Players, Parents, & Coaches

Code of Conduct

DSK Volleyball Club and Academy

As your coach I will:

Provide a playing environment for my players that is safe from physical and emotional harm.

Treat each player as an individual, keeping in mind the wide range of physical and emotional development within the same age group.

Place the emotional and physical well being of my players ahead of any personal or parental desires to win.

Lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship in my on and off court activities

Not subject any child to neglect or to mental, verbal, physical or sexual abuse.

Not leave any child unsupervised.

Not be alone with any child where we cannot be observed by others.

Not transport any child in my vehicle.

Not give any child gifts or special favors.

Treat all children equally without respect to gender, race, religion, culture, or ability.

Be a positive role model by maintaining an attitude of respect, loyalty, patience, courtesy, tact, and maturity.

Refrain from telling inappropriate jokes and/or sharing of intimate details of my personal life.

Use coaching techniques that are appropriate for the age and skill level of those I am coaching.

Seek and encourage parental participation at practices, games and other activities.

Respectfully control the behavior of player and parents by asking them to leave the field of sidelines should they become unruly or create an atmosphere that is not appropriate for the development of good sportsmanship.


Coach Dave Kellar Date

As a Player I:

Not intentionally hurt or be mean to any player, coach or referee.

Not argue with referees and will leave disputes regarding officiating to game officials and my coach.

Pay attention to my coach and give him/her the respect s/he deserves. I will not misbehave or be disruptive during practices or games so that I do not ruin the experience for the other athletes.

Follow the rules for safety that my coach and the DSK has established.

Seek and willingly receive instruction both in the skills of the sport and in proper sporting behavior and good sportsmanship.

Encourage my parents to set an example of good sportsmanship for my fellow teammates, the other parents and myself.

Commit to follow the pledge below:

Win or loose, I pledge to do my best, to be a team player, to respect my opponents, teammates and officials.


Player Signature Date

As a Parent I will:

Place an emphasis on the fun of participation and keep the emotional and physical well being of all the children ahead of my own personal desires to win.

Require my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect without regard to gender, race, religion, culture or ability.

Encourage good sportsmanship by giving positive support to all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other event.

Support and assist this experience however I can…by being a respectful fan, by assisting with the practices, by providing transportation, etc.

Support coaches and officials by working with my child in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

Refrain from the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs at all youth sports practices, games and other events and I will encourage others to do the same.

Remember that youth sports are for the kids and not for the adults and I will do my very best to make the experience fun for all of the children and parents involved.

Monitor the actions of our coach or coaches and will bring any behavior that is inconsistent with the coaches’ code of conduct to the attention of the DSK club director.

Pick up my child promptly after games and practices so the coach is not left in a compromising position with my child.


Parent Signature Date

Basic Player Expectations:

I will show up to practice on time and ready (with all needed equipment & water) ready to play.

I will show up to tournaments on time and ready to play; I understand that if I am late my coach can choose not to play me for a game or a tournament.

If I miss a practice I understand that I may not be able to play at the next tournament.

I will give 100% effort in every practice and I will never say “I can’t”.

I will support all of my teammates.

I will not complain about my playing time if I have a question I will go directly to my coach.

If a problem occurs I will go to my coach then to the club director.

All decisions made on behalf of the team must be decided on by the whole team, through the final decision will be made by the club director.

I understand that DSK club teams will practice through Christmas Break and Spring Break and I understand that by taking a place on the DSK team I am committing not to miss those practices.

I understand that Dave Kellar the club director for DSK has the final say and his decisions in regards to play time, tournaments attended, uniforms, etc, and will be the final decision.