City of Colman Regular Meeting June 9, 2014
The City of Colman council meeting was called to order by Mayor Gloria Van Duyn at 6:00 pm on June 9th, 2014 at Colman City Hall. Council present: Mike Uhing, Ben Elhoff, Brad Schroeder, and Roger Broghammer. Russ May and David Voelker were absent. Finance Officer, Michael Hauglid, Maintenance Supervisor Grant Groos, Golf Supervisor Mike Solum, and Pool Manager Deidra Thompson were also present. Also present for all or some of the meeting: Dave Burwitz from Clark Engineering, Chris Shoenrock from Chester Mechanical, Clint Hay from HD Supply, Emily Voelker with the Looney Days Committee, Bev Jenner, Cathy Smallfield, Troy Smallfield, Fire Chief Jason Landis, Mike Gengler, Bruce Cramer, Greg Van Meveran, and Bernadette Lex.
The following surplus property bids were opened publically:
Lloyd Twedt
· Fertilizer Spreader: $261.00
· Scoreboard: $65.00
Jeff Ross from Metal Brokers
· Metal Poles - $150.00
· Scoreboard - $40.00
· Fertilizer Spreader - $250.00
Bids to be awarded later.
The minutes from the May 12th meeting were presented. A motion was made by Uhing and seconded by Broghammer to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Dave Burwitz from Clark Engineering was present to discuss the water-sewer project. Phase I is close to being done. Paving for South Florence will be done in Phase II. Main Street will be done by the county since it’s a county road. Phase II will be starting shortly this summer and will be the replacing of water and sewer lines around the North 2nd Street half of town. Phase III consists of the water tower and the water main on HWY 34. Phase III will be two separate bids for the water tower and the water main. The tower will be made during the winter and built the following summer. Bids will go out this fall for the water tower. The water main on HWY 34 will be put out for bids in the spring of 2015.
The Professional Service Agreement with Clark Engineering for Phase III of the water project was presented. A motion was made by Schroeder and seconded by Elhoff to accept the agreement as presented. Motion carried.
Change order #3 was tabled until more information is gathered.
Low water pressure at 212 S Florence was looked at, which was isolated at the one address. The pressure is normal at the water meter. Should it be found it was the city’s fault, the city will pay for the repair bill. The paving for South Florence Avenue was also discussed.
Clint Hay from HD Supply was present to discuss updating the electric meters to automatic read meters. All equipment and software to read the meters are the same as the ones for the water meters, which have already been installed. So, only the automatic read electric meters will need to be installed.
The Colman City Volunteer Fire Department would like to build a storage shed on the northeast side of the fire hall lot. The shed would be 24’ x 32’. City approval will be needed since it’s on city property. Fire Department is requesting $20,000 to help fund the project. Funding for the shed was also discussed.
Award surplus property. Bids were opened at 6:00 pm for a fertilizer spreader, scoreboard, and metal light poles.
A motion was made by Uhing and seconded by Broghammer to award the metal poles to Jeff Ross (Metal Brokers) in the amount of $150 and the fertilizer spreader for $261 and scoreboard for $65 to Lloyd Twedt. Motion carried.
Emily Voelker was present to discuss Looney Days. Looney Days will be Friday August 8th & Saturday August 9th.
Financial report for May was presented. A motion was made by Elhoff and seconded by Uhing to approve the financials as presented. Motion carried.
The bill list was presented. A motion was made by Uhing and seconded by Broghammer to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
34 Stop-$1,350.93, Agricredit-$2,709.33, AmeriPride-$177.12, AT&T-$191.42, Big Sioux Community Water-$3,432.24 , Booster-$235.00, BSN Sports-$426.91, Carquest-$68.87, CenturyLink-$117.60, Chester Mechanical-$239.29, City of Colman/utilities-$2,488.25, Colman Building Center-$418.73, County Fair-$163.63, Crossroads-$544.35, Dakota Beverage-$1,021.20, Dakota Pump & Control-$6,283.10, Darold Rounds-$100.00, Davis Typewriter-$558.91, Dept of Revenue (Sales Tax)-$6,087.52, East River Electric-$4,559.00, Fastenal-$631.97, Garbage N More-$2,944.00, Garbage N More (Cleanup Day)-$3,277.00, Greg's Place-$1,460.87, HD Supply-$828.81 , Heartland-$30,175.29, Home Federal-$4,070.00, Justice Fire & Safety-$118.00, Krump Concrete-$5,350.00, Lacey Rentals-$110.00, Lewis-$116.86, Maguire Iron-$1,122.50, MARC-$1,124.25, Menards-$54.30, Midwest Alarm-$66.78, Moody County Enterprise-$126.95, Moody County Sheriff-$2,447.90, OASI-$983.92, Payroll-$13,246.37, Pipestone Publishing-$418.95, Queen City-$621.50, Rural Development-$1,040.00, SD Dept of Revenue (Alcohol Licenses)-$362.50, SDPAA-$22,384.29 , SDRS-$1,105.00, SDRS Supplemental-$200.00, Sheffield Financial-$237.84, Sioux Valley Energy-$940.26, Steve's Tire & Service-$231.20, Sunshine Foods-$64.67, Sysco-$560.85, T&R Service-$481.73, Terry Thompson-$2,625.93, Tim's Repair-$148.26, Turfwerks-$334.57, US Post Office-$110.84, US Post Office (PO Box Service)-$34.00, Western Area Power Admin-$10,936.82, WOW!-$281.21, Young Door Services-$163.57
Employee Reports
· Pool will be opened Wednesday June 11th
· Swimming lessons will start in July
· Free swim for the community picnic
· 4 returning lifeguards and 1 new lifeguard
· New tee box on Hole 4 at the golf course
· Ole Becker golf tournament on the 4th of July weekend will be held at Sunrise Ridge Golf Course
· Sidewalks, driveway approaches being done for Phase I are being completed
· H&W Construction talking with Grant Groos on Phase II construction
· New electric readout meters
· Designs for the new water tower
· Mowing, non-licensed cars, and junk in town, request the city council to notify city office on those properties so letters can be sent
· Michael being in Finance Officer school from June 10th-13th
· West Nile grant, electric meter grant, generator grant, and the pre-mitigation grant the city has applied for
· Building Permits – (Stephene Lebert)
· The 2012-13 Audit is being worked on
Committee/Project Reports
· Jeff Keyes/Rod Keller property on S Main was discussed
· Looney Day donation was discussed. Motion was made by Broghammer and seconded by Elhoff to give Looney Day Committee a donation of $1500. Motion carried.
· Fire Department donation for the shed was discussed. Bid laws will be checked into.
The July regular meeting and community picnic date was discussed. The picnic and meeting will take place Tuesday, July 15th at the city park with supper at 5:30 pm and meeting to follow at approximately 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Uhing and seconded by Elhoff to go into executive session at 8:30 pm for employee reviews.
Regular session resumed at 8:54 pm.
A recommendation from the council is to have the following employees rates be as follows (hourly unless otherwise stated): Golf Employees: AJ Gengler - $9.00, Robin Gengler - $8.00, Cheryl Angle - $8.25, Jill Fritz - $8.25, Mike Halseth - $11.30, Cathy Schultz - $8.25, Pool Employees: Deidra Thompson - $11.00, Austin Opdahl - $9.00, Molly Heyn - $8.25, Sara Heyn - $8.25, Erin Benson - $8.25, and Dylan Opdahl - $8.00.
A motion was made by Roger and seconded by Uhing to adjourn at 8:59 pm.
Mayor Gloria Van Duyn
Finance Officer Michael Hauglid