Chrome Book Policies for Ms. Harrell

1) Each computer will be numbered. Students will be assigned a computer number for the duration of the year.

2)Students must handle the device with care (carry the device with 2 hands) and correctly return it to the locked cabinet when asked.

3)When a RED sign is posted in the designated location, this will indicate to students they are not using a computer or device. When a GREEN sign is posted in the designated location, this will indicate to students it is okay to be using a computer or device.

4)Paper will be used in place of a computer if a student chooses to be off task or use a computer for nonacademic use or inappropriately.

5)Ear phones or ear buds are only to be used when it is required for the assignment/activity.

6)A completed rough draft of a project, essay, movie, etc. will be necessary prior to using a computer.

7)Before a student posts anything on the Internet, they will use remember to THINK: Is it TRUE? Is it HELPFUL? Is it INSPIRING? Is it NECESSARY? Is it KIND?

8)When a substitute is in the classroom, the Chrome Books will not be used.

9)When using the Chrome Books, students will need to first complete computer “Must Do’s” prior to completing the “May Do’s”.

10)Students will be explicitly taught theses expectations each time the Chrome Books are used and will be reinforced daily.

The following items are strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, have their technology privileges revoked, detention, administrative referral, etc.

1)Entering or exploring any area of the computer or network other than the program for the course and the home directory where the student’s data files are located. This includes attempting to explore the internet without permission.

2)Attempting to log on with any other ID other than their own ID.

3)Computer vandalism, which includes writing on any equipment or removing anything from the classroom that belongs here.

4)Cheating - This includes copying or using another student’s work or copying or using another student’s files. Cheating or computer vandalism results in referral to Admin.

5)Using vulgar, abusive, or crude language in the classroom or on documents, web sites, or programs.