Nuclear Power: New Green Energy or Lasting Mistake?A Nuclear Power Survey

A Nuclear Power Survey

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

  1. An isotope is a/an:
  2. positively charged ion
  3. negatively charged ion
  4. electrically neutral atom
  5. atoms of the same element with different number of protons
  6. atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons
  7. atoms of the same element with different number of electrons
  8. don’t know
  9. What are the potential consequences of a nuclear reactor accident? (select all that apply)
  10. release of radioactive material to the environment
  11. chemical explosion
  12. run away nuclear chain reaction
  13. nuclear explosion
  14. release of fission products to the environment
  15. don’t know
  16. Which consequence cannot result from a nuclear reactor accident? (select all that apply)
  17. release of radioactive material to the environment
  18. chemical explosion
  19. run away nuclear chain reaction
  20. nuclear explosion
  21. release of fission products to the environment
  22. don’t know
  23. Which was the worst industrial accident in human history?
  24. Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 1979 (0 fatalities, 0 injured)
  25. Texas City explosion and fires, 1947 (> 578 fatalities, 3,500 injured)
  26. Bhopal methyl isocyanate release, 1984 (20,000 dead, 570,000 injured)
  27. Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, 1986 (50 fatalities)
  28. Benxihu Colliery mine disaster, 1943 (1,549 fatalities)
  29. don’t know
  30. Where would you receive a larger dose of radiation?
  31. control room of a commercial nuclear power plant
  32. surface uranium mine
  33. transcontinental jetliner
  34. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (repository for U.S. defense related transuranic waste)
  35. hospital diagnostic facility
  36. don’t know
  1. Which type of radiation is more penetrating?
  2. alpha
  3. beta
  4. gamma
  5. x-ray
  6. don’t know
  7. Which type of radiation is least penetrating?
  8. alpha
  9. beta
  10. gamma
  11. x-ray
  12. don’t know
  13. What is transuranic waste?
  14. radioactive elements produced in a nuclear reactor with atomic numbers near iron
  15. radioactive elements with atomic numbers greater than uranium
  16. stable elements produced by fusion with atomic numbers near hydrogen
  17. radioactive elements in metals of reactor components produced by neutron bombardment
  18. don’t know
  19. Which type of product from the nuclear power industry must be isolated from the longest time?
  20. fission products
  21. radioactive elements with atomic numbers greater than uranium
  22. fusion products
  23. radioactive elements that decay by gamma radiation
  24. don’t know
  25. Which industrial facility emits more radiation?
  26. nuclear power plant
  27. coal-fired electrical power plant
  28. natural gas electrical power plant
  29. nuclear fuel fabrication plant
  30. oil refinery
  31. don’t know
  32. In addition to being radioactive, plutonium (Z = 94) is also toxic. In fact, it is often described as the most toxic substance known to humans. Please choose the statement below that best describes your understanding of what is meant by Pu’s toxicity. Check all that apply. If none of these statements capture the essence of your understanding, please explain it in your own words in the space below.
  33. within hours of ingestion, death results
  34. exposure to plutonium always results in death
  35. death results within days of ingestion
  36. biological harm results only from ingestion
  37. biological harm results from contact as well as ingestion
  38. don’t know
  1. Which uranium enrichment process is relatively new and the one Iran is using to enrich its uranium?
  2. gaseous diffusion
  3. high-speed centrifuges
  4. laser enrichment
  5. dynamic separation
  6. don’t know
  7. What would the result of the chain reaction depicted in the diagram below?

  1. An isotope that can be induced to fission by capturing a thermal neutron is:
  2. stable
  3. unstable
  4. fissile
  5. fertile
  6. don’t know
  7. What is the purpose of a moderator in a nuclear reactor?
  8. absorb neutrons
  9. reflect neutrons
  10. slow neutrons
  11. speed neutrons up
  12. don’t know
  13. Explain how nuclear reactions differ from chemical reactions.
  1. What characteristic defines an element?
  2. number of protons
  3. number of electrons
  4. number of neutrons
  5. sum of protons and neutrons
  6. atomic weight
  7. The disintegration of certain isotopes by the emission of subatomic particles is:
  8. radioactive decay
  9. fusion
  10. daughter production
  11. fission
  12. carbon dating
  13. Alpha decay involves the:
  14. loss of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
  15. conversion of a neutron to proton
  16. combining of a proton and an electron to form a neutron
  17. loss of a proton and gain of a neutron
  18. capture of a neutron
  19. Fission produces heavier elements than the starting ones. True/False
  20. Gamma rays are a form of:
  21. neutron radiation
  22. particle radiation
  23. electromagnetic radiation
  24. beta radiation
  25. alpha radiation
  26. Alpha radiation is extremely dangerous because it is a highly penetrating form ofradiation. True/False
  27. To maintain a controlled, sustainable chain reaction, how many subsequent fission events must each fission initiate?
  28. 0.5
  29. 1
  30. 1.5
  31. 1.75
  32. 2
  33. don’t know
  34. What is the purpose of the coolant in a nuclear reactor?
  35. remove heat from the core to produce steam
  36. slow neutrons
  37. remove fission products from the core
  38. produce electricity from the core’s heat
  39. don’t know
  1. On the diagram below illustrating a nuclear chain reaction, identify the major conceptual error.

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