Attachment Matters for all

Scottish Attachment In Action is committed to promoting better experiences of attachment to enhance our relationships between ourselves, our children and our society





This year SAIA has had 62individual members and 8 organisational members ( Scottish Adoption Association, Seamab, City of Edinburgh Council, Falkirk Council Educational Psychology Service, British Association for Adoption and Fostering, Glasgow Psychological Service, Aberlour Child Care Trust, North Lanarkshire Council Psychological Services, Ballikinrain, Harmeny) with representation from professionals working in health, social work, education, employment and police. Both statutory and voluntary sector services concerned with children and families are represented.

Membership fees have remained at £20 for individuals and £200 for organisations. Members of SAIA have received:

  • free or discounted attendance for individuals at any seminars and conferences organised by SAIA and up to 7 free or discounted places for organisations
  • Two electronic newsletters
  • opportunities to contribute to key consultations where we have used our knowledge of attachment theory to influence policy and decision-making.

As stated in our policy document Scottish Attachment In Action aims to promote positive experiences of attachment in Scotland by:

  • Raising awareness of the importance of secure attachment for all children in Scotland through the dissemination of information that leads to parents/carers and all professionals within the Children and Adult Workforce having a better understanding of why attachment matters.
  • Advocating for attachment theory and practice to be a fundamental element of legislation and the education of all relevant professionals.
  • Advance effective attachment-informed practice through the development, support and dissemination of robust research, professional training and CPD, seminars and conferences

The SAIA committee has met 4 times this year. In addition to committee meetings special interest sub-groups have formed and focused on specific issues:policy and strategy; organisation and membership; events, newsletter and publicity; training, development and CPD; universal parenting/parent support.

In line with our stated aims and membership fee commitment SAIA has since our last AGM:

  • Held two network seminars (November 2011 on Secondary Trauma and March 2012 on Contact) attended in total by 108 delegates including Scottish Government participants. A third seminar is planned for November 2012 in Glasgow on ‘ The dangers and distortions of attachment: views from research, theory and personal experience’
  • Produced two newsletters – in September 2011 and April 2012.
  • In partnership with CELCIS completed a Scottish Government commission – Attachment Mapping Exercise focusing on what attachment focused work, training and CPD is being delivered in Scotland.
  • Collaborated with other agencies: NHS Parenting Network working group and NHS Early Years re the further development of Ready Steady Baby and Ready Steady Toddler including the development of a telephone app. for parents; NHS Public Health Special Interest Group re Maternity Care – Bonding and Attachment; the Child’s Curriculum Group; written an article on Developmental Reparenting for Children First’s Parenting Across Scotland Anthology; attendance at Scottish Government events such as Meet the Minister for Children and Young People and Scottish Government Engagement Event: Children and Young People Bill; attendance at Alan Sinclair’s seminar re Early years and Transformational Change
  • Input to various events: Inclusion Institute, BAAF Annual Conference, PAN Ayrshire Development Day, Renfrew Child Protection Conference
  • Continued to contribute to the Scottish Government’s Common Workforce agenda. SAIA produced a definition of attachment which has been incorporated into the Common Core final report
  • Held an annual conference (today) with presentations by Louise Bomber. This conference was hosted by Adoption UK and done in partnership with ACAMH (Association of Child and Mental Health)
  • Continued to employa part-time administrator

SAIA committee has done considerable work in the last year with respect to considering a move to charitable status using the services of Senscot. Such a move wouldenable the organisation to have a ‘bigger voice’, to develop its strategy and business plan in the forthcoming years and to apply for core funding. We propose a move to SCIO status - more in agenda

In summary SAIA continues to be an active and interactive community of professionals with many common aims.

Our appreciation goes to Adoption UK, CELCIS, IRISS and Crossreach who have continued to support our organisation as well as to individuals – Barbara Godden, Carol McDonough, Linda McRoberts who have provided essential admin. support, Kirstie Maclean who has joined the events, newsletter and publicity sub-group, Alan Sinclair who has advised re organisational development and Colwyn Trevarthen who has supported liaison with NHS.

Thank you for your membership and support this year – please re-join!

Edwina Grant


On behalf of the Committee


  1. Welcome to Paul Gilroy, new Chair of SAIA, and Tracy White, new Secretary of SAIA, who formally take up their positions today
  1. Attendance and apologies
  1. AGM minute 2011
  1. Annual Reports – Report from the retiring chair and financialreport2011-2012
  1. Proposal to move to SCIO status and implications of so doing
  1. Annual membership fees – proposal to keep the membership fees at individual membership - £20.00, organisational - £200.00
  1. Thank you to the retiring committee and continued involvement!
  1. AOCB