News from Hero Headquarters

Happy September and welcome to 1st grade! It is going to be a super year! This memo includes information that might be helpful as we begin a new school year together.

Absences:Please call the office (652-2352) in the morning to report your child’s absence. A note stating why your child was absent is due the day your child returns to school.

Snack:Students will need to bring their own healthy snacks to school each day. Please label the snack with your child's name & write "snack" on the item and include any utensils needed for the sanck.This way, there isn't confusion as to what is a snack and what is part of each student’s lunch.

Lunch:The class has lunch from 12:05–12:35. Please mark lunch boxes or bags with your child’s name. Lunch money should be sent in small change purse or Ziploc bag with your child’s name. You may also prepay if you wish.

Recreation:The class has recreation from 2:15 – 2:40. When the weather permits, students will go outside for recreation. Please send your child to school dressed for the weather. During the winter, students need a warm coat, boots, hat, gloves/mittens to be able to participate in Rec. During the muddy season, students should bring mud/rain boots to school. Toys may be sent from home for indoor recreation in a gallon size Ziploc bag. The toy must be able to fit inside a gallon size bag. Electronic toys are not allowed in school. Please make sure everything is marked with your child’s name.

Birthdays:We love to celebrate birthdays in our classroom!Feel free to send in a birthday treat for the class on your child's special day. If your child's birthday does not fall on a school day, you may contact me with a day that works for you. Please make sure the treat is in individual servings (cookies, cupcakes, ice cream cups, etc.) as opposed to a whole cake or pan of brownies. Please provide napkins, spoons, or anything else that might be needed for serving. Children with summer birthdays will be assigned a day in June.

Book Orders:At the beginning of every month, I will send home Scholastic book order forms. Please order by the date indicated. Please do not send cash. All checks should be made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. If you choose, you may order online with a classroom code. I have link set up on my class webpage. Online ordering is easy and it helps teachers earn books for our classrooms.

Box Tops:We will be collecting Box Tops as a class.Parkdale has contests throughout the year. Please collect Box Tops to help earn money for our classroom! Thank you for supporting this PTO initiative.

HERO Folders & Homework:Please check your child’s folder daily. Homework will be placed inside the homework pouch. Math & ELA homework will be sent home some days during the week, but not Fridays. Required reading for first grade is 60 minutes per week. This may be reading to self, reading to someone, or being read to.