Shabbat Pseukei DZimra and Shacharit
First Narayever Congregation
9-9:20: Birchot ha Shachar and Pseukei D’Zimra // 9:20-9:50: Shacharit
Unless otherwise noted, leaders do the whole page indicated.
Pseukei D’Zimra
Birnbm. / Lev Shalem / Prayer / Note3 / 101 / Mah tovu / “Mah tovu” through “aneini bemet yishecha”
17-19 / 103-104 / Birchot Hashachar
25-27 / 105-107 / “L’olam yehai adam…” through torah blessings and passages / IF MINYAN. P.107 New, done silently
45-49 / 110 / Concluding prayer / IF MINYAN
Select aleph or bet
49-51 / 111 / Kaddish d’rabbanan / IF MINYAN Note: two words slightly different from Birnbaum
405 / 112 / Psalm 92 (Shir shel yom)
120 / Psalm 30 / New
406 / 121 / Mourner’s Kaddish / Note: no “v’yatzmach…”
355 / 122 / Baruch sheamar
359-365 / 131 / Psalm 135
349-353 / 132 / Psalm 136 Ki Liolam Chasdo / First 4 lines, last 4 lines
356-357 / 134 / Psalm 92 and 93
357 / 135 / “Yehi chavod…”
359-361 / 136 / Ashrei
361-365 / 137-141 / Psalms 146-150
367-371 / 142-144 / Including Az yashir Moshe
371 / 145-146 / Nishmat / Before Nishmat, go back to 105-111 if minyan has arrived.
373-375 / 146 / Barchi nafshi… (second to last line) through “ram v’nisa” / tune
Shacharit leader begins, if different person
375 / 147-148 / “Shochein ad” at first red triangle through Yishtabach and “El chei haolamim” / Note: A few word changes.
377 / 148 / Hatzi kaddish / IF MINYAN Note: no “v’yatzmach…”
377-381 / 149-150 / Barchu through end of 150 / IF MINYAN
381 / 151 / El Adon / Note: Slightly different words
381-385 / 152-153 / Davenning (kedusha d’yotzeir)
385 / 154 / Ahava raba / Note: different words
387-391 / 155-158 / Davenning – Shema, v’ahavta, etc
391 / 158 / Mi Chamochah
393 / 158 / Stop before Tzur Yisrael for announcements
Tzur Yisrael
393-403 / 159-165 / Silent Amidah
393-403 / 159-165 / Reader’s repetition
161 Kedushah / Note: slightly different words for Sim Shalom paragraph; doesn’t quite fit Narayever tune. No Yismichu until musaf amidah.
Kedushah first paragraph is different, a few different words in “az bikol,” mimkomcha is the same, and we add L’dor va’dor line to last paragraph. There is no "ve-ishei Yisrael” in “u-tefilatam tekabel be-ratzon.”
405 / 167 / Kaddish shaleym / Note: no “v’yatzmach…”
409 / 168 / Torah Service
409 / 168 / Opening of Torah service
411-413 / 170 / Bai ana racheitz
413-415 / 171 / Taking Torah out of ark, davenning