DSC Board Minutes
April 10, 2017

Members Present: Tommy McAvoy, Courtney Williams, Shannon Selle, Desirae Dinus, Celeste Hughes, Mark Robillard, Mike Njos, Tanya Keck, Risa Nodland, Barbara Shockey

  1. Volunteer Report- Risa
  2. Sign-up genius is working well, but still have quite a few that need to sign up
  3. Recreational Coordinator- Celeste
  4. Bags & Corner Flags- ordered
  5. Balls & pinnies- still to order
  6. Mike and Celeste will work on coach bags when all items are in
  7. Coaches will get their bags on May 1st at the Meet and Greet
  8. Preschool Program & Referees- have 6 teenagers for both she will train in
  9. 9/10 academy players may be pulled in to the Monday night games (9 would play vs 9/10 and 10 year olds would be pushed up to the 11/12 games)
  10. Academy Coordinator- Desirae
  11. Uniforms ordered
  12. Marketing Coordinator- Tanya
  13. Status of people on recreational waiting list
  14. Only those that have contacted us and are U9 and above are being let in
  15. Tanya is keeping a spreadsheet of which Academy players have paid
  16. Vice-President- Mark
  17. Ideas on JH or HS soccer team implementation
  18. Jr High games can be played at a central meeting place (Bismarck) to play a handful of games in one day Minot, Mandan, Bismarck teams
  19. Mark will schedule a meeting with Guy Fridley and Celeste will help keep the ball rolling
  20. President Report- Shannon
  21. Donation Status
  22. We need a few more, but need to be in ASAP
  23. Field Setup:
  24. Mike Njos and Landon Dinius will head up the day
  25. Mike will stake the corners before the start day/time and get the painting stripers and paint ready to go
  26. British Soccer Camp-Barbara
  27. We are at about 75 kids registered
  28. Will send out second flyer the first week in May
  29. Would like numbers for coaches clinic
  30. Technical Director- Tommy
  31. Rec coach training and draft, Apr 15th (9-noon)
  32. Footskills training
  33. Barnabas is getting it going and has kids signed up already
  34. Rec coach recruiting update
  35. We still need 1 for 7/8,
  36. Academy Team Managers: Julie Hauck and Meg Ziegs
  37. Goalkeeper clinics
  38. Tommy has contacted a couple of dads to see if they would do this again
  39. Dave Cook -- consult on coach and club development
  40. $50/hour for prep and instruction time
  41. His idea is look at a 2-5 year plan
  42. We aren’t ready to make a decision on this at this point
  43. Mid-May “Come try Academy” night for those that are in the 9/10 age group from the recreational teams
  44. Referees
  45. Looking pretty good for ref numbers

Next Meeting June 6 at 7:30pm