NCHRP Project 08-36

Proposed Research Problem Statement


NCHRP 08-36, Task 120 (Continuation) Snapshots of Planning Practices


NCHRP Project 08-36 was established to provide a flexible, ongoing program of quick-response research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning (SCOP). SCOP wishes to continue a process based on survey research to quickly gather information about various current planning practices and innovations on topics that are of current interest to SCOP and to make that information conveniently available to the SCOP membership and others in the transportation planning community.

Project Objective(s)

The objective of this research is to produce snapshots of planning practices (Snapshots) that contain relevant information in the form of brief, compact, and concise summaries of current and/or innovative transportation planning practices currently in use in the U.S. that transportation agencies can use help them improve their own practices and results. Snapshot topics may occur within a variety of contexts such as practical solutions to current technical challenges, responses to legislation or administrative rules, organizational designs used by agencies to accomplish their work, means of influencing agency decisionmaking, etc. Snapshot topics may be submitted by anyone using a new form available at The selection of topics will be made by the project task panel.

Work Tasks

Task 1: Modify the survey process as appropriate. At a minimum include the following in each new Snapshot:

  1. Use of the survey techniques and tools developed in Task 120.
  2. Distribution of the survey to the contact list developed in Task 120.
  3. Distribution of Snapshots to all survey respondents.
  4. Distribution of Snapshots within the transportation planning community in addition to their posting on the NCHRP project website.

Task 2: In consultation with the Task Panel, refine the list of survey questions for the next Snapshot.

Task 3: Produce quarterly Snapshots.




Partial year

Submitted by:

W. David Lee, Administrator
Statewide Planning and Policy Analysis
Florida Department of Transportation