Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______
Frankenstein Study Guide Questions
Volume One
Include page numbers indicating where in the text you found evidence for your responses.Use some of your own paper if you need more room than is provided.

Letters 1-4
1. Where is Robert Walton sailing his ship? Why? Pg # _____

2. What did Walton want to do be before he was an explorer? Pg # _____

3. What is Walton constantly wishing for on his journey? Pg # _____

4. Who is the first person Walton and his men see on their voyage? Pg # _____

5. How does Walton feel about the man he rescues? Pg # _____

6. Why is the man Walton rescues traveling alone on the ice? Pg # _____
7. How does Walton feel after hearing his new friend’s story? Pg # _____
Chapters 1-3
1. What is Victor’s family like (describe them)? Pg # _____

2. Who did Victor’s family pick up in Italy? What does Victor say about this person? Pg # _____
3. Did Victor have many friends growing up? What was his best friend’s name? Pg # _____
4. List 3 examples of foreshadowing from the first 3 chapters (quote them directly). Pg # _____
5. What does Victor see that inspires him to experiment with electricity? Pg # _____

6. Who gets sick in chapter 3? What is this person sick with? Who dies? Pg # _____
7. Who are the two professors Victor meets at Ingolstadt? Which one encourages Victor’s experiments with science? Pg # _____
Chapters 4-6
1. Describe Victor’s communication with his family while he is in college at Ingolstadt. How do they react (especially his father)? Pg # _____
2. What does Victor say he has discovered in chapter 4? Pg # _____
3. What does Victor decide to create and what does he do to gather materials? Pg # _____
4. When does Victor bring his creature to life (look at the beginning of chapter 5)? Pg # _____
5. What does the creature look like? Pg # _____
6. What is Victor’s reaction to his creature once it is alive? Pg # _____
7. What does the creature do when he visits Victor in his bedroom? Pg # _____
8. Who does Victor run into after creating his monster and what does this person do for him? Pg # _____
9. Who does Victor receive a letter from in chapter 6? What does this person write about? Pg # _____
10. What is Victor’s mood like at the end of chapter 6? Pg # _____
Chapters 7-8
1. What sad news is in the letter from Victor’s father? Pg # _____

2. How long has Victor been away from home? Pg # _____
3. When Victor returns home, who does he see behind the trees? What conclusion does he come to about this person? Pg # _____
4. Who is blamed, convicted, and executed for William’s murder? Pg # _____
5. After the trial, who visits the convicted person and what do they talk about? Pg # _____
6. At the end of chapter 8, what does Victor say about the grief of his family members? Pg # _____
7. What is foreshadowed in the last line of chapter 8? Pg # _____
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______
Frankenstein Study Guide Questions
Volume Two
Chapters 9-10
1. Once the Frankenstein family moves to Belrive, what does Victor do at night? Pg # _____
2. After William and Justine die, what does Victor think about doing? What stops him? Pg # _____
3. What does Victor decide is the only thing that will make him feel better about the deaths of William and Justine? Pg # _____
4. Victor leaves his family to journey to Chamounix. What does he say about his mood during this trip (end of chapter 9)? Pg # _____
5. When Victor first sees his creature again, what happens? Describe their interaction. Pg # _____
6. What explanation does the creature give for being “a fiend”? What does he ask Victor to do? Pg # _____
7. What does the creature promise he will do if Victor does as he asks? Pg # _____
Chapters 11-12
1. What things does the creature do that help him figure out how to use his five senses? Pg # _____
2. Describe the creature’s first experience with fire. Pg # _____
3. Describe the creature’s first experiences with humans in chapter 11. Pg # _____
4. Where does the creature set up a shelter? What does he observe about the De Lacey family? Pg # _____
5. What does the creature decide to do before he confronts the De Lacey family? How does he learn to do this? Pg # _____
Chapters 13-14
1. How does the creature learn to speak? Pg # _____
2. As the creature learns about history and humanity, what question does he repeatedly ask himself? Pg # _____
3. Who is the cause of the misery of the De Lacey family? Describe their downfall. Pg # _____
4. Who is the saddest member of the De Lacey family? Why? Pg # _____
5. How does Safie become reunited with Felix? Pg # _____

Chapters 15-17
1.What does the creature find at the beginning of chapter 15? What does he say about his discoveries? Pg # _____
2. When the creature is reading Paradise Lost, who does he compare himself to (two different people)? Pg # _____
3. The creature starts to have thoughts about his creator in these chapters. What are they? Pg # _____
4. Describe the creature’s interaction with De Lacey. Pg # _____
5. What happens when the rest of the De Lacey family comes home? Pg # _____
6. Why does the creature declare war against Victor and mankind? Pg # _____
7. After the creature burns down the De Lacey’s cottage, where does he decide to go? Pg # _____
8. When the creature is wandering in the woods, what good deed does he commit? What is his “reward”? Pg # _____

9. When the creature reaches Geneva, who does he meet? Describe their interaction. Pg # _____
10. When the creature is done telling his story, what does he ask Victor for? How does Victor respond? Pg # _____

Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______

Frankenstein Study Guide Questions
Volume Three

Chapters 18-19
1. What does Alphonse think will make Victor happier? What is Victor’s response? Pg # _____
2. Who accompanies Victor to England? How does Victor feel about this? Pg # _____
3. Describe the differences between Henry and Victor in these two chapters. Pg # _____
4. Victor and Henry travel through England to Scotland next. Why do they do this? Pg # _____
5. Where does Victor finally begin working on a mate for his creature? Pg # _____
Chapters 20-21
1. What thoughts does Victor have as he is creating the female creature? Pg # _____
2. What does Victor see as he works on the female creature? What does he do because of this? Pg # _____
3. What threat does Victor’s creature make to him? What does Victor think this means? Pg # _____
4. Victor’s boat goes adrift in the sea. What things cross his mind during this time period? Pg # _____
5. Who dies in these chapters? Who is accused of murdering this person? Pg # _____
6. Who is Mr. Kirwin and what does he do for Victor? Pg # _____
7. How did Victor identify the true murderer? Pg # _____
8. Who comes to visit Victor in prison? What is Victor’s reaction? Pg # _____

Chapters 22-23
1. Who is traveling with Victor now? What does Victor have to say about himself and this person? Pg # _____
2. Does Victor tell his father about his creature in chapter 22? Why or why not? Pg # _____
3. Does Elizabeth think Victor wants to marry her? Give evidence from her letter to support your answer. Pg # _____
4. What are Victor’s thoughts after he reads Elizabeth’s letter? What does he write back to her? Pg # _____
5. Describe the physical appearances of Elizabeth and Victor at their reunion. Pg # _____
6. What does Victor foreshadow about his wedding night in chapter 22? Pg # _____
7. What happens in chapter 23 when Victor is out looking for his creature? Pg # _____
8. When Victor returns to Geneva with sad news of more death, what happens? Pg # _____
9. What does Victor decide to do after he has lost so many people? Pg # _____
10. How does the Magistrate react when Victor tells him his story? Pg # _____
Chapter 24

1. When Victor visits the graves of his loved ones, what does he swear to do? Who sees him at the graveyard and what does this person do/say? Pg # _____

2. What is the only thing that gives Victor pleasure now? Pg # _____

3. What messages does the creature leave for Victor as Victor chases him throughout Europe? Pg # _____

4. Why does the creature head to the arctic? Pg # _____

5. When Victor reaches Walton in the arctic, what does he ask of him? Pg # _____

6. At the end of the novel, who stands over Victor’s bed and what does this person do? Pg # _____

7. What does the creature say when Walton addresses him at the end? What does he plan to do? Pg # _____