BRAZILIAN Swiss Joint Research Programme (BSJRP)


SCIENTIFIC Intermediate report

Submitted by the Swiss Principal Investigator(s)

Part 1 - General Information

Project Title / [insert project title]
Project N° / [insert project N°]
Reporting period / [insert reporting period - see Grant Agreement, Addendum 2]
Swiss Principal Investigator(s) / [insert name and address of Swiss PI(s)]
Project Start / [insert project start date]
Project Duration / [insert project duration]
Brazilian Principal Investigator (s) / [insert name and address of Brazilian PI(s)]

Part 2 - Scientific & Technical Information

A)Synthesis of the Project

(One A 4 page including illustrations/photos suitable for immediate web/brochure publication)

Briefly describe the rationale for the project and the objectives. Please strive for clear and simple language that is easily understandable.

Describe the scientific achievements and their significance completed by both the Brazilian and Swiss partners. This should start with a one paragraph summary of scientific achievements from the previous reporting period, if it applies.


  • List experiments performed and the results. Please indicate if the experiments are done by the Swiss or Brazilian partners. How do these experiments contribute to reaching the goals specified in the milestones defined in the agreement?
  • In the context of the milestones laid out in the Agreement, is this project on schedule?
  • Compare the anticipated milestones described in Addendum 1 of the ‘Grant Agreement’ with your effective output. Provide reasons where milestones have not been achieved.

C)Personnel Employed on the Project

Please list all persons employed on this project:

Family name, first name:

Academic degree:

Birth date:

Employment starting date:

Employment end date (if within the reporting period):

D)Scientific Exchanges/Visits Organized in Connection with this Project

[Insert reporting period - see Grant Agreement, Addendum 2]

Visiting Scientists / Host(s) / Purpose / Start date & duration of visit

Visits planned for next year (2012)

Visiting Scientists / Host(s) / Purpose / Start date & duration of visit

E)List of Publications

Publications in reviewed journals

Poster presentations

Part 3 –Partnership


  • Is this the first time you have collaborated with this Brazilian partner?
  • Please indicate if the collaboration is going well.
  • Were there any difficulties in dealing with the Brazilian partner(s)? Please elaborate if the answer is yes.

B)Brazilian contributions

Please describe the Brazilian contribution to the project as a whole. This contribution should include financial and manpower contribution, infrastructure, etc.


  • Do you expect any patents coming out of this project?
  • Do the results of this project have commercial potential? Do you think there could be industrial partner involved in this project in the next phase?

D)Other comments or concerns

Signature of

Swiss Principle Investigator ______.

Date ______