FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
September 10th, 2016at 9:30 a.m.
Call of the Meeting to Order: Meeting called to Order by President Sally Doherty at 9:30 a.m.
Board Members Present: Sally Doherty, Mark MacDonald, Randy Taylor, Vic Dykstra and Mark Robben
Board Members Absent: Glen Post, Sherry Ploor, Dave Stratford and Doug Barlow.
Approval ofminutes from the 8/13/16 Regular Board Meeting- Approved as distributed.
Additions to the agenda
*Appoint Member to the Board of Trustees
*71529 Fishhawk Rd. Lot
Employee Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes.
Office Manager – Amanda Graham
Accounts Receivables: $64,136.83
Members on Monthly/Quarterly Payment Plants Totaling: $4,898.27
3 Accounts Delinquent 2015-2016 Annual Dues Totaling: $5,100.00
9 Chronically Delinquent Accounts Totaling: $54,138.56
2015-2016 Annual Dues: $404,512.43
Prior Years Dues and Fees: $18,376.83
Fire Pit Rings and Gravel: $160.00
Service Fee: $769.72
Title Transfer Fee: $29,999.96
30 New Members this Fiscal Year. Discussion of doing a survey of Fulltime/Frequent Part time/Part time Members soon.
Dividends and Other: $5013.20
Accounts Payables:
Operations Expense Year to Date: $332,556.11
Reserves Expense Year to Date: $41,810.58
Frequent correspondences with realtors, prospective buyers and Title Officers including Disclosure Statements for Escrow.
Email Blasts: 3 Email Blasts sent to 213 email subscribers
Successful deliveries: 209 each
Open Rate: 46.2%-60.6%
Bounced: 4
Fishhawklake.com: Posted Video, Slideshow, and Minutes.
Legal: Submitted information and documentation as needed. Released 1 lien.
Architectural: Scanning and sending applications to all Architectural Committee Members via email and mailing letters via USPS.
Operations – Travis Graham – See attached report
Board Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes
Vice President & Personnel – Mark MacDonald – See attached report
Secretary – Glen Post–No report submitted
Treasurer – Randy Taylor - See attached report
Director Reports–Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes
Buildings & Grounds –Vic Dykstra – See attached report
Legal - Mark Robben- See attached report
Requested an updated list of all 2015-16 members with dues in arrears
Committee Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes
Architectural – Lisa Dykstra submitted the report of recent architectural activity
Budget– Randy Taylor- No report submitted
Communications – Sherry Ploor - No report submitted
Firewise – Kathy Cardona – No report submitted
Fishhawk Patrol- Doug Barlow – See attached report
Policies – Glen Post–No report submitted
Project Solutions Team- Vic Dykstra – See attached report
Revisions – Dave Stratford - No report submitted
Social –Carolyn Taylor – See attached report
Unfinished Business
2016 Annual meeting recap– Sally
Discussion: Doug, Sally and Mark MacDonald fine-tuned documents and developed a process; anAnnual recap still needs to be written up. Planning needs to begin in April for the Annual mailing each year.
Speeding vehicles and parking update– Sally
Discussion: Additional speed limit notifications have been posted on roadways. 10 mph will be painted on the roadways to help remind drivers from speeding. Should “One Lane Road” and “10 mph” signs be purchased for ourroads?A formal letter sent to property owners in violation of speeding and blocking the roadways was recommended.
Dredging update, creek clean out– Vic
Discussion: Members have been inquiring about areas of spoils removal and the timeline. Inquiring members have been notified of projected dredging schedule.
Logging update – Mark R.
Discussion: Legal to send letter requesting an Arborists opinion, burden is on the Property Owner. Need info from Architectural committee
Complaint process and procedures- Tabled until the October meeting, involved board members should be in attendance. The current complaint process is cumbersome and not working the way it was intended. Need input from Fishhawk Patrol and their role.
New Business
FLRC Board positions 2016-2017
*Randy Taylormovedto appoint Bill Robinson to the Board of Trustees. Vic Dykstra seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
*Mark Robbenmoved to appointSally Doherty to the position of President, Randy Taylorseconded the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously.
*Randy Taylormoved to appoint Mark MacDonald to the position of VicePresident, Vic Dykstra Seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously.
*Mark Robbenmoved to appoint Randy Taylor to the position of Treasurer, Vic Dykstra seconded the motion. Motion passed Unanimously.
*Randy Taylormoved to appoint Bill Robinson to the position of Secretary, Mark MacDonald seconded the motion. Motion passed Unanimously.
Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra will continue with Buildings and Grounds and the board representative for Project Solutions.
Communications – Randy Taylor took communications back and has put together a committee of interested members with skills and interests to help improve FLRC’s online presence and communication.
Legal- Mark Robben will continue as legal until his house closes or we find a member who has legal experience or knowledge; this is no longer a ‘learn on the job’ position or ‘that sounds about right.’
Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow will continue with chairing that committee and also focus on:
- Reserves Planning and Annual Review
- Formalizing the roles and responsibilities of each board member
- Standardizing FLRC processes
Policies – Glen Post will continue his work on the policies. Glen has a real interest in the CC&R’s revision. When Glen ran for the board he wanted to get the Policies in order, last year he started the process and hopefully this yearhe can get the Policies into a working reference document.
Architectural – Dave Stratford will work with the committee to meet the memberships requests and develop a process to communicate the committee’s decisions and procedures.
2016-17 Dues mailing– Sally
Discussion: What should we include? What is the current process? Use of electronic invoices and communication and payment options.
*Randy Taylor moved to develop dues payment ladder that will include the additional fees for credit card payments and payment plan processing fees. Mark MacDonald seconded the motion. Motion passed Unanimously*
Member request for employee help- Fire alarms, water service, in home help- Tabled to October board meeting.
Fishhawk Road Lot - 71529
Discussion: How do we make this into a dues paying lot? Selling options? Randy will contact prospective buyers and update the board in October.
Lake Members Open Forum:
During Open Forum, each member may address the Board for up to three minutes. A Trustee or Employee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Members are encouraged to remember that the FLRC board is comprised of volunteers who should be treated with courtesy. Members are also encouraged to communicate their concerns to the board in advance, so any relevant research necessary to answer questions can be done before the meeting. Please note that no action will be taken on non-emergencyissues, but may be addressed at future Board Meetings.
Good of the Order: Golf Tournament today at 2:00 p.m. at Vernonia Golf course!
Meeting Adjourned: 12:07 by Sally Doherty
September 10th, 2016 Board Meeting Reports
The submitted reports may not have been read in their entirety, therefore appended to the minutes below.
Operations – Travis Graham –
August was a hot dry month.
- Time was spent tying up loose ends on several small ongoing projects.
- Preparations for the rainy season, which is fast approaching have begun.
- 10mph Speed Limit signs have been posted as well as painted on roadways using stencils.
- Downed trees were cleared near the Water Plant.
- One of the lift stations pumps has been sent off for repair and should be reinstalled next week.
- Waste Water Plant blowers are an enduring project; all the parts have arrived and final installation should be done next week.
Personnel committee– Mark MacDonald
Currently, committee members are beginning to fast track the PTO accounting for our employees. Travis's monthly review scheduled for next Friday. Amanda's annual review scheduled for the end of September, with her job description a work in progress.
Treasurer’s Report – Randy Taylor
I'm very appreciative that we have a budget for 2016-2017! Obviously I've been remiss by not having my report in earlier. Sorry.I'll be back on task before the next meeting.
Our current Checking Account Balance is: $52,505.54.
We have about two months of bills to pay (August and September) before the end of the fiscal year. It will be close but I believe we'll make it without borrowing from Reserves. Any monies left over from 2015-2016 will go into Reserves.
Our current Reserve Fund is: $644,360.34.
We just had another bond mature and so we're carrying excess money in the sweep account that is not in the CD Ladder. We'll be putting that into the CD Ladder in the coming week.
Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra
The annual meeting was a long awaited point for B & G. For the past year our goal was to do the best job possible while keeping spending at a bare minimum.It was successful.Membership passed the increased budget and buildings and grounds will continue doing the best job possible for FLRC into the next fiscal year.
The B & G crew is relieved that the budget vote was successful.A few items from the wish list will be purchased as the new fiscal year arrives.We continue to be frugal with the budgeted money.There are always unplanned expenses that make budgeting until next summer a guessing game.
This month a wave of WTP adjustments have been the focus.State requirements kept Kevin busy. Many emails and a few changes to our system.These changes limited the automation.Still making adjustments.
The three-yeartesting cycle has come around.Kevin has these under control.Samples and lots of money will be required. One WWTP sample alone costs $1200.
The water rights issue needs to be completed by October. A great deal of communication and engineering questions goes into this. It is on track to be completed on time.
A UV tech determined a sensor was bad causing the digital readout to come and go on the WWTP. The part was $1000.It was ordered.Kevin and Travis can install it to save the cost of installation and another tech visit.
Dry weather slowed grass mowing but there are always green areas to care for.The usual blowing off roads, picking up debris, dredge fueling /repair, pond pump maintenance and pond drainage keep the guys busy.
Fall has arrived early. Lots of leaves coming down onto the roads. What a difference between this year and last!
Legal Report– Mark Robben
1. Water certification - StuntznerEngineering, along with a great deal of assistance and time from Kevin, is going full tilt. Deadline is October 1st, which we should meet. I think it is important that the board is aware, and Vic can verify, that Kevin has done a tremendous amount of work for us on this, above his normal duties.
2. Collections -We will probably send one more account to Columbia Collections, Inc. Bringing the total turned over to four.
3. Logging application and repercussions. Collected background documents, drafted and sent an inquiry to VF Law. Ryan said he would have an answer or a preliminary response back by Friday the 9th. I will forward it when I get it.
Architectural – Lisa Dykstra
The committee met on September 3, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. Architectural committee members in attendance: Bev Mohnkern, Lisa Dykstra and Cathie Hanner. Not in attendance was Dave Stratford and Sherry Ploor.
The Architectural committee discussed the Nick Berg application and it was determined that Mr. Berg had not submitted two of the five items requested on the June 2016, denial letter. The committee was not aware of any other communication from the Architectural committee to Mr. Berg after the June 2016 denial letter.
The committee met and approved a new home construction on North Shore. The committee approved one other new application for wood storage shed. The committee denied two applications for the same homeowner. One application was denied because the homeowner failed to complete the deck/handrail materials portion of the application form for a new deck. The other application for the same homeowner was partially denied because the homeowner had requested a non-approved paint color for the Garage Doors/Doors. The committee approved the paint color for the house and trim. The committee denied a request for a new home construction on Fishhawk Rd. because the member did not complete an application form.
The committee addressed complaints from two members regarding the removal of a recreational vehicle/motorhome on Fishhawk Rd. A letter was sent to the member on Fishhawk Rd asking that the recreational vehicle/motorhome be removed within 14 days.
The committee sent out a letter to a member on Fishhawk Road. The letter indicated that the member had not completed all mandated updates to the property and requested that the updates be completed by October 8, 2016. The letterfurtherstated, that, if the member failed to bring the property into compliance, fines would be levied and the member would no longer be considered a member in good standing.
All letters were printed and mailed out to the members
Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow
Incidents reported to or by the Patrol:
160815-01 – Lift Station Light on -The Barlow’s reported by the following:
On the night of 8/15/16 it was observed that the light on pump lift station 1 was on
Buildings and grounds were notified and addressed the issue.
Status - This issue is now closed
160823-01 Smoke Alarms going off – owners not home – A lake resident reported the following:
On 8/23 it was reported that the smoke alarms at a home on Fishhawk Road were sounding. It appeared that there was no one at the house. The resident first reported the incident to the Lake Office.
The Office Manager contacted the owners who authorized her to enter the home and turn off the alarm. The resident reported again later in the day to Doug and Cheryl Barlow (Patrol) that the smoke alarms were going off again. It was evening and he did not know how to contact the Lake Office Manager, Doug and Cheryl called the property owner and were again authorized to enter the home and shut off the fire alarms.
Doug and Cheryl notified the Lake Office Manager and Travis (as a fire department representative).
Doug and Cheryl also notified Kevin, who entered the house and shut down the alarms.
The property owners were on site on 8/24 to try to fix the problem.
A letter confirming the incident was sent to the property owner.
Status - This issue is now closed
160821-01 Vacant house Open-Lights on –a patrol member reported the following:
On 8/21/16 Linda reported that the front door was closed, but not locked and lights were on ata house Fishhawk Rd.It was believed that the house, which is for sale, had been shown that day so the listing Realtor was called. She went to the house and turned off the lights and locked the door.
No further action is required
Status - This issue is now closed
160717-01 – Continuation – Vehicle blocking roadway – a patrol member reported the following:
As follow-up to a previous report of a red Ford Ranger blocking access to the water tower on Northshore Drive. On 8/23 it was reported that a different car was blocking the roadway at the same location.
On 9/3, while on patrol, a patrol member stopped at the bridge and walked up to the location. There were two vehicles and a pick-up truck all parked well off the road. There was a young man present working on one of the vehicles. I spoke with him about not blocking the roadway in the future and emphasized the need of Buildings & Grounds to access the water tank. He indicated that he would comply.
We will monitor this situation and if further violations occur I would recommend a formal letter to the property owner.
Status – Review next month
Other items of interest –None at this time
Requests for assistance - None
Other incidents which came to our attention - None
Project Solutions – Vic Dykstra
The Solutions team met Saturday September 3rd. In attendance: Jeff Busch, Julie & Rick Osborne, Alex Nokovic, Vic Dykstra.A new member joined…Bill Robinson welcome to the team!
New items: A scuba team assembled by Mike Johnson volunteered to photograph underwater around the spillway to assist Solutions and Engineering to see what is down there.