Jan 2016

Eastbrook School

Use of Pupil Premium 2016-7

Expected outcomes:

  • Improved overall attainment and levels of progress for eligible students
  • Improvements in effort, attendance, attitude or behaviour
  • Increased aspirations
  • A broad and balanced curriculum for all
  • Removal of obstacles to achievement

Objectives in spending for 2016-17

At Eastbrook School interventions form universal, enhanced and/or specialist provision. Evaluation of student outcomes show the impact of universal provision whereby all students benefit and a need to extend the provision of enhanced provision to identified specific groups with targeted short term interventions relating to specific subjects and / or issues

Planned Expenditure 2016 - 2017

Success Criteria (linked to Securing Good Plan) / Intervention / Cost (£) / Lead / Success Criteria
Continue to close gap nationally/in-school and to exceed national rates of progress / Small group tuition for En, Ma & Sc - Saturday mornings / 10,000Staff preparation, delivery, materials & leadership & management / HB
SLT / Governing Body / Improved GCSE outcomes with attendance at Saturday sessions
Improved attendance at En sessions
Increase % of PP students attaining A*-C / 3&4L progress in 1, 2 & 3sciences
Half term and Easter revision sessions / 17,000Staff preparation, delivery, materials & leadership & management / Increase % of PP students attaining A*-C / 3&4L progress
Study Guides for Ma & Sc students / 5,000(50% of cost for PP benefit) / Increase % of PP students attaining A*-C / 3&4L progress in Maths and 1, 2 or 3sciences
Raising aspiration and motivation incl. external providers eg The Brilliant Club / 12,000 / Increase from 4 PP students to take part and greater than 75% to submit final project
Use of entry / exit surveys to show positive “soft” outcomes
Increased uptake of PP students to successful courses / Careers, advice and guidance & work related learning / 26,000 / SC
DM / All PP students to go onto courses
Use of entry / exit surveys to show positive outcomes
Increased uptake of PP students to successful courses / Year 11 progression interview to support 16-19 progression / 13,000 / DH
KD / All PP students to go onto post 16 courses
Use of entry / exit surveys to show positive outcomes
Increased uptake of PP students to successful courses post 16 / Vocational Education Co-ordinator working with students at risk of exclusion, becoming NEET or disengaged with school. Liaising with Havering Business Education Partnership for alternative provision / 6,000 Placement cost contribution for PP students
5,000PP Contribution toward leadership & management role / PJa
DM / Reduction in number of or no NEETS
Increased uptake of PP students to successful courses post 16 / Curriculum support at KS4 through courses at Barking & Dagenham College (26 Y10 & 17 Y11PP students) / 43,000Placement cost contribution for PP students / DM / Reduction in the uptake of college placements for PP students
Reduction in the uptake of college placements for PP students / Safeguarding – child protection, Looked After Children and Family Support / 30,000 / VKD
CH / Attendance of PP and LAC
Case studies of successful intervention
Continue to close gap nationally/in-school and to exceed national rates of progress / Access Centre including specific attendance support to enhance attendance provision in line with safeguarding / 22,000Staffing cost of PSA role / PJa
AW / Case studies
Continue to close gap nationally/in-school and to exceed national rates of progress / Counselling and Mentoring / 14,000 / CH / Qualitative analysis of outcomes for referrals
Case studies
Number of referrals closed
Literacy and Reading – continue to improve whole school teaching of literacy and contribution funding to Reading Wise, Reading Pro, Reading Cloud and new Reading Assessment
Staffing of learning resource centre and staff teaching allocation to intervention groups / 10,000 / MC / ML
SB / Increase in reading ages of PP students
All CPD enhanced and focussed on teaching and learning / Teaching Assistants – training costs to enable TAs to deliver targeted support and support intensive interventions / 25,000 / PJa
Maintain strong inclusive model / Access to enrichment activities / 15,000 / LS
Maintain strong inclusive model / Hardship Fund – replacement planners, school uniform, PE kit for PP students / 2,000 / LS / No students disadvantaged by lack of planner, uniform, PE kit
The school ameliorates the disadvantage placed on PP students / Gifted Talented and More Able – master classes, applications to summer schools and enrichment / 10,000 / DH / Increase in PP students getting 5 A*-A
Increase in PP students getting 5A*-C
Match to Family of Schools or national data Student surveys and attainment/progress of G&T/More Able
Increased uptake of PP students to successful courses / 290,000
Focus for Action Plan -Interventions identified from Pupil Premium Review:
Raising expectations of all students. - adopt a minimum level of progress between KS2 and KS4 of four levels
Raising the attainment and rate of progress of White British students
Attendance and persistent absenteeism are a clear issue, particularly among White British girls, and we would suggest that the school develops and implements further strategies to (a) engage these students and their families in school and their child’s progress, and (b) be pro-active in ensuring their attendance.
Learning the lessons from the rapid improvement in English and the success of languages to bring about similar improvements in maths and in science.
A systematic approach to evaluating the impact of all interventions would be beneficial and should include ‘soft’ data such as pre and post intervention interviews and questionnaires. Some of this data could be used to build case studies on individuals and groups to inform future planning.
A tracking system to show who has had what intervention and from PPG would help to ensure that all PPG students receive maximum benefit / Intervention
Changes to school tracker to identify 4levels of progress in traffic lighting and summary
For Sept 2016 PP targets will be set to 4L progress at start of year
Establish and appoint new post “WBRI Champion” with a caseload of WBRI PP students
Review subject action plans for tracking and progress of WBRI
Set up parenting classes
Specific first day absence calling for PP students by WBRI & Ever6 champions
Increase TLZ hours
Increase co-operative working between HoDsEn,Ma,Sc
Review PP practice in English to identify best practice
Establish a policy for interventions which outlines the frequency, method and responsibility for evaluating the impact of interventions which receive PP funding
Schedule a time line of evaluation points throughout the year
Review current tracking system and include analysis as part of PP Panel process
Key Stage Co-ordinator role developed to include closer tracking, monitoring and intervention for PP students / Cost
SLT and administration time
Recruitment and establishing new post
Leadership & Management of role / Lead
MH / SLT line management
SB / RP / ML
MH / Success Criteria
Earlier intervention with PP students
Increased number of PP students making 3+ levels of progress
Year 7 & 8 targets 2016 for Pupil Premium Students include 4L progress
Appointment of WBRI champion
Levels of progress and attainment of casework students
All department action plans to include review and tracking of progress for WBRI
Parenting classes in place
Log of calls made
PP students to meet identified attendance targets
Policy in place
Working group established
Evaluation plans for interventions
Evaluation outcomes for interventions
Tracking documents
Evidence from evaluations of interventions
Case studies
Pupil Panel meeting minutes
Total / ()