May Holiday Programme 2017
Thursday 4th and Monday 22nd May
Venue held at the Deans Club (Deans Community High School)8am -6pm
Club Contact Numbers – 01506 282158 / 07984 485395
Simply Play Head Office – 01506 856444
Half Day Session 8am-1pm or 1pm-6pm / £18.00
Full Day Session 8am-6pm / £29.20
Children must be booked in for holiday sessions through the online booking system.
The programme was created in consultation with the children at Ladywell and Deans out of school care clubs; we strive to promote a child centred approach as much as possible. Children attend the club in their free time therefore we try to make their time here as fun and enjoyable as possible and we aim to follow their lead on activities and play throughout the day.
The children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide balance and variety of activities along with those on the plan such as sports, swimming, construction play, role play, board games, parachute games and lots of outdoor play.
We aim to be outside with the children as much as possible and on very nice days we will take tables, chairs, art activities, games etc out too.
We are only planning trips within the local area. There will be no additional costs and mode of transport will be by foot. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather.
Can we ensure that your child has the following when attending on holiday days:
· Sunscreen (if not allowed to use club sun cream) and sun hats if sunny, which are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
· For those days when we aren’t so lucky, rain jackets and wellies as we are aiming to be outside as much as possible.
· Appropriate clothing and footwear for indoors/ outdoors/ weather and sports activities.
· Remember a packed lunch if attending all day sessions. A packed lunch can also be included on morning sessions if you wish. Lunch is at 12.15pm and morning session doesn’t end until 1pm. Please provide a cold packed lunch for your child (we cannot heat up foods). We provide healthy morning and afternoon snacks.
· A water bottle so children can take a drink with them while they are playing outdoors and on trips.
· Please ensure you sign your child in on arrival and out at pick up.
· Please ensure the club has up to date contact information and allergy/medical information.
· All activities have been risked assessed; by booking your child in for the session you are giving permission for your child to take part in the activities.
· Children should not have mobile phones or any items with a camera for child protection. If these items are brought to the club then they will be stored in the office until pick up.
· Please be aware that face paints, make-up, nail varnish & hair products may be used during freeplay activities. If you do not want your child to have these products applied then please inform staff.
· As well as the main play room our accommodation includes gym halls, dance hall, swimming pool, astro turf, playing fields, basketball courts, and quadrangle outdoor play area, all of which we make good use of depending on children’s interests.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Many thanks
Simply Play
Thursday 4th May / Monday 22nd MayMorning / Indoor – Making Peppermint Creams (Ashley)
Outdoor-Treasure Hunt (Alice)
/ Indoor – Skittle Challenge (Eileen)
Outdoor- Capture the flag (Zacherie)
Afternoon / Indoor – Cake Splat (Eileen)
Outdoor- Colour-run (Alex)
/ Indoor – Chop Stick Game (Alex)
Outdoor- Wellie Walk (Gillian)
Thursday 4th May / Monday 22nd May
Morning / Cereal
/ Granola Yoghurt and Fruit
Afternoon / Muffin Pizza
/ Cheese and Ham Wraps