Florida Statewide Help Me Grow Taskforce

Webinar Meeting Notes

February 27, 2013

Participants: Jeff Brosco, Peter Gorski, Vance Aloupis, Barbara Foster, Chris Duggan, Susan Gold, Gail Underwood, Irene Hill, Sheila Smith, Deborah Harris, Sally Golden-McCord, Mimi Graham, Lou Ann Long, Greg Van Pelt, Mary Pavan, Holly McPhail, Judy St. Petery, Jennifer Safstrom, Erin Gallagher, Pam King, Devona Pickle, Brian Guerdat, Sandy Neidert, Cynthia Fuller, Diane Adreon, Erica Floyd-Thomas, Stacy Howard, Holly Hohmeister, April Katine, Alisa Ghazvini, Martha Harbin, Martie Sulak, Brittany Butler, Chris Snow


Chris Snow welcomed Taskforce members to the call and gave an overview of the agenda.

Project Overview

Jeff Brosco provided a general project overview, highlighting the Initiative partnerships, accomplishments, linkage with the Help Me Grow National Center, and the progress of the Initiative.

System of Care Workgroup Update

Sally Golden-McCord, Workgroup Co-chair, provided an update of the work of the Systems of Care Workgroup. The draft letter to stakeholders (e.g., providers of health care, early care and education, child welfare, infant mental health care, and family support services) was reviewed. Sally noted that the purpose of the letter is to garner their local support for the goals of the project, and Chris commented that suggestions regarding the letter forwarded by email had been incorporated. Participants discussed the letter and made the following recommendations:

  • Add hyperlinks to connect the readers with supporting materials and documents
  • Add hyperlink to sign up as a local partner
  • Add hyperlink to a list of Initiative members (It was noted that the Snow Strategies project webpage currently serves as the landing pad for the Initiative; eventually, there will be a webpage for the Florida Statewide Help me Grow Initiative that will be used as the landing pad)
  • Move information and link to Help Me Grow National Center into the body of the letter
  • Clarify that the focus is on supporting families in addressing any developmental concerns, including social-emotional
  • Change heading from Accomplishments and Ongoing Projects to Ongoing Projects
  • Sign letter from Florida Statewide Help Me Grow Initiative rather than from an individual
  • Add a note that recipients are encouraged to share the letter with other local organizations

Distribution of the letter was also discussed, and participants were encouraged to email Chris, by March 6, 2013,with recommendations for groups to target with distribution. Chris agreed to send out an updated distribution list after March 6th.

Electronic Data System Workgroup Update

Martie Sulak, IT Consultant to the Project, provided members with an overview of the draft model for a Child Screening database based on input from the Electronic Data System Workgroup. Jeff Brosco noted that the purpose of the database will be to track developmental screenings and referrals, empower and inform families, reduce duplication, and share information among service providers. Martie walked participants through the components and standards identified for an ideal system, a practical system, and a minimum acceptable system. Discussion items included the importance of reviewing and considering local systems as well as garnering family input on the models as the system moves from a planning document to an implementation plan.

National Electronic Data System Update

Peter Gorski provided an update of national data system efforts. He highlighted the goals of the national system, the core components, and the primary system indicators. He also noted that the national system is being field-tested in Connecticut, South Carolina, and Utah with an anticipated final report regarding the data system implementation in 2014.

Early Childhood Supports Workgroup Update

Chris Snow provided an update on the work of the Early Childhood Supports Workgroup, presenting the Workgroup’s Outreach Plan. He noted that the purpose of the outreach plan is to inform, encourage, and motivate families to ensure that their children receive developmental screenings. A concern regarding the negative tone of the ‘targets’ listed in the document was raised. It was noted that the document is not intended for distribution; its purpose is to provide internal guidance to the Initiative.

Help Me Grow National Center Visit

Peter Gorski provided information on the first site visit conducted by the Help Me Grow National Center. He noted that Florida, spearheaded by work in Miami and Hillsborough through local Children’s Services Councils, is one of 17 states participating in an affiliate network to expand Help Me Grow, supported by funding from the Commonwealth Fund and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The National Center Chair and founder of Help Me Grow, Dr. Dworkin, attended meetings in Tallahassee and Miami. Peter provided a summary of his meetings, including one with several Florida Statewide Help Me Grow Initiative Taskforce members, meetings with four key legislators in Tallahassee, and multiple meetings with stakeholders in Miami.

Local Florida Help Me Grow Initiative Updates

Irene Hill, Hillsborough Help Me Grow Initiative, provided an update of their work and coordination with 2-1-1 to implement Help Me Grow. She noted that there are ongoing discussions about the use of a 10-digit telephone number versus use of the 211 number. Participant discussion focused on the importance of these issues on a statewide basis due to state and federal requirements (e.g., DOH has a federal requirement to provide a central directory with toll-free access).

Jennifer Safstrom and Peter Gorski provided an overview of the efforts in Miami by the Help Me Grow 2-1-1 agency, highlighting the local visits that occurred during the national site visit and the excitement and support generated during the visits.

Next Meeting

Chris Snow announced that the next meeting of the Taskforce would be a face-to-face meeting in Tallahassee in late May or early June. He noted that additional information, when available, would be forwarded to Taskforce members via email.