Part - 3 (Specifications)
Section - 13
Lift Installations
Section - 13
13.1SCOPE :
This Specification deals with the manufacture, works testing, supply and delivery to site, erection, connection, site testing, commissioning, setting to work and twelve (12) months maintenance of all materials, equipment and services within the elevator section of the work, together with the provision of working drawings, record drawings and instruction manuals, all as detailed in the Contract Documents.
The Specification and the Drawings are complementary. Any item which is described in the Specification and not shown on the Drawings, or vice versa, and is necessary or incidental to the elevators work must be furnished and instilled within the Contract.
"Low Voltage" (LV)=380 volts between phase and 220 volts phase to neutral.
"Extra Low Voltage (ELV)=Below 50 volts.
NEC=National Electrical Committee.
IEC=International Electrical Committee.
BS=British Standard Specification.
JIS=Japan Industrial Standard.
13.3.1Specification and Related Documents :
Comply in full with all requirements described in or implied by this Specification and with the Conditions of Contract as well as Schedules and Drawings issued as part of the Contract Documents.
13.3.2Drawings :
a)Comply in full with all drawings issued and instructed under the Contract.
b)Follow the figured dimensions on the Contract Drawings as well as actual measurements taken on site. The details shown on the drawings are accurate only within the limits of the relevant scales of the drawings, and are subject to error due to distortion of the print during the copying process.
13.3.3Clarification of Details :
Request clarification and make all necessary enquires prior to submitting the tender and prior to commencement of the work, regarding and obscurities or contradictions on or omissions for the Specification, related documents and drawings. No consideration will be given to cost claims for work arising from the failure to obtain such clarification.
13.4.1Standards :
Comply with the requirements of all relevant Standards listed above or other approved National or International Standard regarding equipment manufacture, design and installation whether or not these are specifically mentioned in the Specification.
13.4.2Descriptions :
In the event of a discrepancy between the Specification and any approved standard, request clarification in writing from the Engineer.
13.5.1Statutory Regulations :
Comply with all relevant statutory instruments and regulations current at the date of tender and in particular with the following :
a)The LocalBuilding Regulations.
b)Civil Defence Regulations.
13.6.1Labour and material :
Provide all labour and all materials and equipment necessary to form a complete installation.
13.6.2Sundry Components :
Provide, in addition to all major items of materials and equipment, all incidental sundry components necessary for the complete execution of the works and for the proper operation of the installation, with their labour charges, whether or not these sundry components are mentioned in the Contract Documents.
13.6.3Tests :
Carryout all tests, adjustments and commissioning described in this Specification in order to give an effective working installation to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
13.6.4Workmanship :
Carryout all installations in a neat and workman like manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
13.6.5Working Drawings :
Provide working drawings as described in this Specification.
13.6.6Instruction Manuals :
Provide manuals as described in this Specification.
Provide materials and equipment for each service or function, as far as practicable, of one manufacture.
Provide, throughout the whole period in which installation work is being carried out, a suitable qualified Site Supervisor to oversee all installation work. Supervision by the Engineer in no way relieves the Contractor from supervision fully the correct installation of the works.
Continually monitor the quality of material and workmanship on site to ensure that only approved materials are employed and that are installed in the proper manner for their purpose and entirely in accordance with the approved standards and installation methods.
Do not use any of the installations for any temporary purpose, except for installation and commissioning test, without prior permission having been obtained in writing from the Engineer.
13.11SAMPLES :
Provide samples of any materials to be used on site as and when requested by the Engineer.
Note:The Engineer may require the samples to be subjected to test to ensure compliance with Standards and other relevant specifications. Provide facilities and apparatus for the tests and carry them out in the presence of the Engineer.
Hand to the Client spare fuses, tools, loose equipment and the like, which are specified to be handed over and obtain the Client's signature of receipt.
Submit a copy of each receipt with the final account for the Contract, together with an inventory of the materials handed over.
Materials installed or work performed without approval is at the Contractor's risk and the cost of removal and replacement of such material, which is judged unsatisfactory for any reason, must be rectified at no expense to the Client.
13.13.1General Requirements :
Prepare and submit to the Engineer for cement two ( 2 ) paper prints of detailed drawings for the accurate and proper execution of the works. Ensure that before commencing all Architect's and Structural Engineer's drawings have been consulted and, where available, installation drawings from other trades.
13.13.2Drawing Title :
Incorporate an approved "Title Block" on all drawings with the following information clearly indicated :
a)Name of project
b)Scale of drawing
c)Title of drawing, incorporating the name and location of the service shown
d)Drawing Number
e)Name and address of the appropriate Contractors.
13.13.3Installation Drawings :
Check from site the accuracy of all dimensions shown on the Contract Drawings for accurate and proper execution of the works. Note that nay delay resulting from the failure to provide accurate and sufficient information of equipment in time to suit the building programme will be the Contractor's responsibility.
13.13.4Wiring Diagrams :
Detail all circuitry within equipment including an arrangement layout and all connection diagrams for external equipment, operation and control devices together with all inter-connecting wiring.
Indicate containing systems for external circuit wiring.
Indicate the sizes and types of all cables together with the ratings of all items such as fuses, switches and control devices.
Show all terminal markings.
Arrange the circuit diagrams, where possible, so that the main sequence of events is from left to right and form top to bottom of the diagram.
Provide a schedule on each drawing to explain the abbreviations employed for the designation of components.
Securely fix and protect by non-flammable transparent material a print of each of the circuit and layout diagrams to the inside of the hinged front door of the panels, as appropriate, or in such other positions as may be agreed with the Engineer.
Individual circuit and layout drawings from component manufactures will not be accepted in lieu of an overall drawing.
13.13.5Manufacturer's Drawing and Literature :
a)Provide manufacturer's certified "as made" drawings and illustrative literature.
b)Detail all internal circuitry and arrangement of equipment.
c)Detail external layout of equipment including terminals and indicate any restrictions of access to equipment, lifting information and fixing recommendations.
d)Indicate all component ratings, terminal references and wiring sizes.
13.13.6Builder's Work Drawings :
a)Provide Builder's Work Drawings showing full dimensions of all foundations, bases, plinths, holes, foundations bolts, metal inserts and the like as well as the overall size and mass of the plant concerned.
b)Holes, fixings and like, other than in plant rooms and roof may be marked out on site, with the agreement of the Engineer, instead of on drawings.
13.13.7Contractor's Responsibility :
a)Comments by the Engineer on any drawings will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility with respect to the accuracy of such drawings, not to provide suitable equipment as specified.
13.13.7Contractor's Responsibility [Cont'd]
b)Any delay resulting form the failure to provide accurate and sufficient drawings and other information in time to suit the construction programme will be the Contractor's responsibility.
c)Material installed or work performed without approval of working drawings, wiring diagrams, manufacturer's drawings and literature and builders work drawings is at the Contractor's risk and the cost of removal and replacement of such material or work which is judged unsatisfactory for any reason must be rectified at no expense to the Client.
13.13.8Progress Drawings :
a)Maintain on site a set of drawings showing the progress of the works against the programme and any modifications carried out during the installation stage.
b)Progress drawings are to be available to the Engineer for his inspection during the contract period.
13.14.1General Purpose :
Compile a comprehensive set of Manuals for the purpose or providing the future users with a clear and complete understanding of the correct procedures for operating and maintaining all plant and equipment installed under the Contract.
13.14.2Content :
Provide the following information :
a)Detailed description of all operation procedures.
b)Full details of the regular maintenance procedures recommended by the manufacturers for each item of equipment.
c)List of spare parts to be kept in store for each item of equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
d)Manufacturer's printed manuals, regarding operating and maintenance procedures for all items of equipment.
e)Fully detailed manufacturer's drawings showing the construction of each item of equipment.
f)Fully detailed internal and external wiring diagrams.
g)Manufacturer's works test certificates and on site test certificates.
13.14.3Indexing :
Clearly indicate on the cover or on the inside front page of the Manuals the following information :
a)Document Index and/or Content List. (The Index may include only the main headings of all sections of the document, but in that case the individual sections should be preceded by a Content List giving full details of the documentation included within the section).
b)Name, address and telephone number of the Contractor's local representative.
c)Date of installation.
13.14.4Issue :
a)Supply one ( 1 ) copy of the preliminary manuals to the Engineer for comment not less than eight weeks prior to the final inspection proceeding the hand over to the Client.
b)Provide the Employer with contractual copies of the final and approved manuals at the date of "hand over" of the completed Contract.
13.14.5Format :
Compile the final copies of the manuals after corrections to take into account any comments made by the Engineer, into adequately bound volumes with suitable covers to withstand continual usage.
13.14.6Failure of Installation :
Failure of any part of the installation subsequent to the "hand over" that can be attributed to lack of maintenance or incorrect operation by the User caused by omitting to supply adequately detailed Operating and Maintenance Procedures at the time of "hand over", must be rectified at no expense to the Client.
Examine all drawings and specifications for work of other trades to determine requirements of mechanical services, communications, security, transport and any other facility requiring any elevation service.
Co-ordinate elevator's work with works of all other trades.
Perform work in conformity with the construction called for under other sections of the Specification and afford trades reasonable opportunity for execution of their work.
13.15CO-ORDINATION [Cont'd]
Examine the structure, building and conditions under which the elevator is to be installed for conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of the elevator work. Do not proceed with until deficiencies or detrimental conditions have been corrected. Report any delay or difficulties encountered in the elevator installation work, or situations which might be unsuitable to connect with or receive other work. Failure to so report shall constitute acceptance of the as being fit and proper for the reception of the elevator work.
Co-ordinate locations of openings and sleeves to avoid conflict with other trades. Furnish complete information concerning locations and sizes of openings to other trades in sufficient time for inclusion on their working drawings.
13.16.1Execute all work throughout in the best and most thorough manner, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Engineer who will interpret the meaning of the Drawings and Specifications and have the power to reject any work and material which, in his judgement, are not in full accordance with the Specifications.
13.16.2Check and ensure all space requirements with other sections and connect parts of this section and also provide in this section connection and facilities for the connection of other sections of work. Provide drawings of equipment, location of sleeves, openings, inserts and supports, etc., required for the assistance of the general and other sections of work. Provide these drawings in adequate numbers for the information of all parties concerned, co-ordinate in the preparation of drawings following detailed consultation with the other sections involved prior to submission. Approval of such drawings will not relieve the Contractor in any way for the responsibility of proper location and co-ordination of the works with the works of others.
13.16.3In performing work under this Section, protect the Client against any claim of patent infringement due to the use in this installation of any material or appliance which may violate patent rights.
13.16.4Provide various equipment and set under other Sections. The Contractor is required to familiarize himself with the requirements of the General Section, Architectural Section, Mechanical Section and other Sections of works, and examine the plans and Specifications covering each of the Sections.
13.16.5It is the responsibility of the Contractor to closely schedule his work so his work will be performed at the proper time and without delaying the completion of the entire project.
13.16.6Guarantee :
Provide a Guarantee against defective material and workmanship for a period of twelve ( 12 ) months from the date of Practical Completion of the Contract, except where Guarantees or Warranties for a longer term are specified, in this case the specified duration will apply. Ensure that deficiencies, which occur during the Guarantee or Warranty period, are promptly rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
13.17.1Cutting :
Carryout all cutting required for the Elevators Installation System.
13.17.2Patching and Inserts :
Carryout all patching and provide sleeves and inserts required for the Elevators Installation.
13.18.1Openings :
Provide to the General Section of Work, information required to allow the necessary openings for this Section of Work to be built into the floors and walls in accordance with the construction programme.
Materials or products specified by name of manufacture, brand or trade name or catalogue reference will form the basis of the tender and be furnished under the Contract. Where two or more materials or products are named, the choice of these is optional. If Tenderers whish to use materials or products other that those specified, then they are required to state in their tender documentation the proposed substitutions and indicate the difference, if any, the change will make as an alternative to the best tender, in terms of technical performance and cost.
Quantity:3 Nos. Passenger Elevators
Carrying Capacity:1,000 Kgs. (12 Persons) each elevator
Speed:105 Meters/Minute (1.75 Meter/Second)
Control:Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Inverter Control with Data Network System
Position of M/C Room:Above the Lift Shaft
Operation:3 Car Group Control
Stops & Openings:5 Stops / Openings - All in same line
Travel:(Refer Drawings)
Concrete Shaft Size:(Refer Drawings)
Pit Depth:(Refer Drawings)
13.20SPECIFICATION - I [Cont'd]
M/C Room Height:(Refer Drawings)
Elevator Car :
i)Car Ceiling, Lighting:Hairline finish stainless steel sheet (semi-slit lighting at both sides), fluorescent lighting through milky-white acrylic plate (inner) and acrylic mirror/half mirror plate (center). Ventilation by electric blower with slit vents (painted steel grill at center).
ii)Car Internal Dimension:(Refer Drawings)
iii)Car Walls, Car Front,
Return Panels, Car Kick:Hairline finished stainless steel
Plate & Car Doors
iv)Car Sill:Extruded hard aluminium
v)Flooring:Polished Granite (Rosa Gama, 2cm thick)
Entrance Design:Transom panel and full wall thickness splayed wide jambs in hairline finish stainless steel sheet for all floors.
Landing Doors:Two ( 2 ) panels center opening power operated automatic doors in hairline stainless steel sheet at all floors.
Door Opening Size:900mm (w) x 2,100mm (h).
Indicators:Horizontal Digital Hall Position Indicator with directional arrows mounted on entrance transom panel and Micro Push Call Buttons which will illuminate on registration of calls at Ground Floor. Faceplate in hairline finished stainless steel.
Signals in the Cabin:Car Operating Panel comprising of Digital Position Indicator and Micro Push Call Buttons which will illuminate on registration of call. Faceplate in hairline finished stainless steel.
Special Requirements :
1)DC Alarm Bell.
2)Door Open / Close buttons on Car Operating Panel.
3)Hand-winding operation for emergency purposes.
13.20SPECIFICATION - I [Cont'd]
Special Requirements [Cont'd]
4)Automatic Door Open Time Adjustment :
The system judges the situation of whether the car stops responding to a car call or a hall call and controls the time the door stay open accordingly. The time spent waiting for the elevator is shortened, and operating efficiency is increased.