2013 State Floriculture




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1. During propagation, such as seed germination and plug seedling production, and in liner (rooted cutting) production, temperatures are ______than they are during finished crop production.

a. higherb. lower

c. inconsistentd. none of the above

2. Odd numbers should be used in arrangements when fewer than____ flowers of one kind are used.

  1. 10 b. 3
  1. 8 d. 5

3. A symmetrical design will appear to be the same on each side of a ______center line.

a. Horizontalb. Squared

c. Rectangulard. Verticle

4.When studying the floral decorations of the earliest cultures, one learns that the Egyptians valued ______and ______:

  1. Simplicity and repetitionb. Simplicity and variation

c.Ornate with gothic toned. Majestic and lavish

5. The floral design of the ______influence emphasizes careful and significant placement of every flower, branch or leaf.

a. Egyptians b. Greeks and Romans

c. Japanese d. Italians

6. Flowers are ______percent water.

a. 60b. 90

c. 40d. 10

7. Plants convert chemical energy into light energy which results in plant growth.

a. true b. false

8. A simple equation for photosynthesis follows:

  1. 4 CO2 + 12 H2O light C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O


b. 6CO2+6H2O light C6H12O6+6O2


c. 6CO2+2H2O light C6H12O6+6O2+6H2O


d. 6CO2+12H2O light C6H12O6+6O2+6H2O


9. An arm bouquet is also known as a ______.

a. Traditional bouquetb. Presentation bouquet

c. Temporary flowering potted plantd. Temporary foliage potted plant

10. What is a good sign that potted plants need to be repotted?

  1. The plant is becoming to tall and lanky
  2. Leaves are turning yellow
  3. New leaves are quite a bit smaller than older ones
  4. New leaves are quite a bit larger than older ones

11. A horticulture term meaning to be covered with short soft hairs:

a. Variegatedb. Ratoon

c. Punctated. Pubescent

12. The growing point of most dicots is best described as the

  1. Cotyledonb. Internode

c. Vascular tissued. Apical meristem

13. As roots grow, their tips are protected from coarse soil. This accomplished by a mass of cells called the ______.

a. Root capb. Adventitious roots

c. Secondary rootsd. Basal rooters

14. In the 1980’s, “Architectural” arrangements that were angular and linear took the place of “______”.

a. Square-Bailsb. Circular-Pillars

c. Roundy Moundyd. None of the above

15.._____ Distorted flowers characterized by shorter petals, which give the rose a flattened appearance are called:

a. Deadheadsb. Blind Shoots

c. Bullheadsd. Flagged

16. Pesticides help control

a.animal reproduction

  1. Tree growth and plant pollination
  2. Root growth, stem and leaf beauty
  3. Weeds, insects, diseases and other organisms that can damage crops

17. Daisies should be cut______.

a. bud stagesb. fully open

c. before the flower is fully opend. 2 days after fully open

18. The genus and species name for carnation is:

a. Hyacinths orientalisb. Dianthus caryophyllus

c. Anemone coronariad. Euphorbia pulcherriria

19. Temperature is the only way you will control how quickly your plants grow.

a. Trueb. False

20. ______is a feathered single flower made from the florets of a gladiolus flower.

a. Tendrilb. Bias

c. Vard. Glamellia

21. Some flowering plants known as everlasting, have flowers suitable for drying.

They include:

a.Statice, petunias, ammobiumb. Yarrow, phlox, marigolds

c. Zinnias, celosiad. Strawflowers, globe amaranth, bells-of-


22. These annuals will tolerate periods of damp or cold weather, but may be killed by frost:

a.Tenderb. Hardy

c.Biennialsd. Half-hardy

23. Underwater cutting is recommended especially for roses to ensure that ______not ______enters the xylem

a. Ligth, rustb. Air, water

c. Water, Aird. None of the above

24. Plant growth is dependent on ______essential elements, often referred to as nutrients.

a. 9b. 13c. 3d. 17

25. Humidity around indoor plants can be increased by

a. Spraying fine mist of water on the leaves

b. Using watertight tray with pea gravel and water around the gravel.

c. Using a humidifier

d. All of the above

26. The most important consideration in setting up a irrigation system is water ______.

a.Pressure b. Concentration

c. qualityd. volume

27. This growth regulator increases the flower size of geraniums and acclerates

the flowering in cyclamens:

a. Axuinb. Gibberelic Acid

c. B-Nined. Xethepon

28. ______is a foliage plant inside buildings to create the feeling of outdoors.

a.Landscapingb. Interiorscaping

c.Naturalizingd. Pollinating

29. Roses are generally graded according to ______of stem.

a. widthb. fullness

c. lengthd. water weight

30. The florists’ Gloxinia and African violet are members of which plant family

a. Legumeb. Composite

c. Gesneriaceaed. Caryophyllaceae

31. When certain elements are provided in excess to plants, uptake of other nutrients may be hindered. One example of a mineral antagonism is the ______interactions; a 1:1 ratio is recommended for most floriculture crops.

a. Hydrogen-Carbon monoxide

b. Nitrogen-Potassium

c. Hydrogen-Nitrogen

d. Potassium-Calcium

32. Photoperiodism is a phytochrome-mediated response.

a. true b. false

33. ______is obtained from nature and is the result of weathered rocks.

a. Plant Nutrientsb. Macro-nutrients

c. Mineral Soild. None of the above

34. According to The Retail Florists Business, included in the list of traditional rules to achieve good design are all but one of the following. Which one is not included?

a.To increase depth, some of the flowers near the outer edge should be concealed.

b.Even numbers should be used in arrangements when fewer then 10 flowers of one kind are used.

c.Generous voids and negative spaces allow each flower to stand out.

d.All mechanics and flower support should be concealed.

35. The point on a plant stem where one or more leaves are attached is known as

  1. a trussc. an internode
  2. a petioled. a node

36. What is the purpose of “pinching” plants

a. Pinching is the removal of dead flowers

b. Pinching helps the plants to become more bushy

c. Pinching helps the plant by requiring less fertilizer

d. Pinching is the removal of large insects, such as beetles

37. While it cost ______to produce pinched plants in terms of______and ______, the ______quality is achieved with pinched plants in terms of size, fullness, and flower performance.

a. Less, fluffiness, production, bestb. More, labor, time, highest

c. More, production, storage, lowerd. Less, labor, time, lowest

38. Potted plants such as a potted amaryllis can be forced into dormancy by withholding.

a. Fertilizerb. Light

c. Warmthd. Water

39. Most Callas sold today from the United States are three year old true seed hybrids.

a. true b. false

40. Which of the following is not a bulb crop:

a. Hyacinth c. Freesia

b. Tulip d. Salvia

41. Stomach poison insecticides work best

a. on sucking plantsc. on chewing insects

b. as a contact insecticided. on nematodes

42. Lilies are ______bulbs.

a. Tunicb. Non-tunic

c. Scalesd. Tuber

43. A tunicate bulb has a dry, papery covering called a ______.

a. Basal plateb. Scales

c. Tunicd. Rhizome

44. The nighttime temperature of indoor plants should be ______degrees cooler than that of the daytime temperature.

a. 5 to 10b. 3 to 4

c. 20 to 30d. 10 to 15

45. More plants die from ______than any other factor

a.underwateringb. overwatering

c.insect infestationd. diseases

46. When planting hanging baskets, as a general rule of thumb, you should plant how many plants in the basket?

a.One more than the size of the basket

  1. One less than the size of the basket
  2. One plant
  3. As many as you can fit in the basket

47. Poinsettia’s history shows that poinsettias represented purity and served as a reminder of the blood sacrifices to the Aztec people.

  1. Trueb. False

48. A perennial bed should be mulched because it______.

  1. creates aesthetic enhancement
  2. helps control weeds
  3. helps to keep the roots cool
  4. all of the above

49. Caladium is used in the interior landscape for its

a. Flowerb. Root size

c. Leaf colord. None of the above

50. Day length (photoperiodism)

  1. stimulates plants to start growing in spring
  2. starts the hardening off process leading to dormancy
  3. stimulates flowering
  4. all of the above

2013 State Floriculture





  1. a 40. d
  2. a 41. c
  3. d 42. b
  4. a 43. c
  5. c 44. d
  6. b 45. b
  7. b 46. b
  8. d 47. a
  9. b 48. d
  10. b 49. c
  11. d 50. d
  12. d
  13. a
  14. c
  15. c
  16. d
  17. b
  18. b
  19. b
  20. d
  21. d
  22. d
  23. c
  24. d
  25. d
  26. d
  27. b
  28. b
  29. c
  30. c
  31. b
  32. a
  33. c
  34. b
  35. d
  36. b
  37. b
  38. d
  39. b