Mechanical Systems

MAIN 102


DATE: Spring 2009

This project is worth 15% of final grade

OBJECTIVES: The student will construct a project using a variety of mechanical devices. The project will be constructed from applications and information provided in this course and from other courses they have taken. They will complete all tasks in accordance with proper guidelines for safety to them and to others.

Mechanical Project:


This is a group project, the class will divide itself up into groups of 3 to 4 people. The single most important objective of this project is to construct a mechanical process from things scrounged.

The idea is to scrounge, improvise and use your imagination in the construction of a mechanical device. Ideas to help you think about your project, log splitter, can crusher, chair lift, or a tennisball slinger.

Anything and everything is at your disposal for this project. The goal is to accomplish the given tasks listed below.

The following items must be used: (at least 4 of the items must be used)

Wheel, Pulley, Chain Drive, Lever, Bearings, Gaskets, Seals, Gears

Being a group project every member of the team must work together. If one person is not pulling their weight then their grade will reflect it.

All Sections, Technical Data, Hardware and Presentation must be completed and presented in order to get any credit for the entire project.


Technical Data (40%)Each member of group must submit individually

1. Create a schematic for the process using a computer basedsoftware package:

A: Flow Chart of Operation of the Project

B: Block Diagram of Components

C: Mechanical Layout of Components

2. List of components

3. Include specific component technical sheets

4. Written support of operation

A: Minimum 2 page length

B: Include a troubleshooting process, ie how to tension a belt

C: Include a complete sequence of events

D: Include a paragraph on mechanical weaknesses or area of improvements

E: Include pertinent information that a maintenance

technician would need to correctly maintain this system.

5. Technical Data –force, speed, tension, break forces ect. (specific to your project)

Must be solved and included in your final document

Hardware (50%)

1. 4 of the below items were used

Wheel, Pulley, Chain Drive, Lever, Bearings, Gaskets, Seals, Gears

2. Project adhered to safety of user

3. Quality of construction and proper assembly techniques were preformed

4. Project preformed as described

5. Project’s mechanical systems correctly functioned. An example of this; an actuator

was correctly sized for the load it is moving, or, the gear ratio is appropriately sized

for motor motion it was intended to do.

Individual Participation (10%)

  1. Individual contributed to the successful outcome of project

Part 1:

Worth (40%)

Technical DataRubric

Flow Chart of Operation of the Project.

0 not submitted / 1 major issues / 2 acceptable

Block Diagram of Components.

0 not submitted / 1 major issues / 2 acceptable

Mechanical Layout of Components.

0 not submitted / 1 major issues / 2 acceptable

List of Components.

0 not submitted / 1major issues / 2 acceptable

Specific Component Technical Sheets

0 not submitted / 1 major issues / 2 acceptable

Written Support of Operation.

0 not submitted / 10 major issues / 15 acceptable / 20 above average / 25 Outstanding

Technical Data.

0 not submitted / 1 major issues / 2 acceptable / 3 above average / 5 Outstanding

Total Points Possible: 40points

Total Points Earned:______

Part 2:

Worth (50%)


The project should be completed and Finished and Working. To receive the full points for this section the following rubric will be used:

In addition proper safety issues were addressed and followed in working on this project.

Workmanship and quality was delivered in building

Guide for Points and Potential of Project

50 points = Project was completed and worked properly, safety was adhered to

All Tasks were completed

43 points = Project work and had a few minor technical issues

85% of Tasks were completed

38 points = Project worked a few electrical problems but over all was good

75% of Tasks were completed

25 points = Project had technical issues that kept it from working consistently or all together. A good effort but technical issues caused problems.

50% of Tasks were completed

18 points = Project major issues and technical problems

35% of Tasks were completed

0 points = Project was not attempted or started

0% of Tasks were completed

The project used 4 mechanical items.

0 none / 5 1 item missing / 10 all used

Safety issues were identified and adhered to in the construction of the project.

0 not present / 2 major safety violations / 3 minor issues / 4 acceptable but still potential issues / 5 fully acceptable

The project preformed as described in the proposal.

0-2 not installed / not working / 4 Poorly implemented usage / 6 Acceptable Working / 8 Above Average Working / 10 Fully accomplished task and implemented advanced thought of application

The project mechanical systems correctly functioned and designed correctly.

0-2 not installed / not working / 4 Poorly implemented usage / 8 Acceptable Working / 10 Above Average Working / 15 Fully accomplished task and implemented advanced thought of application

The project’s quality of construction and assembly was preformed.

0 – 2 not correct / not working / 4 Poorly implemented usage / 6 Acceptable Construction / 8 Above Average Construction / 10 Fully accomplished task and implemented advanced thought of application

Total Points Possible: 50 points

Total Points Earned:______

Part 3:

Worth (10%)


Rubric Grading Guide

10 points = performed up to expectations of a maintenance technician, completed tasks and verified work to ensure it was correctly completed

8 points = performed limited amount on completion of project, made many mistakes, did not perform at an adequate level as a maintenance technician

0 points = did not perform tasks and but little or no effort in project

I reserve the right to adjust final grade of this project due to actions and performances of students during completion of this project.


100 to 90 points A

89 to 80 points B

79 to 70 points C

69 to 60 points D

Below 60 F