
1.Switch on Base Receiver after setting up over known point.

2.Start TopSurv on Controller.

3.Create / open a job.

4.Tap on Configure

5.Tap on Survey

6.Tap on button with  next to GPS + Configure.

7.Tap on my PP Static and then on Edit

8.Change name to suit yourself or leave as is.

9.Type = PP Static

10.Tap Next

11.Elevation Mask = 10 Deg.

Log To = Receivers

Logging Rate = 1 Sec.

File Name = User Defined

12.Tap Next

13.Ant. Type = Hiper Pro or the Receiver Model that is being used.

Ant Ht = Leave as 0

Meas. Type = Vertical

14.Tap Next and change all the occupation times to 0.

15.Tap Next and leave Stk Param as is

16.Tap Next and leave Stk Param as is

17.Tap Next

18.Tick mark next to Multipath Reduction

Satellite System = GPS + Glonass or GPS depending on your receiver configuration.

19.Tap Finish then Tap OK

20.Tap Mode

21.Select GPS + and if you are not connecting via cable put tick mark in Bluetooth box.

22.Tap OK

23.If connected via Bluetooth tap find and once receiver is found tap on its name then tap on Select. Wait for sound indicating Bluetooth connection successful. If you are connecting via cable ignore this step.

24.Tap Set-Up GPS.

25.Tap Static Occup.

26.Point = Point Name / Number

Code = Description of Point

Ant Ht = As measured either vertical or slant.

27.Tap Start Occ

28.Enter your own file name.

29.Check that duration is counting up by the recording interval entered.

30.Tap on Close and follow these exact steps for each point that you survey with your Rover, except that after you have collected enough data at each point you will tap Stop Occ – before switch off and moving to next point.

Stop & Go:

1.Follow Step 1 – 6 above.

2.Tap on my PP Kinematic and then on Edit

3.Name = Your own name or leave as is.

Type = PP Kinematic

4.Tap Next

5.Setting should be the same as Step 11 above.

6.Tap Next

7.Setting same as Step 13 above.

8.Tap Next.

9.Settings same as Step 11 above.

10.Tap Next

11.Settings same as Step 13 above.

12.Tap Next

13.Leave Settings as is.

14.Tap Next.

15.Number of Epochs = 10 or larger number depending on you applications.

Auto Tape Method = By Time

Interval = 5 Sec or your own interval.

16.Tap Next and leave Settings as is.

17.Tap Next and leave Settings as is.

18.Tap Next.

19.Tick mark next to Multipath Reduction.

Satellite System = GPS + Glonass or GPS depending on your receiver configuration.

20.Tap Finish.

21.Tap OK

22.Follow Steps 20 – 30 above under Static.

23.Tap Survey.

24.Tap Tape.

25.Point = Your Point Name and Number.

Code = Description of Point

Ant Ht = As measured vertical or slant

26.Tap Start Log and Enter File Name

27.Tap OK

28.Tap Start and wait for number of epochs to count down.

29.Move to next point and repeat Step 28.

30.When finished with Survey tap Stop Log and then close.

Manual – Post Processing Step-by-Step31 October 2018Page : 1