Learning to Read Scientific ResearchName: ______
9th grade Honors Biology Summer Assignment Block: Date:
Before you begin to research, it is important to understand how research is conducted by other scientists. In this assignment you will complete three tasks to help you learn how to read scientific research. Below is the rubric for this assignment that you should turn in with your finished product.
Task: / Possible Points / Points EarnedTask 1: How to Read a Scientific Paper
Question 2 (8 points)
Question 3 (6 points)
Question 4 (6 points)
Question 5 (3 points)
Question 6 (3 points)
Question 7 (2 points)
Question 8 (2 points) / 30
Task 2:Scientific Journal Assignment
Question 1 (4 points)
Question 2 (4 points)
Question 3 (4 points)
Question 4 (4 points)
Question 5 (6 points)
Question 6 (7 points)
Abstract attached (1 point) / 30
Task 3:TEDTalks Janine Benyus Biomimicry
Question 1 (2 points)
Question 2 (2 points)
Question 3 (2 points)
Question 4 (4 points)
Question 5 (4 points)
Question 6 (2 points)
Question 7 (2 points)
Question 8 (2 points)
Question 9 (4 points)
Question 10 (2 points)
Question 11 (4 points) / 30
Sub Total
Total for tasks:_____/90
Rubric – (include name, block and date):_____/5
Total: _____/95points
* 5 points will be taken off the final grade for each class period your assignment is late.
Task 1: How to Read a Scientific PaperName:
9th grade Honors Biology Summer Assignment Block: Date:
Use the following website to complete the tutorial on reading scientific papers from Purdue University.
1. Log onto the site and click the link to Tutorial Source File.
2. Click on “WHY?” and then answer the following question.
List and explain the four reasons why a scientific paper or journal should be read.
3. Click on “HOW” and answer the following question.
List and explain the three items that will be helpful in understanding the scientific paper.
4. Continue through the tutorial and then answer the following questions.
Summarize the six parts of the scientific paper. Be sure to place the parts of the paper in the correct order.
5. Which section of a journal should be read first? Why?
6. Which section of a journal should be read last? Why?
7. What is the format to use when referencing journals?
8. What is plagiarism? How can it be avoided?
Task 2: Scientific Journal AssignmentName:
9th grade Honors Biology Summer Assignment Block: Date:
Find an article from a scientific journal on the cross-contamination of foods and answer the following questions.
1. In the abstract, what specific results are mentioned and are they relevant?
2. Do you agree with the logic and the conclusion? How is this useful?
3. In the introduction, what information did you need to research so that you could understand the article?
4. How is the data presented in the results section? What units were used?
5. Write a paragraph where you would use specific information from this article and then cite it correctly. Please type in this area.
6. Draw an Experimental Design Diagram that includes the Title, Hypothesis, IV, DV, Trials, Constants, and Control. Place the diagram on the back of this sheet. Attach the abstract to this paper.
Task 3: TED Talks Janine Benyus BiomimicryName:
9th grade Honors Biology Summer AssignmentBlock: Date:
1. Google Search TEDTALKS and select TALKS.
2. Under the search bar type in BIOMICRY IN ACTION
3. Wait for the video to load. Janine Benyus’ talk will run for 17:39 minutes
1. What was the “myth” that Cody believed?
2. What is biomimicry?
3. Explain how the bullet train’s design mimics the Kingfisher.
4. How does the Galapagos Shark repel bacteria? How is this useful in the real world?
5. Explain how an insect from the Namibian desert gathers water from fog. How can this design be of practical use?
6. What is “CLARA” doing that will help the environment?
7. What are “aquaporins” and why are they significant
8. How many polymers does nature use compared to what humans use?
9. What is “swarm technology” and explain how it can be used to save energy?
10. A few years ago a student did a science fair project on maximizing the energy output from wind turbines. How would the humpback whale have helped this student’s project?
11. Janine Benyus and other scientists have created a website (AskNature.org) that will gather scientific information to answer this question –
“What can we learn from this organism?”
Browse through the website, AskNature.org, and then use the space below to write your comments & reactions on the TEDTALK and the website AskNature.org.