From National Inventory Submission 2010 report we used the specific energy consumption

Here is a table extract for Germany for the year 2007 from Version 2010; Inventory 2007

The country, fuel and pollutant specific emission factor are from GAINS data sets

Country Code / NFR02 / Emissionsfactor [kt/PJ] / Fuel / Pollutant / Year
DE / 1A4b / 0,106 / Biomass fuels / NOx / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,14596425 / Biomass fuels / PM10 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,025 / Biomass fuels / SO2 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,0445 / Gas / NOx / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,000165 / Gas / PM10 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,0005 / Gas / SO2 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,087666667 / Oil / NOx / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,006141667 / Oil / PM10 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,127333333 / Oil / SO2 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,075 / Solid fuels / NOx / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,330824875 / Solid fuels / PM10 / 2005
DE / 1A4b / 0,3995 / Solid fuels / SO2 / 2005

The resulting percentages of emission from the multiplication of the emission factor with the energy consumption in relation to total emission is used as the basis for calculating the ratios of the emission of CLRTAP.

Germany / Consumption [TJ] / Emission-Factor [kt/PJ] / Emission [kt] calculated / [%] amount / Emission from CLRTAP [Gg]= [kt] / Emission split [Gg]= [kt]
Liquid Fuels / 467033 / 0,087666667 / 40,94322649 / 39,7 / 54,9270 / 21,7847
Solid Fuels / 39418 / 0,075 / 2,95635 / 2,9 / 1,5730
Gaseous Fuels / 893848 / 0,0445 / 39,776236 / 38,5 / 21,1638
Biomass / 184494 / 0,106 / 19,556364 / 18,9 / 10,4054
Total emission / 103,2321765 / 100 % / 54,9270

Gg (1000 tonnes) = 1 kt

The International Energy data provide no emission factor split for fuel type and could therefore not be considered.