“Making a Difference through Leadership and Action”
Cairo, Egypt 23-27 October 2017
In order to have representation from as many BPW affiliates as possible at BPW International Congresses, BPW Affiliates can apply for funding assistance to attend Congress. Applications for assistance towards the cost of air fares for attending an International Congress are submitted to the ExecutiveFinance Officer on the Application Form with copies of the Affiliate's audited accounts, or any other certified statement of accounts for their previous year. Grants are limited to one (1) per regionat the total of 1,000 Euros per person.
Rules and Conditions:
To ensure a fair and balanced use of the Fund and facilitate its administration and distribution, the following rules and conditions apply:
- The Finance Officer scrutinizes the applications and submits recommendations for the allocation of grants for the consideration and approval of the Executive.
- The total sum of the approved grants cannot exceed the balance of the Fund.
- Grants cover only travel costs, and must be the cheapest return fare. The total of the approved grants cannot exceed the balance of the Fund.
- Consideration is given only to applications from Affiliates whose dues for previous years have been paid up in full.
- Preference is given in the first instance to applications from Affiliates who have not been represented at previous International Congresses (now General Assemblies) and, secondly, to those who have not previously benefited from grants.
- Payment is only made at the Congress on production of receipts/invoices for costs actually incurred after deduction of any unpaid dues (including for the current year), registration fees and other amounts owing to BPW International. Requests for payment in advance will not be considered.
The Executive Finance Officer will notify all applicants, in writing, on the success or otherwise of their application within 7 days of the decision of the Executive. The successful applicants will be reminded of the terms and conditions under which the grant will be paid.
Applications must be completed on the official form, be addressed to ExecutiveFinance Officer Roshan Strange:
e-mail:ddress: PO Box 421, Ramsgate NSW 2217, Australia
and President Office: e-mail: ddress: Av. Allende 351 Ote. Colonia Centro, Torreón, Coahuila Mexico 27000
Applications must be received not later than midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) on 22April 2017.
Dr.Catherine Bosshart-Pfluger, Executive Secretary of BPW International
Fribourg/Switzerland, February 2017
Please read guidelines first, then complete in block capitals or type.
First Name: FamilyName:
Postal Address:
Occupation: Date of Birth:
Employer:Home Phone:
Business PhoneFax No:
Position held in club:
Applicant agrees to attend all business sessions of the Congress:______
(Signature of Member)
The above applicant is recommended as being the most worthy BPW member of our Affiliate who would be able to attend the XXIXBPW International Congress.
Signature of President Signature of Secretary Date
Name of Affiliate: