turning worksheets in to my Speech Mailbox for Speech Dollars that will be redeemable for special rewards and prizes.

If your child comes to you with an articulation worksheet, all you need to do is LISTEN to the list of target words, sentences, or paragraph on the sheet. They don't have to get all of their sounds right for you to sign the sheet. The purpose is more for the increase of awareness of that sound and so they're practicing outside of my room.

If your child comes to you with a language worksheet, it will probably be for clarification of instructions. Again, they don't have to get all of the answers right. Your signature just means you helped them in some way or you know they did their best.

Students are not to complete more than one worksheet in any given day, and they only need to complete 2 to 3 each week. They have until the end of this nine-week period to complete the worksheets.

Thank you for helping me help your child with the carryover of learned skills! Let me know if you have any questions.