Please feel free to make as many copies of this as you need.

David L. Donahue
P.O. Box 218
Parsons, Tennessee 38363-0218

May 31, 2004


Antioch Cemetery is located on both sides of Antioch Road about two miles north of Hwy 45-E. It is maintained very well. The cemetery lies in three sections. The North Section lies west of Antioch Road opposite Antioch Baptist Church. All nineteenth century burials are in this section. Earliest death date on an extant marker is 1875. The section is still in use. The West Section lies west of Antioch Road and south of the north section, from which it is separated by a drainage channel. This section received most burials between 1920 and 1960. Earliest death date on an extant marker is 1913. The East Section lies east of Antioch Road and south of Antioch Baptist Church. This section opened in the 1950s and is laid out in a surveyed grid. Earliest death date is 1955.

David Donahue recorded Antioch Cemetery May 15-16, 2004. Antioch Cemetery was recorded by George and Wilma Nolen circa 1989 and typed by Helen Johnson. The Nolens recorded the cemetery by rows in 1989 and listed of new markers to 1995 at the end. This record is available in the vertical file, Tennessee Room, Jackson-Madison County Public Library. This record without the row designations appears in Madison County, Tennessee Cemetery Records, Volume II — Northern Half of County (Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1998, pp. 123). This is referred to as the Nolens in notes below.

North Section

Allen, F. M., Aug. 20, 1857-Nov. 25, 1879, "Son of W. T. & L. J. Allen"

Allen, John, no dates

Askew, Allena E., Aug. 26, 1867-Sept. 4, 1886, "Dau. of Wm. & Sophia Askew" [death date is hidden in base; death date listed was reported by the Nolens]

Askew, Eugenia Lyde, Nov. 3, 1871-Nov. 5, 1885, "Dau. of Wm. & Sophia Askew"

Askew, Mable McB., May24, 1879-July 19, 1913, "Dau. of Wm. & Sophia Askew"

Askew, Pearl [see Mauldin, Pearl]

Askew, Sophie Scott, Sept. 1839-Jan. 1918, "Wife of William Askew"

Askew, W. M., Feb. 1841-Sept. 1920

Baker, Alice [see Mason, Alice Baker]

Baker, Andrew Carl, Dec. 12, 1899-Jan. 26, 1900, "Son of J. J. & M. R. Baker"

Baker, Gracie, Sept. 19, 1896-Jan. 22, 1899, "Dau. of L. N. & M. E. Baker"

Baker, Joshua, Dec. 8, 1815-Nov. 20, 1892

Baker, Mary C., Aug. 20, 1852-Mar. 13, 1885, "Dau. of J. & L. Baker" (fallen, partially buried) [name identified in the Nolens' record]

Baker, Mollie Turner, 1866-1954, "Wife of Luther Neal W. Baker"

Baker, Rebecca J. Baker, Oct. 24, 1849-____, 1880, "Dau. of J. & L. Baker" (broken)

Baker, Whittie D., Oct. 15, 1880-Nov. 20, ____ [not found in 2004; reported by the Nolens]

Barnett, Jas. P., Jan. 22, 1818-Aug. 23, 1884 [Masonic symbol]

Barnett, Lucinda W., Jan. 9, 1855-Jan. 5, 1905, "Dau. of J. P. & M. H. Barnett"

Barnett, Malinda H., July 18, 1813-Oct. 2, 1882, "Wife of J. P. Barnett"

Barnett, Sara C. [see Mullins, Sara C. Barnett]

Barnett, Stephen Newton, 1849-1911
Barnett, Susan Frances, 1852-1919 [replacement]

Blankenship, Fannie A., dates missing, "Wife of J. P. Blankenship" (broken, discarded under pair of cedars)

Blankenship, Floyd W., 1857-1939, "Father"
Blankenship, Rebecca A., 1859-1950, "Mother"

Blankenship, James H. Sept. 3, 1883-Sept. 9, 1884, "Son of J. P. & F. A. Blankinship" (lichen encrusted)

Blankenship, R. A., Mar. 8, 1834-Dec. 15, 1886
Blankenship, Martha, Mar. 10, 1835-Apr. 22, 1887 (fallen)

Blankinship, Elizabeth, Feb. 20, 1812-Sept. 23, 1879 (lichen encrusted) [unable to read dates in 2004; dates listed were reported by the Nolens]

Brown, Gracy, Oct. 11, 1909-June 28, 1919, "Dau. of Marry & Mealy Brown"

Brown, Joseph C., May 4, 1888-Oct. 3, 1933
Brown, Amelia F., Dec. 13, 1886-Apr. 30, 1964

Darr, Amanda Jane, Aug. 9, 1829-May 2, 1908, "Wife of J. A. Darr"

DeBerry, John H., Capt., Mar. 20, 1828-Apr. 14, 1898
Deberry, Edith E., Dec. 17, 1837-____, "Wife of Capt. John DeBerry"

DeBerry, William H., 1877-1950

DeBErry, William Thomas, 1863-1929
DeBerry, Nancy Almedia, 1867-1960

Dismuke, George Andrew Jackson, Jan. 10, 1850-July 17, 1903

Dismuke, Sarah Frances, Feb. 28, 1854-July 29, 1904, "Wife of G. A. J. Dismuke" (marker is loose on its base)

Ellison, Rosa, Dec. 15, 1880-Oct. 23, 1966

Fly, A. M., Sept. 5, 1819-Sept. 10, 1898

Fly, Clara D., Aug. 16, 1886-May 7, 1888, "Dau. of C. C. & Marie Fly"

Fly, Clevie C., Jan. 25, 1887-May 15, 1887, "Infant son of T. F. & E. E. Fly"

Fly, Dickson Davis, Sept. 10, 1859-Oct. 10, 1880, "Son of C. C. & A. M. Fly"

Fly, E. E., Apr. 19, 1868-Feb. 10, 1901, "Wife of T. F. Fly"

Fly, John Yandle, May 31, 1855-Nov. 30, 1886, "Son of C. C. & A. M. Fly"

Fly, Omer, Sept. 13, 1891-June 8, 1960, military marker "Arkansas Pvt US Army World War I"

Fly, T. F., 1857-1917, "Father" footstone

Gordon, Mary Ann, Miss, Jan. 24, 1847-Oct. 1,1903 (lichen encrusted)

Gordon, Samuel, Jan. 6, 1801-Aug. 8, 1884

Greenhaw, J. C., July 5, 1854-Aug. 8, 1914

Greenhaw, Oscar L., Feb. 6, 1892-July 19, 1892, "Son of J. C. & N. A. Greenhaw" (lichen encrusted)

Greenhaw, William A., Nov. 13, 1879-Apr. 17, 1891, "Son of J. C. & N. A. Greenhaw" (broken)

Hammonds, Ona [see Terry, Ona Hammonds]

Haynes, Charles V., Apr. 24, 1934-____
Haynes, Margaret Cwikla, Mar. 12, 1934-Oct. 27, 2001

Haynes, Mattie M., June24, 1889-Feb. 23, 1985

Haynes, Robert L., June 26, 1883-Apr. 3, 1976

Horton, Mary, Nov. 18, 1889-Aug. 8, 1904

Hyde, Infant, Apr. 14, 1904-Apr. 18, 1904, "Infant son of C. T. & Lucy Hyde" (broken)

Jackson, Sally J., Apr. 22, 1828-Dec. 20, 1889, "Wife of P. H. Jackson"

James, R. D., Nov. 21, 1829-Dec. 11, 1903

Kent, Benjamin F., Apr. 2, 1889-Dec. 10, 1980
Kent, Lettie Myrtle, Feb. 12, 1894-Nov. 21, 1951

Kent, Herman T., May27, 1921-Aug. 1, 1996, military marker as footstone "Herman Thelbert Kent" "PFC US Army World War II"
Kent, Frances Maxine, Jan. 5, 1925-Sept. 5, 1989

Lawrence, Elisha, Mar. 25, 1822-Mar. 30, 1878

Lawrence, S. J., May 19, 1822-Mar 23, 1881, "Wife of E. L. Lawrence"

Leigh, R. E., Jan. 8, 1871-Nov. 27, 1898, "Son of W. J. & M. T. Leigh" [Woodmen of the World memorial]

Leigh, William J., 1839-1910, "Father" footstone
Leigh, Mary T., 1847-1902, "Mother" footstone

Lewis, C. M., Aug. 21, 1869-July25, 1880, "Son of T. H. & M. M. Lewis" [not found in 2004; reported by the Nolens; probably in Lewis lot inaccessible under cedar tree]

Lewis, George M., Aug. 2, 1869-July25, 1880, "Son of M. M. & T. H Lewis" [not found in 2004; reported by the Nolens; probably in Lewis lot inaccessible under cedar tree]

Lewis, Herman W., July 19, 1906-Aug. 16, 1986
Lewis, Virgie M., Dec. 28, 1909-____, "Married January 11, 1930"

Lewis, Jane, Dec. 27, 1841-____, "Wife of John R. Lewis"
Lewis, John R., Feb. 2, 1838-Sept. 2, 1896

Lewis, Lester, 1890-1914

Lewis, Lillie Lee Passmore, Mar. 21, 1865-Feb. 3, 1930

Lewis, Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 22, 1858-Jan. 17, 1892, "Wife of T. H. Lewis"

Lewis, Mary M., Sept. 1, 1842-Apr. 1, 1890, "Wife of T. H. Lewis" (under cedar tree, lichen encrusted)

Lewis, Mollie, June 9, 1853-Sept. 17, 1903, "Wife of T. H. Lewis" "Mollie Mullins Lewis Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Mullins"

Lewis, R. H., 1860-1914

Lewis, T. H., Dec. 18, 1844-____ [not found in 2004; reported by the Nolens; probably in Lewis lot inaccessible under cedar tree]

Long, Arlie Oscar, Aug. 2, 1839-Apr. 28, 1883? (sunken) [sunken into grave; information as reported by the Nolens]

Long, B. C., 1849-1914
Long, M. J., 1859-1921

Longmire, Jack, May 28, 1930-July 22, 1930

Longmire, John T., Sept. 5, 1880-May 15, 1950

Longmire, Joseph Wm., 1835-1901 [replacement]

Longmire, Martha Ann, 1845-1933
Longmire, William, 1835-1901, "Father" footstone [replacement]

Longmire, Mary Claude, 1897-1926

Luckey, Florence Alley, Feb. 4, 1891-Sept. 10, 1891, Dau. of S. J. & S. W. Luckey"

Luckey, John Penn, June 26, 1892-Aug. 18, 1938

Luckey, Samuel Joseph, 1857-1936
Luckey, Sophronia Mason, 1864-1943

Luckey, Susan Ann, Apr. 25, 1824-Feb. 3, 1912, "Wife of J. B. Luckey" "Our mother"

Luckey, Walter, 1901-1968

Martin, Geneva, Apr. 24, 1913-Nov. 4, 1994, unplaced "Wife" footstone
Martin, J. Elijah, Nov. 27, 1911-Sept. 25, 1987

Martin, Hugh, July 15, 1906-July 30, 1908, "Son of W. L. & M. M. Martin"

Martin, M. D., 1866-1939
Martin, Artie, 1877-1968

Martin, M. D., Feb. 22, 1854-Feb. 27, 1938

Martin, Mary, 1851-1895 [replacement]

Mason, Addie P., June 7, 1875-July 8, 1880, "Dau. of L. W. & L. C. Mason" (out of place; discarded on a pile of bricks)

Mason, Sophronia [see Luckey, Sophronia Mason]

Mason, William T., Mar. 22, 1854-Feb. 26, 1938
Mason, Alice Baker, July 2, 1866-Jan. 17, 1923

Mauldin, Lucian Askew, Jan. 25, 1899-July 31, 1899, "Grandson of Wm. & Sophia Askew"

Mauldin, Pearl, Dec. 7, 1874-Jan. 28, 1899, "Dau. of Wm. & Sophia Askew"

McCully, Sarah M., Apr. 17, 1855-July 12, 1898, "Wife of L. C. McCully"

Moser, Theodore, Feb. 11, 1843-Feb. 8, 1927
Moser, Ellen Moser, Jan. 9, 1857-Dec. 9, 1926, "His wife"

Mullins, Alex, Mar. 26, 1850-Jan. 12, 1925
Mullins, Rebecca, Jan. 7, 1847-Feb. 10, 1930, "His wife"

Mullins, Anna Pearl, Aug. 18, 1881-Oct. 19, 1882, "Dau. of H. & S. C. Muffins
Mullins, Nettie, Dec. 21, 1886-May 15, 1888, "Dau. of H. & S. C. Mullins" (fallen, out of place)

Mullins, Aubrey N., Sept. 23, 1890-Dec. 20, 1901, "Son of J. T. & Hassie L. Mullins"

Mullins, Benjamin Ellis, Nov. 4, 1903-Apr. 21, 1976
Mullins, Glyne Allene, June 5, 1925-____

Mullins, Benjamin Luther, Sept. 22, 1882-Feb. 24, 1964
Mullins, Jessie Clyde, Mar. 9, 1886-Aug. 6, 1952

Mullins, Beth M., Aug. 31, 1877-Jan. 6, 1956
Mullins, Ida Lee, Sept. 20, 1881-Mar. 29, 1957

Mullins, Harvey, Dec. 8, 1842-Oct. 23, 1925, "Married Sara C. Barnett on Sept. 12, 1866"

Mullins, Infant, Oct. 26, 1902-Oct. 27, 1902, "Infant dau. of J. T. & Hassie L Mullins

Mullins, Joel L., Aug. 22, 1840-Jan. 15, 1911
Mullins, Nov. 15, 1841-July 16, 1916
Mullins, Nannie N., Oct. 30, 1881-Aug. 5, 1882, "Their daughter"

Mullins, Mollie [see Lewis, Mollie]

Mullins, Nannie M., Oct. 30, 1884-Aug. 5, 1882 (broken, eroded) [identifiable but not readable in 2004; information reported by the Nolens]

Mullins, Robert Lee, July 3, 1896-June 30, 1897, Son of J. C. & Nona C. Muilins"

Mullins, Sara C. Barnett, Jan. 23, 1851-July 14, 1929, "Wife of Harvey Mullins"

Mullins, Sarah, Nov. 2, 1816-June20, 1893, "Wife of Jessie Mullins" [not found in 2004; reported by the Nolens]

Nelson, James M., Oct. 8, 1850-Dec. 6, 1930, "Husband"
Nelson, Fannie T., June28, 1857-Apr. 23, 1937, "Wife" footstone

Nelson, John, 1825-1899
Nelson, Mary Jane, 1840-1889, "His wife" "Father & Mother"
Nelson, Whitlee, 1876-1907
Nelson, Ida May, 1870-1916, "Brother & Sister"

Nelson, William H., Oct. 1, 1842-Feb. 13, 1889

Newman, B. F., Feb. 12, 1809-Dec. 31, 1883

Newman, Mary A., Jan. 1, 1821-Feb. 25, 1889, "Wife of B. F. Newman"

Nicholas, Marshell L., July 18, 1925-July 20, 1926, "Son of W. B. & B. O. Nicholas"

Nowell, Harriet, Mar. 20, 1809-Aug. 30, 1891, "Wife of Dempsy Nowell" (fallen) [marker was face down in 2004; information as reported by the Nolens]

Nowell, Ida M., d. Feb. 13, 1889, Aged _____s. 7 Ms. 23 Ds. (broken)

Owens, Orben E., 1906-1986
Owens, Gertie M., 1905-1989

Parker, William F., Jan. 30, 1850-Mar 23, 1902, "Erected by the Woodmen of the World"

Parrish, George Edward, 1889-1969

Parrish, Lillie Walters, 1890-1947 [adjacent to marker for George Edward Parrish; probably daughter of Martha Thompson Walters and W. A. Walters, whose markers are in same row]

Passmore, Lillie Lee [see Lewis, Lillie Lee Passmore]

Piercey, Carl P., Dec. 18, 1888-Sept. 7, 1891, "Infant son of G. F. & A. L. Piercey" (broken, out of place; discarded on a pile of bricks)

Piercey, Eugene F., 1886-1951
Piercey, Tabitha B., 1886-1975

Potts, Lois [see Pyron, Lois Potts]

Potts, Vivian Elaine, Apr. 1, 1928-____

Potts, Wm. Roscoe, Feb. 2, 1896-Jan. 8, 1956, military marker as footstone "William R. Potts" "Tennessee PFC 249 Mil Police World War I"
Potts, Bertha Lee, July 10, 1896-June 10, 1980

Priett, John, 1854-1922, "Dear dad" [replacement]

Pruett, Addie, 1868-1932, "Dear mom" [replacement]

Pruett, D. Lucinda [see Terry, D. Lucinda Pruett]

Pyron, Lois Potts, Aug. 9, 1922-____
Pyron, Grade E., Dec. 23, 1918-____

Quinn, Lee Brown, Jan. 25, 1916-Feb. 1, 1937

Rivers, William E., 1878-1917, "Father" [replacement]

Ross, Tom, 1881-1923
Ross, Ola, 1889-1935

Scott, Sophie [see Askew, Sophie Scott]

Smith, Benjmin F., Nov. 16, 1898-Feb. 13, 1899, "Son of W. H. & M. L. Smith"

Spencer, Ludie [see Stegall, Ludie Spencer]

Stegall, Millie Jane, Apr. 26, 1891-Aug. 1905 [replacement]

Stegall, Rosa Gaugh, Sept. 28, 1881-Aug. 16, 1946
Stegall, George W., Jan. 10, 1868-Mar. 31, 1934
Stegall, Ludie Spencer, Jan. 29, 1869-Mar. 24, 1906

Tennery, Mary I., 1848-1931, "His wife" "Mother"
Tennery, E. K. P., 1840-1920, "Father"

Terry, G. Herman, June 15, 1902-Nov. 1, 1958, "Daddy" footstone

Terry, Michael H., Jan. 29, 1962-Nov. 16, 1991

Terry, Ona Hammonds, Mar. 19, 1908-Jan. 15, 1996, "Mother" footstone

Terry, Wm. Webster, Apr. 7, 1851-Nov. 9, 1917
Terry, D. Lucinda Pruett, Mar. 21, 1852-Apr. 16, 1926 [replacement]

Thomas, Loretta, 1907-1953

Thomas, Opal Brown, Mar. 26, 1922-Apr. 20, 1978, "Mother" footstone

Thompson, Bettie B., 1885-1967

Thompson, Girtie Beatrice, Jan. 29, 1907-Sept. 27, 1910

Thompson, Ina May, Oct. 1, 1914-Apr. 5, 1927

Thompson, James Earl, 1881-1923

Thompson, James Roy, Feb. 18, 1901-Aug. 9, 1901, "Son of S. T. & M. L. Thompson"

Thompson, Joe H., 1841-1924, "Father" footstone
Thompson, Mary, 1845-1915, "Mother" footstone

Thompson, Martha [see Walters, Martha Thompson]

Thompson, Mary E., Mar. 19, 1869-Sept. 4, 1877, "Dau. of N. & S. J. Thompson"

Thompson, Sarah Jane, Oct. 19, 1847-____, "Wife of Neal Thompson"
Thompson, Neal Thompson, Mar 3, 1843-Mar. 27, 1906

Thompson, T. J., Jan. 12, 1873-Feb. 13, 1889, "Son of N. & S. J. Thompson"

Thompson, Vivian T., July 14, 1878-Aug. 29, 1929

Tooms, Ruby, 1887-1899
Tooms, Jimmy, 1892-1899

Turner, ______, July 6, 1903, "Son of J. B. & B. E. Turner" [replacement]

Turner, Emma J., 1845-1932, "Wife of D. W. Turner"

Turner, M. J., Mrs., 1830-1903 (lichen encrusted)

Turner, Mollie [see Baker, Mollie Turner]

Turner, Z., 1870-1958

Utley, Annie, d. June 9, 1879, 35 Y'rs. 2 Mo's. & 7 Ds., "Dau. of A. & N. Utley

Utley, Nancy, May 14, 1814-June 11, 1885, "Wife of A. Utley"

Walters, E. N., Oct. 6, 1880-Jan. 7, 1904

Walters, Lillie [see Parrish, Lillie Walters]

Walters, M. V., 1877-1949

Walters, Martha Thompson, 1867-1945 [adjacent to marker for W. A. Walters]

Walters, W. A., 1864-1923

Walters, Walter, Nov. 7, 1899-June 29, 1901, "Son of W. A. & M. Walters"

Warmath, Arthur B., Oct. 7, 1887-Jan. 5, 1892, "Son of B. C. & Edna Warmath" (lichen encrusted)

Warmath, B. C., June 22, 1858-____
Warmath, Edna T., Oct. 18, 1867-Feb. 27, 1907, "His wife"

Warmath, Emma, Aug. 6, 1855-Apr. 18, 1901, "Wife of R. H. Warmath"
Warmath, R. H., May 5, 1848-Apr. 20, 1906
Warmath, Susan America, Dec. 12, 1846-Feb. 21, 1888, "Wife of R. H. Warmath" (lichen encrusted)

Warmath, Henry A., Jan. 2, 1854-June 3, 1881, Son of H. H. & Anna Warmath" [not found in 2004; reported by the Nolens]

Warmath, Jesse W., Aug. 19, 1869-Sept. 4, 1885, "Son of R. H. & A. S. Warmath"

Warmath, John Luther, Aug. 12, 1872-Dec. 26, 1890

Warmath, Lucile, Oct. 29, 1899-Nov. 2, 1899, "Infant dau. of J. W. & M. A. Warmath

Warmath, William N., Nov. 3, 1884-Nov. 18, 1886, "Son of B. C. & Edna Warmath" (lichen encrusted)

Warren, D. R., Jan. 21, 1898-June 11, 1920

Williams, A. J., Mrs., Nov. 19, 1822-Jan. 21, 1875, "Wife of A. J. Williams"

Williams, Nannie S., Sept. 6, 1886-Sept. 8, 1892, "Dau. of E. C. & L. M. Williams"

Williams, Valeria, Feb. 3, 1831-Feb. 17, 1880, "Wife of A. J. Williams"

Wood, Otis, Feb. 6, 1906-Aug. 27, 1909

West Section

Adams, Mattie, 1892-19__
Adams, John E., 1873-1945

Adams, Ollie L., 1894-1977

Adams, William Robert, Oct. 13, 1896-July 16, 1947, military marker "Tennessee Pvt 49 Inf World War I"

Adcock, Doris E., Oct. 15, 1917-May 31, 1975, "Mother"
Adcock, William R., July 18, 1916-Mar. 3, 1975, "Daddy"; military marker as footstone "William Rye Adcock" "PFC US Army"

Akins, Monroe M., Feb. 18, 1851-May 18, 1927

Allen, Charles P., 1878-1934
Allen, Lena J. Carne, 1876-1957

Allen, Grover C., Mar. 11, 1893-Sept. 9, 1977
Allen, Tommie H., Oct. 12, 1892-Jan. 25, 1972

Allen, Grover Jeff, Nov. 24, 1928-Apr. 1, 1929 [probably son of Grover C. and Tommie H. Allen, whose double marker is adjacent]

Allen, James N., "James N. Allen's Limb Amputated Mar. 23, 1910"

Allen, Lucille, Oct. 9, 1903-Dec. 25, 1919, "Dau. of C. P. & Lena J. Allen"

Allen, M. F., Mar. 11, 1893-Nov. 11, 1906 (eroded homemade concrete marker) [dates unreadable in 2004; those listed were reported by the Nolens]

Allen, Mary Alice, Dec. 17, 1916-Dec. 30, 1916 [probably daughter of Grover C. and Tommie H. Allen, whose double marker is two markers away]

Allen, Robert Samuel, Oct. 9, 1886-Feb. 18, 1941, "Father" footstone
Allen, Lillie McBride, Feb. 14, 1887-Sept. 21, 1980

Bailey, Bonnie Fry, 1939-1940 [replacement]

Bailey, Isaac Luther, Feb. 10, 1900-Jan. 16, 1978
Bailey, Myrlie M., Sept. 18, 1899-Apr. 23, 1987

Bailey, J. T., 1876-1945
Bailey, R. B., 1880-19__

Bailey, James Edward, 1935-1937 [replacement]

Baker, Billy, Nov. 22, 1923-____
Baker, Delores, June 20, 1940-____

Baker, Don C., 1881-1961
Baker, Cora A., 1878-1947
Baker, Robert J., 1878-1908

Baker, Isaac D., July 22, 1886-Nov. 4, 1963
Baker, Elizabeth E., Apr. 5, 1884-Oct. 27, 1953

Baker, James Wesley, 1904

Baker, John Michael, Jan. 19, 1969, "Infant"

Baker, Mary [see Thompson, Mary Baker]

Barnett, ______, Aug. 1931, "Twin son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Barnettt"

Barnett, Bob, 1931-1968

Barnett, Jack P., 1882-1956
Barnett, Nannie T., 1889-1986

Barnett, James Luther, Mar. 27, 1892-Mar. 1, 1972, "Brother" footstone [see note on Minnie B. Walters]

Barnett, Jessie, 1890-1922
Barnett, Luther, 1882-1956

Barnett, Mae [see Scott, Mae Barnett]

Bell, Billy H., Jan. 21, 1944 [replacement]

Bell, H. Dinson, 1921-1993
Bell, Georgia Sue, 1924-____

Bingham, Dorothy Lorine, Apr. 24, 1929-June 28, 1934

Bingham, Jerry Timothy, Aug. 1, 1964, "Infant son"

Bingham, Jerry, June 15, 1938-____
Bingham, Marie, Apr. 15, 1943-Mar. 26, 1983, "Parents of: Renee, Timothy, Tina, Tabitha"

Bingham, Luther Edward, July 29, 1932-June 18, 1934 [replacement]

Bingham, Willie M., Dec. 20, 1903-May 19, 1979
Bingham, I. Olevia, Sept. 21, 1903-Mar. 17, 1995

Birmingham, Harvey M., 1903-1968
Birmingham, Florence R., 1912-1985

Birmingham, Maggie L. [see McGuffey, Maggie L. Birmingham]

Birmingham, T. R., June26, 1908-May 8, 1963
Birmingham, Nora, Sept. 29, 1910-Dec. 4, 1996

Birmingham, Will S., Sept. 1, 1873-Jan. 5, 1960
Birmingham, Judy Ann, Jan. 13, 1872-Oct. 12, 1958

Black, Alford, Mar. 14, 1927-Apr. 2, 1936

Black, Frank W., Jan. 28, 1929-Aug. 17, 1929

Black, J. B., May 7, 1903-Dec. 30, 1963
Black, Bertha G., Jan. 23, 1903-Sept. 19, 1958

Black, Jackie [see Futrell, Jackie Black]

Bond, David Franklin, 1890-1943

Bond, Eunice [see Milam, Eunice Bond]

Bond, Martha Elizabeth, 1862-1938
Bond, Winfrey Earl, 1843-1916

Bond, William Newton, 1896-1914

Brooks, Annie, Apr. 19, 1900-Nov. 21, 1909, "Dau. of L. & R. T. Brooks

Burney, Theo. M., 1900-1966 [Masonic symbol]
Burney, Honor C., 1899-1980 [Eastern Star symbol]

Burt, Britton Brance, Sr., Apr. 25, 1877-Mar. 28, 1959

Burt, Ethel Luckey, Dec. 26, 1890-Apr. 6, 1938, "Wife of Britton B. Burt"

Butler, Frank J., Jan. 20, 1893-Aug. 9, 1916 [Woodmen of the World memorial]

Carlisle, Grace N., 1907-1982

Cash, Billy Lloyd, Apr. 30, 1928-Apr. 30, 1928

Cash, L. Herman, Nov. 11, 1905-July 5, 1973
Cash, Mary E., June 21, 1910-May 7, 1999

Cheeks, Jessie, Sept. 18, 1890-Sept. 12, 1976
Cheeks, Maude T., June 11, 1901-Jan. 28, 1989

Cheeks, Lucille [see Easley, Lucille Cheeks]

Cheeks, Walter Earl, June 16, 1922-Mar. 11, 1930

Clevenger, Daisy Day, July 21, 1888-Mar. 29, 1907, "Dau. of J. C. & M. E. Clevenger"

Conner, Lizzie, Aug. 13, 1876-June 11, 1960

Crosby, George L., 1875-1954
Crosby, Laura W., 1869-1944

Crosby, Gladys Irene, July 29, 1902-Sept. 26, 1909

Crosby, Miriam [see VanPatten, Miriam Crosby]

Davison, Nelson Singley Brady, Nov. 10, 1894-Sept. 13, 1939, "Son of Ezra G. & Honora T. Davison"

Dawson, Robert W., Feb. 8, 1941-Sept. 29, 1993, military marker as footstone "Sgt US Marine Corps Vietnam"
Dawson, Linda Kay, July 7, 1938-____

Dover, Ellen Anne, Dec. 18, 1949

Dover, Ellis, June 4, 1926-Apr. 30, 1993
Dover, Jacquita, Jan. 13, 1931-July 15, 2003, "Wed Apr. 8, 1949"

Dover, Ross, July 29, 1917-____
Dover, Ruth, Sept. 16, 1927-Oct. 18, 1999, "Wed Jan. 26, 1945" "Children: Charlie and Elaine"

Doyle, Hallie James, 1916-1934

Doyle, Lerlie A., 1889-1953
Doyle, Henry F., 1887-1972

Doyle, Maude E., Aug. 21, 1892-May 6, 1974

Doyle, Newton W., Apr. 15, 1885-June 7, 1950

Doyle, Velma Lee, Feb. 11, 1890-June 22, 1960, "In loving memory of our mother"

Doyle, Virginia Sue, Jan. 1, 1921-Jan. 4, 1928

Easley, Marsha Lynn, Jan. 29, 1978-Oct. 2, 2002

Easley, Walker Lee, June 5, 1923-May 14, 1999, military marker as footstone "Sgt US Army World War II"
Easley, Lucille Cheeks, Jan. 23, 1929-____, "Married Nov. 23, 1946"

Flowers, Barney L., Aug. 30, 1902-Mar. 20, 1982
Flowers, Adah Lillian, Jan. 14, 1907-Apr. 2, 1993

Fly, Emily Irene, 1924-1964

Fly, Jimmie Luckey, 1932-1933

Fly, Luther Curtis, Sept. 5, 1895-Mar. 2, 1960
Fly, Lillie Luckey, Dec. 27, 1895-Mar. 2, 1986

Futrell, Genie [see Rowlett, Genie Futrell]

Futrell, Infant, no dates, "Infant dau. of Clarence & Mary Futrell"

Futrell, James A., Mar. 22, 1873-Feb. 9, 1964
Futrell, Jackie Black, Oct. 20, 1878-Dec. 29, 1957

Futrell, James G., Mar.31, 1842-Jan. 14, 1917
Futrell, Mattie A. Lewis, Oct. 13, 1849-Oct. 16, 1922, "His wife"

Futrell, John Hosea, Mar. 25, 1878-June 19, 1958
Futrell, Lodie Thorne, Aug. 11, 1881-Apr. 16, 1971

Futrell, Lottie Francis, July 25, 1890-Feb. 14, 1891, "Dau. of J. G. & M. A. Futrell"

Futrell, Mary L., Nov. 10, 1903-____
Futrell, Clarence T., Aug. 24, 1901-Oct. 4, 1958

Futrell, Nora [see Mason, Nora Futrell]

Gardner, Lillie Mae, 1874-1929

Gardner, Thomas L., 1865-1937

Gilbert, Allen P., May 1, 1874-Dec. 26, 1950

Gilbert, Hautie E., June 28, 1903-Feb. 5, 1904, "Dau. of A. P. & N. E. Gilbert"

Gilbert, Henry D., Jan. 17, 1904-Jan. 27, 1988

Gilbert, J. R., 1865-1947, "Father"
Gilbert, Mollie E., 1867-1937, "Mother"

Gilbert, Lema, Dec. 30, 1913-Nov. 2, 1999

Gilbert, Leonard W., June 20, 1902-Apr. 29, 1903, "Son of J. R. & Mollie E. Gilbert"

Gilbert, Nancy R., Mar. 24, 1880-Mar. 13, 1975 [adjacent to marker for Allen P. Gilbert]

Gilbert, Rubye G., Feb. 16, 1913-Jan. 15, 2000

Glover, Bess T., 1883-1979

Graves, C. D., July 25, 1906-July 28, 1926

Graves, Flora J., 1895-1932
Graves, Thomas E., 1896-1952

Graves, Franklin L., Sept. 6, 1913-June 26, 1985
Graves, Louise V., May 3, 1922-Sept. 14, 1984

Graves, I. Inman, Sept. 21, 1894-Sept. 25, 1938
Graves, Claudie A., Aug. 20, 1896-Feb. 18, 1971

Graves, James Edward, Apr. 15-Dec. 5, 1919, "Son of T. E. & Flora Graves"

Graves, John M., Nov. 21, 1871-Mar. 13, 1947
Graves, Mattie J. Turner, Oct. 7, 1865-Feb. 17, 1943