November 2017





Issues Group......

Special Projects......

Outreach Program......


Minutes of Meetings......

Annual Reports......

Job Descriptions......


Interest Groups......






Regional Gatherings......




Registration, Lists and Photos......



PROGRAM...... 18

Venues...... 18

Honorariums...... 19

PRIVACY...... 20



Award Distribution...... 22

Management...... 23

Donations...... 23

WEBSITE...... 24

ADDENDA...... 25

Job Descriptions...... 26


The Policy Manual was developed and adopted in 2011. The purpose of this Manual is to provide the CFUW Owen Sound Club members and Executive with a concise and easy to understand description of policies and procedures that are consistent and relevant to the operation of the Club. The Manual is a compilation of motions and decisions that have been adopted by the members of the Club.

The Club’s Official name is Canadian Federation of University Women, Owen Sound and Area and it is part of the five club Ontario Huron District.

The Manual will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and updatedon an on-going basis when changes are required as a result of motions passed at Executive or General meetings. It will be distributed to the Executive at the beginning of every Club year. It will be available to any member who wishes to have a copy.



The mandate of CFUW is to advocate for a better world for women in terms of women’s equality, improving the status of women and girls in the areas of education, peace, justice and human rights. …CFUW National Policy

Bringing information on issues to the local community, or undertaking a community service or outreach should reflect the mission and purpose of CFUW.


Refer to National Policy, CFUW Guidelines for Advocacy, CFUW Advocacy Handbook: A Quick Guide to Advocacy

An Advocacy undertaking must be authorized by the Club Executive.

Advocacy issues will be included on each Agenda of the Executive Meetings, and the Executive will assume any related tasks on an individual voluntary basis. (5/2017)


Resolutions form the framework for our action and advocacy. They are developed annually by CFUW Clubs across Canada on issues of concern. The issues are researched and proposed by an individual Club or National Committees, then sent to each Club.

The Club circulates the submitted resolutions to members at one of the regular meetings each spring. The Marchgeneral meeting is designated for the CFUW National Resolutions to be discussed.

The resolutions are discussed, debated and voted on. The results are then submitted by the local Club Executive to the National Club to be voted on at the next National Annual General Meeting. Once the resolutions have been adopted at the AGM, they are indexed and placed in the National Policy Book for future reference. * Refer to CFUW.org for further details and information regarding resolutions and advocacy.

Members of the Club are encouraged to consider, research and participate in the development of Resolutions. Any Resolutions developed will be considered by the Club Executive.

ADVOCACY ….cont’d

Issues Group

The Club Issues Group was formed for the purpose of discussing issues of concern.

Special Projects

The Club provides the opportunity for members to advocate as a group in the local community, according to the mandate stated above.

This may take the form of a special speaker for an open to the public meeting, or circulation of a special publication. These special projects are also referred to as Outreach and are for the purpose of fundraising for the Scholarship Fund, and other projects as determined by the Executive.

Outreach Program

As part of the Advocacy mandate, the Club pursues and supports various activities that will benefit the community. Refer to OUTREACH POLICY


The $1,500.00 of seed money set aside for Outreach events is to be replaced as the Outreach event is completed. (May 5, 2011)

Surplus funds raised by an Outreach event go to the Scholarship Fund



The Club is composed of Officers of the Club as defined in the Governing Body and Duties By-Law 3.2

The Executive Committee is composed of the Officers, and Committee Chairs and coordinators.

The Executive Committee is accountable to the members of the Club.


The duties of the Club Executive are outlined in the Constitution By-Law 3.

Executive Meetings are to be called at the discretion of the President, with a minimum of five meetings per year. (Constitution By-Law 5) A quorum of 50% + 1 is required to pass motions.

Terms of Office

Following the policy of succession, The President, Vice President and Past President will hold office for a one year term.

The Committee Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer will be expectedto hold office for one year.

The Executive has the authority to designate another person to a position when it becomes vacant or if the Officer is no longer able to perform the duties of the position.

Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of meetings provide a record of all motions, decisions and discussions of the Executive and also of the members at General Business Meetings of the Club. Meeting minutes are vital to the operation of the Club.


The minutes of the meetings are taken by the Secretary and in her absence, a replacement.

The minutes will be concise and will include motions, actions and policy development.

The Secretary has care and control of the minute book (See Job Description) .

Copies of approved minutes are archived.

Annual Reports

Annual Reports from the all Executive Committee members and Interest Group Chairs provide a summary of information to all Club members on the operation and activities of the Club.


Annual Reports will be gathered and presented at the Annual General Meetings as per Constitution By-Law V.2 Annual reports are sent to the Archivist. Annual reports will be available on the website.

Job Descriptions

The Job Descriptions for each of the Club Officers, Executive Committee members, Committee Chairs and Coordinators describe the general tasks and responsibilities of each position.


Club Officers, Executive Committee members, Committee Chairs and Coordinators are provided with a Job Description at the time the office is assumed. It is understood that duties will be performed in compliance with the Job Descriptions.

The Job Descriptions are reviewed annually and updated when necessary.

Job Descriptions for each position are detailed in the Addenda of this Policy Manual.


The Executive Committee approved the separation of the position of Program Chair from the Vice President position; that the Program Chair remain an officer of the Club; and that the Vice President automatically becomes President.(Feb 3, 2011)



All Club members are encouraged to join and participate in one or more Interest Groups and Committees in order to experience fellowship, meet new friends, discuss issues, and to share ideas. Contribution in the form of involvement in an Interest Group or Committee is vital to the overall success of the Club.

Membership in Interest Groups shall be open only to members in good standing. (Bylaw 2.3)


Interest Groups generally meet once monthly.

Meetings do not interfere with the Club’s General Meetings.

All Interest Groups are self-funded and self-sustaining.

Development of new Interest Groups and Committees is always encouraged.

Participants in Interest Groups must be members of The Club.

Committee members meet as often as required.

Interest Groups

Book ClubArt Explorers

Garden ClubGames Group

Issues GroupKnit-Wits Group

Healthy Lifestyles


(See detailed Job Descriptions in Addenda)

Program Committee: members plan the Program and arrange for speakers,

and plan refreshments for meetings and special events.

Membership Committee: members greet and provide orientation to new members.

Scholarship Coordinator: oversees the operation of the Scholarship Fund

Archives Coordinator: Maintains and stores Records of Club activities

Website Coordinator: Develops, revises and maintains the Website

Newsletter Editor: Gathers information from members and produces monthly newsletters



The Club is fiscally responsible. Members pay dues which are used for local activities, as well as for Provincial and National Club obligations.


The Executive Committee approves an Annual Budget presented by the Treasurer of the Club.

The Treasurer distributes money for the program, hospitality, website and other special events according to motions passed by the Club Executive.

The Treasurer provides the Executive and the membership with regular up-to-date reports on the Club’s finances.



From time to time, special fund raising activities are undertaken by the Club. Club members may donate money for special projects or the CFUW Scholarship fund.


The Executive Committee decides and approves by motion the distribution of funds raised in the Club. (i.e.) Christmas Social raffles, Book Sale.

All surplus funds raised through any raffle should be recorded in the income statement and the disbursement of this surplus will be determined by the Executive by the year end.(May 5, 2011)



Participation in Local, Regional, Provincial and National meetings is valuable for the organization and to members of the local Club.


Local Club meetings will be held monthly as per the Constitution By-Law V. Members are encouraged to attend meetings whenever possible.

The schedule for the Club meetings is distributed to members through the Website and published in the annual brochure.

Regular monthly meetings will be held August till December, and February till June. Due to poor weather conditions, a January meeting is omitted. Interest Group meetings can meet in January if they so choose. (6/2017)


Members are encouraged to invite guests to general meetings or interest groups so that the activities of the Club can be introduced to potential new members.

1. Guests are welcome to attend up to two (2) non-public Club meetings or interest groups per year. (May 5, 2011)

Announcements: (At Club Meetings) To encourage community networking and at the discretion of the President, the Club will permit/allow brief announcements from the floor about community activities.

Inclement weather: In the event of inclement weather, the decision to cancel a meeting will be made by the Club President in consultation with the Program Committee Chair. Members will be informed by way of Email and/or Local Radio Stations.

Order of Meeting Agenda:

The order of the regular meeting is to have the business portion, social time and then the Speaker. This order can be changed depending on the speaker and the type of meeting.(March 7, 2001)


National Annual General Meeting and Regional Gatherings

Subject to funds being available, the Club pays for one registration fee for the President or her representative to attend the Regional Gathering; the Provincial and National Annual General Meetings.

Participants at meetings will report to the Club.

All Club members are invited and encouraged to attend Regional Gatherings, Provincial and National Annual General Meetings.

Regional Gatherings

Fall Regional Gatherings are held every second year at one of the Area Clubs. Each Club in our Region is responsible for hosting the Fall Gathering once every 10 years. An Ad Hoc Committee will be struck a year in advance of the Gathering, to plan the event with the help of the Program Committee. The plans for the event will be approved by the Executive Committee.

The Club will subsidize the Registration fees for members attending the Regional Gatherings in other areas.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Territories


An Acknowledgement of Traditional Territories is made at the outset of General Meetings.


Refer to Constitution By-Law 1, and CFUW National By-Laws


Owen Sound CFUW membership is open to women in the community who aspire to the goals of the Club and who support the objectives and purpose of CFUW.


Membership Categories

There are four categories for Club Membership: Full, Student, Life and Honorary Memberships. The Club has awarded Life Memberships to two of our members.


Refer to Constitution By-Law 2

CFUW members pay dues that support local, regional and national activities. Monies from annual dues are used to pay for the cost of programs, venues and refreshments as well as dues set by National, and Provincial Council dues.

All members are required to pay yearly membership fees as established by the Executive Committee. The fiscal year runs from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. The Membership Fee is due each year from June 1 to October 31. In order to be counted in the present year’s membership total, required by National and Provincial, a member must join before December 31st. The current fee is $110 (as of year 2015-2016).

From January to May, a new or returning member must pay the full current fee, which will be credited to the next CFUW year. In addition, they shall pay a monthly fee for their time in the current CFUW year to a maximum 5 payments (January – May). The monthly fee of $5. (as of year 2015-2016) represents payment for attendance at the remaining meetings/interest groups and will be deposited in the Club’s operational account.

If membership fees are increased in the next calendar year, the new member would be responsible for paying the difference between the current fee and the new fee. (2016)

National Dues are payable by April 30each year based on membership as of December 31.

Annual Membership Dues are $110.00 (approved at AGM June 2012)


New members are required to complete the required registrations forms. Membership forms are made available on the Club website in downloadable PDFs.

New members are encouraged to attend an orientation meeting with Membership Committee members.

Membership List

The list of Members is posted on the Members Section of the Website and is available to all members. All members of the Executive receive an email file and current updates between revisions to the current Membership List.



The Club Newsletter provides a means for the Executive and others to keep the membership informed about local Club activities. It also provides local members with a summary of information from the National and Ontario newsletters.


The Newsletter Editor receives content for the Newsletter from other Chairs or Club members.

The Newsletter may be used to publicize events or to recognize members on matters relevant to the Club mandate and at the discretion of the Executive or the Newsletter Chair.

The Newsletter is circulated at the beginning of each month via the Website and individual email addresses. (3/2015)

Members contact information is excluded from the Newsletter (9/2017)


PolicyAs part of the Advocacy mandate, the Club pursues and supports various activities that will benefit the community and at the same time, fundraise for the Scholarship Program.


An Outreach committee, struck by the Club Executive, will organize and develop an Outreach event.

The purpose of an Outreach event is to:

* provide an educational service to CFUW members and the community

* fundraise for the Scholarship program

* raise the profile of the Club


Frequency of the Event

With the understanding that undertaking a large event requires time to plan, organize, budget, and publicize, an Outreach event will usually be held every second year unless there are special circumstances / opportunities.


It is the right and responsibility of the Executive to strike the Outreach committee at the request of the Vice President, hear any specific proposals, ask questions, express concerns, make recommendations and ultimately approve the Outreach proposal. At that point the proposal will be taken to the general membership in the form of a motion.

All details with respect to the event will be agreed upon in a written contract after the approval by the Club Executive and the general membership.

This written contract will be between the Club and the speaker. It will outline the topic, specify the financial and technical aspects and set the date and the venue.


The Treasurer of the club will be involved in striking the budget for the event.

In keeping with the May 5, 2011 Motion: That $1,500 of seed money set aside for Outreach events is to be replaced as the Outreach event is completed. Surplus funds raised by an Outreach event go to the Scholarship Capital Fund.

When appropriate, and with the approval of the executive, the committee may come to a profit-sharing arrangement with the speaker in support of his\her cause.

The Outreach committee may seek sponsors for the Outreach event in order to help defray the cost. The sponsorship agreement form will be completed.

The Outreach committee will ensure advertising of the event.

Joint Ventures

With approval of the Club Executive, the Outreach committee may consider working in conjunction with other organizations or groups to develop an Outreach event.

Composition and other duties of the Outreach committee

The Vice President will be Ex-officio Outreach liason or Chair.

Interested members of the Club will be invited to volunteer to form an Outreach event committee. It is expected that the Outreach committee will need at least one year lead time to organize an event. The committee will be formed for a one-time only event.

The Outreach committee will assign a chairperson.

The Outreach committee will seek ideas for speakers from the club members.

The Outreach committee will assess the ideas based on their appropriateness and the costs.